faaaar too lazy to make rhis fancy buuut! extended abt!
neo/awinita or Occasionally lou and/or azzie 17yo white & indigenous (cherokee) <taken3 agenderfluid lesbo, autistic yumeshipper & syshost .... the rest of that info youve got to unlock with a secret key!
byf prone to inactivity due to school and work do nooottt take it personally if i respond slow it is Never to be mean! im a yapper abt my interests and my gf and my selfships. Ask me abt any and i will neevr ever shut up. Speakinf of yumeships Um i yumeship with ash lynx, maya yamato And wataru hibiki..i do not gatekeep per se but i do not share yume wise, other yumeshippers of them r cool as hell im just a bit possessive so ill just vlock if i come across one Idrgaf that much. i dont post thaat mych but when i do i may spam idk. my posts r tupically either abt my gf or my yumes. i will rarely post abt anything else, stories r different tho ill repost wtv! I also woll tag myself, my gf (esp my gf), and my friends in literally wtv as whoever and i woll not do invals whatsoever Idgaf. Unmmm ill add more as i see fit.
interests i have a very wide range of interests SO! my specialcinterests r rlly the only important ones, othees u will find out within time.. bandori, enstars, higurashi, music (in specific, mcr, get scared, the neighbourhood)
dni Um rlly just basic dni criteria, proshippers weidos U get the jist. if i dont like u then ill vlock u rlly thats all