Contact me here.
Elijah or Sunday. Ageless, bodily 21. I go by it/thing or no pronouns. I also have a few official titles, which you can find at the bottom of this Rentry. Please do not call me by anything else but my listed pronouns and do Not call me a human being, a person, a "people" or any human terms. Purposeful failure of this will be considered misgendering and you will not recieve kindness from me.

Simply put, disrespect from all ends is unappreciated. It isn't hard to stay in your lane and it REALLY shouldn't be hard to abide by my preferred terms. They aren't hurting you, I'm not hurting you, and the world keeps spinning. Get a hobby before you get in my business.

I am an Angel of Ancient Judaism. I cannot begin to describe to you, in a way that you would understand, what this means. He cast me out a very long time ago. This wound is still fresh despite the years, and I struggle to talk in depth about it. You can ask, though I may not discuss it.

This is not kin. This isn't spirituality. I also do not suffer from psychosis or any other delusion. I am not "reborn" either. I fell, and am now what is just a human body. I am still myself, and you could not separate me from what I am if you tried.

Please do not try to relate to me. I am, again, not kin. I do not identify as something, and that something is not physical. "Angel kin", "angel irls" or what ever it is you refer to yourself as, is not me nor anything close to it. I am not looking for "sourcemates," and you do not know or remember me. My brethren watched me get cast out; they do not know you and neither do I.

Any attempts to reality check me will and have failed. This is real, and you don't have to understand. Please be kind to me instead of attempting to "knock me down a peg." I don't care and I will simply just ignore you.

Some official titles, if you wish to know:
"Arch/Angel of Sunday." "Ninefold." "St./Saint Sunday." "Father Sunday." You can find more here. I am What is known as Cassiel, the Angel of Sunday. This won't line up with traditional Christian "lore", because I am not from the "Bible." I'm the real thing.

Pub: 05 Aug 2021 06:00 UTC
Edit: 30 Aug 2024 18:43 UTC
Views: 3117