
"faireh" is written on top of a drawing by elyisum_belle on twitter. it shows c!tommy with his hair tied up and in a red jacket and whitebutton up, slightly squinting as he's blowing a bubble of bubblegum. the colours of the drawing are soft, and the background is a pastel pink. the image is cropped and resized to a small square with a fading edge. "faireh" is written in the font "fancy heart" with the colours of each letter going from red to green.
... or ‎ top left candy borderbutterscotchbottom right candy border5TEENlollipopit/moo +
hazara & shi'acolourful swirlagender ‎ + ‎ bi aroacespec ‎ donut
candies the silliest autistic adhd‎er hyper kaomoji ‎ cow lover!
1 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 2 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 3
colourful candy and cake divider

art by elysium_belle

dog laying down and drinking juice

4 ur copy and pasting pleasure

->!["faireh" is written on top of a drawing by elysium_belle on twitter. it shows c!tommy with his hair tied up and in a red jacket and whitebutton up, slightly squinting as he's blowing a bubble of bubblegum. the colours of the drawing are soft, and the background is a pastel pink. the image is cropped and resized to a small square with a fading edge. "faireh" is written in the font "fancy heart" with the colours of each letter going from red to green.](
. . . or  ![top left candy border](***`butterscotch`***![bottom right candy border]( ‎ *5TEEN* ‎ ![lollypop]( ‎ **it/moo [+](INSERTLINK)**
**hazara** *&* **shi'a**  ![colourful swirl]( ‎ **a**gender ‎ & ‎ bi aro*ace*spec ‎ ![donut](
![candies]( the silliest autistic adhd‎er ![hyper kaomoji]( ‎ cow lover!
[![](![1](](INSERTLINK) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ [![](![2](](INSERTLINK) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ [![](![3](](INSERTLINK)
![colourful candy and cake divider](<-

->art by [`elysium_belle`](<-
->[![dog laying down and drinking juice](](FAlREH)->
Pub: 05 Mar 2023 12:50 UTC
Edit: 19 Mar 2024 07:53 UTC
Views: 465