Chuubanite: A Comprehensive Guide

WIP. Please feel free to suggest changes, additions or corrections.

Table of Contents

Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to Vitubia, where our magic is powered by…rocks. Come up with a cool power related to your thread’s culture or topic and the power stored in magic rocks will make it happen. (Dislcaimer: the magic rocks do not actually have to be rocks.)

First and foremost, the magic system exists to help you do cool shit. If you don’t want to sit through an essay on the science behind how the magic works, you don’t have to read any of this. Just go into the thread and say, “Hey, I want to be able to do this cool thing with chuubanite. How can I make it happen?” The resident chuubanite autists will offer suggestions for how to make it work, as well as what changes to your idea might be necessary. Just choose your favorite explanation, slap it into your lore doc and you’re good to go. If someone tells you there's no way to make your idea work at all, then they're a fool and you shouldn't listen to them. Unless the reason they're saying your idea won't work is because it's completely overpowered. In that case, you're the fool. Please tone it down.

Here are some basic rules to keep in mind:

  1. Your magic should all revolve around a central theme. The first step in designing your chuubanite is to decide on this theme. Think carefully about your nation – its people, religion, and culture. What would you consider to be absolutely vital to its identity?
  2. Your magic, as previously stated, can’t be too overpowered. No infinite energy, instantly warping armies across the world, disabling everyone else’s magic, etc. If this was a game and your power would break it, you can’t have it. Please click here if you would like more details on what chuubanite cannot do.
  • Similarly, your magic shouldn’t be used as a cheat code to advanced tech. While you might be able to come up with a justification for magical machine guns OOC, your people should not be able to figure it out IC until the rest of the world is developing actual machine guns. Some level of suspension of disbelief is allowed here for magically advanced nations, just as technologically advanced nations are allowed to have anachronistic tech as long as it doesn’t break the setting. Just don’t go too wild with it, and consult the thread first if you’re not sure.
  1. All chuubanite, regardless of type, can do “mundane” things: glowing, heating up, rotating, and generating a force.
  2. Chuubanite can have both passive and active abilities.
  3. Passive abilities are caused by chuubanite leaking magic into its surroundings. The magic stored in chuubanite will slowly be used up this way even if you don’t use it actively.
  4. Active use of chuubanite requires either bringing the chuubanite into contact with a different material, or for symbols to be drawn with (or on) the chuubanite. If it’s easier for you to understand, you can think of these as spell reagents and magic circles. A combination of both materials and symbols can be used to create more complex effects.
  5. Your chuubanite can have multiple abilities as long as it makes sense for your chosen theme. There should be different requirements to activate each ability. For example, one ability might be passive, while a second requires cow’s blood, and a third requires diamonds.
  6. Your nation can have multiple types of chuubanite if your thread discusses multiple topics, but the overall amount of chuubanite available to you will not increase. This means each specific type of chuubanite becomes rarer.
  7. Your chuubanite is not somehow only usable by you. Anyone who gets both a piece of your chuubanite and the knowledge of how you activate it will be able to use your magic. As far as writing is concerned, this means two things:
  • You can sell your chuubanite, as well as magitech made with it, to other countries if you’d like.
  • If you want the way to use your magic to be secret, you should jealously guard the specific combination of symbols and materials needed to activate your chuubanite.

That’s it. You’re done. Go forth and write some stories about your shiny new magic powers.

Detailed Rules for Perfectionists

But maybe you don’t just want to run off and go write stories. Maybe you’re the kind of person that has the most fun when you can make a system bend without breaking, or simply the obsessive sort who needs to understand the nitty gritty of how something works. This section aims to inform you of chuubanite’s uses and limitations in greater detail so that you can accurately depict more complex interactions in your writing. We will not delve too deeply into the science behind how and why it works, though if you are interested in the subject, it will be covered in-depth in a later section.

Chuubanite Tutorial

To help give you a better understanding of the ideas being presented throughout this section, I will use these info blurbs to walk you through the step-by-step process of designing chuubanite for the fictional nation of Conceptia. Conceptia is a land where the people spend all their time coming up with fanciful daydreams, writing them down, and then arguing endlessly with one another over all the pointless minutiae contained within those daydreams.

What Actually Is Chuubanite?

The world of Vitubia is divided into several different dimensions, and the fictional element of vitibium is the bridge between those dimensions. Vitibium in its pure form is highly unstable, seeking to bind with nearby objects. Most commonly, vitibium binds with minerals – hence magic rocks – but it can bind with anything. Minerals are recommended as the main form of chuubanite because they are long-lasting, can be carved and do not suffer deterioration except over the extreme long term, which makes it easier to manage your chuubanite from a logistical standpoint. However, if you feel that lore demands your magic be powered by a specific species of flower or something, you are perfectly free to make it so. Once vitibium has successfully bonded with another object, it becomes stable, and is then known as chuubanite.

For our purposes, what is most important about vitibium, and subsequently chuubanite, is its ability to connect with the Conceptual Realm. Different kinds of chuubanite have affinities for different concepts, giving it access to different abilities. It has been said before, but it bears repeating: the first step in designing your chuubanite is therefore to decide on your nation's base concept. Think carefully about your nation – its people, religion, and culture. What would you consider to be absolutely vital to its identity?

And yes, your base concept can simply be the chuuba/genre/fetish/etc your thread is about, if you so desire.

“But wait!” I hear you say, “what if the thread I’m representing discusses lots of different things? I can’t just describe it in one word!” Well, that’s perfectly fine. Your nation is allowed to have multiple different kinds of chuubanite. Keep in mind that the total amount of chuubanite available to you will not increase. This means that the more kinds of chuubanite you have, the rarer each specific kind becomes. Though neither approach is inherently “stronger” than the other, whenever possible, I strongly recommend choosing fewer, broader concepts rather than many narrow ones. Why? Well, partially, this will help you avoid getting into the habit of deus-exing your way out of problems by pulling a new type of chuubanite out of thin air every time. But also, restricting yourself in this way can be useful. It forces you to approach problems through a single, unifying lense, which not only helps promote creativity, but also serves to give your magic – and subsequently your nation – a distinct identity.

This isn’t to say you absolutely shouldn’t give your nation different kinds of chuubanite, especially if multiple irreconcilable concepts are all vital to the thread you are basing it on. The reverse, after all, is also true – if you have multiple wildly different groups within your nation, giving them different kinds of magic helps to keep them distinct from one another. It’s just a reminder not to go too crazy with it lest you accidentally handicap yourself.

Chuubanite Tutorial

For Conceptia, the keywords would be "daydreams," "writing," and "arguments." Now, we could just use these keywords as is, making a different type of chuubanite for each one. But as previously discussed, it’s generally better to try and have less kinds of chuubanite, rather than more. Let’s think about how we can broaden our concepts. “Writing” and “arguments” can both be considered derived from “communication,” so now we are left with “communication” and “daydreams” as our keywords. Communication can mean several things, but here we are using the definition meaning the ability to share thoughts and feelings. We can claim creativity as a parent concept to both of these. The reasoning is rather self-explanatory for daydreams, but for communication, the idea is that a creature with no creativity whatsoever also lacks the desire or, indeed, even the ability to share its thoughts with another. So, let’s go ahead and use “creativity” as our base concept.

What Can Chuubanite NOT Do?

Before we get into the things chuubanite can do for you, let us first cover its limits, so that you don’t waste your time coming up with some detailed, complicated idea only to realize later that it’s impossible.

  1. Space-time bending, and by extension, the manipulation of gravity. (Most of the things you would want to use gravity or anti-gravity chuubanite for can be also achieved by having chuubanite just generate a force.)
  2. Blatantly breaking the laws of physics. No creation of energy, endless acceleration, acceleration beyond the speed of light limit, or perpetual motion machines. No immovable objects or unstoppable forces.
    • Portals, like wormholes, are theoretically possible but beyond the ability of any nation or mortal entity. They may occur as a very rare, nearly miraculous natural phenomenon. This can be used to explain people getting transported in and out of /vt/-world, but it will usually require interference by a Janny or similarly powerful otherworld entity.
      • Deliberate teleportation is further complicated by The Corpse of Monoe. Any metal going through a teleporter is drawn to the Corpse, regardless of the intended destination.
      • Basically, you can experiment with teleportation and write about mishaps all you like, but you shouldn't be able to get anything useful out of it.
  3. No anti-chuubanite chuubanite, or anti-magic, at least without severe drawbacks. No thread should have the ability to disable another thread's magic while using their own magic.
    • Noble gases and heavy metals naturally have slight anti-magic properties and can be used to lessen the effects of chuubanite.

If you jumped to this subsection from the Beginner's Guide, please click here to return to the top. Otherwise, continue reading.

Chuubanite Radiation & Its Effects

First, as this is a simpler topic, let us cover chuubanite’s passive abilities. As previously stated, chuubanite gradually leaks magic into its surroundings. Now, you might be wondering: doesn’t this mean chuubanite is radioactive? The answer is yes! This magic radiation generally causes chuubanite to take on a faint warmth and glow. Additionally, just like other types of radiation – such as nuclear or electromagnetic – high concentrations of magic radiation can cause damage to electronics. Because chuubanite and subsequently low levels of magic radiation are prevalent worldwide, this won’t have any real effect on your use of technology from day to day. But you should keep in mind that locales with abnormally high or strong concentrations of chuubanite will mess with delicate electronics, as would attacks from chuubanite-based weapons like /meat/’s smoke bombs.

But how does this radiation affect plants and animals? The answer, as is often the case with chuubanite, is “it depends.” Depends on what? The chuubanite’s affinity, of course. Remember that our magic system is essentially powered entirely by concepts. As examples, /morig/-chuubanite radiation causes calcium buildup, strengthening bones, due to their base concept being a reaper chuuba whose worshippers are living skeletons. Meanwhile, the magic radiation of /uuu/’s forests accelerates plant growth and gradually turns people into sentient trees due to their base concept being a chuuba who acts as the keeper of nature.

If you do not desire one, your chuubanite does not need to have any passive effect at all aside from the mundane ones described in the first paragraph.

Chuubanite Tutorial

Let’s return to the idea of Conceptia’s chuubanite. We want a passive ability that represents our base concept, so preferably something that would explain why our nation’s people are especially creative. Perhaps Conceptia-chuubanite passively acts as a mild hallucinogenic drug. We will say it increases concentration, causes mild hallucinations, and heightens emotion. This gives people long bursts of inspiration to fuel their daydreams and the concentration necessary to get those dreams down in writing, but their heightened emotions and compromised mental faculties cause frequent arguments. This ties neatly into our lore. Because this is an effect our chuubanite always has, we can grind it into powder and mix it with water to create a hallucinogenic tea, which can become an export for our country.

So What Can Chuubanite Actually Do?

Quite a lot of things, really. So long as you don’t break any of the rules outlined in the “What Can Chuubanite NOT Do?” section, your chuubanite can do quite literally anything you’d like. Obviously, it’s impossible to cover so many different possible uses, so this section will instead focus on the “mundane” uses of chuubanite. Before we get into it, let us first discuss how to use chuubanite.

Methods of Activation
Activator Substances

As previously mentioned, chuubanite can be activated by bringing it into contact with something else. From now on, this “something else” will be referred to as an activator substance. Activator substances act like simple on/off switches. Apply activator substance to chuubanite, receive magical effect. Remove activator substance, magical effect stops. Naturally, the effect will also stop if the chuubanite runs out of power. As activator substances act as simple on/off switches, abilities activated this way should be straightforward. If you can’t summarize the effect in a single 10 word sentence, it may be too complex to activate this way. Different effects will require different activator substances, as the same input should always generate the same output.

So what can be used as an activator substance? Absolutely anything which physically exists. This can be as vague and general or autistically specific as you desire. Plants? Go for it. Oxygen? Sure. A specific type of hormone passing a certain threshold? I don’t see why not. You will want to choose activator substances that are thematically appropriate for your lore and the effect you want the chuubanite to generate, but otherwise, go ham.

Chuubanite Tutorial

The idea of Conceptia’s chuubanite passively “boosting creativity” was a fairly simple conclusion to come to, but it’s a little more difficult to come up with an active use for such a broad base concept. Despair not, for if you find yourself in this situation, not all is lost – remember, one of the benefits of choosing a broad base concept is that you can narrow it back down, while the reverse is impossible. Let’s return to the keywords we originally came up with, and choose one of those. This time, we will use “communication” as the basis for our magic. Maybe when a specific activator substance comes in contact with Conceptia-type chuubanite, the chuubanite acts as an amplifier for nearby sounds, taking sound waves that come in contact with it and repeating them at a higher volume. Because our nation places a lot of focus on storytelling, let’s make the activator substance ink, which feels suitably thematic. If you take a small wooden tube where the inside of the bottom half is covered in dried ink and put a piece of chuubanite inside, you could then activate this effect at will by flipping the tube to bring the chuubanite in and out of contact with the ink. This effectively functions as a magical handheld microphone/loudspeaker combo, which would be useful for telling stories to a large crowd. Or, y’know. Maybe the people of Conceptia just use it to yell at each other from across the street.


Glyphs work like a programming language for chuubanite, telling it what to do and allowing you to convey additional information to the Conceptual Realm. If your magic involves some kind of complicated interaction – such as only activating an effect when another condition is met, or the ability for a magical object to behave differently for different users – it will require the use of glyphs. The more complicated the effect or interaction, the larger and more complex your glyphs would become as you define each individual variable. That being said, glyphs don’t necessarily have to be complex. For simple functions, a glyph would be equally simple. For example, carving a sun symbol on a piece of chuubanite might make it glow brighter.

Unlike activator substances, glyphs don’t inherently have an “off” function. Unless your glyphs define specific start/stop conditions, the effect will only stop when the glyph is destroyed, or the chuubanite runs out of power.

Chuubanite Tutorial

Let’s build on Conceptia-chuubanite’s inherent ability to capture and amplify sound waves. Using glyphs, we can separate this into two different functions. One glyph will instruct the chuubanite to memorize the sound waves captured while the chuubanite is in contact with ink. A second glyph will instruct the chuubanite to repeat those sound waves when the chuubanite comes into contact with a different activator substance. Perhaps paper – and other conceptually similar objects such as papyrus – to go with the writing theme. Chunks of Conceptia-chuubanite can thus be used as recording devices. Because many people would not be literate in this time period, perhaps Conceptia uses this ability to export its works in the form of magic audiobooks. They may even sell blank chunks of chuubanite, pre-carved with the prerequisite glyphs, to other nations.

Mundane Uses of Chuubanite

Now that we’ve covered the methods of activation, we can better discuss chuubanite’s uses. All chuubanite, regardless of its affinity, is capable of the following:


As previously mentioned, chuubanite gradually loses its stored energy in the form of magical radiation. This radiation gives chuubanite a faint warmth, up to around human body temperature. In addition to this passive heating, chuubanite can be made to heat up further through the application of activator substances or glyphs. At maximum, chuubanite would be able to heat up until the point right before either the activator substance or chuubanite itself melts. Naturally, higher temperatures will burn through the chuubanite’s energy more quickly.

Examples of application include chuubanite powered heaters, or even forges.


Chuubanite generates a faint glow. Just like with heat, this passive effect can be amplified through the application of activator substances or glyphs. Chuubanite cannot generate light beyond the visible spectrum, so this ability cannot be used to create x-rays, microwaves, etc.

When using glyphs, the glyph would set the chuubanite to a target brightness. Simple glyphs result in a dimmer glow, while more complex ones result in brighter ones. The more complex the glyph, the less leeway there is for the glyph to be inaccurate or poorly drawn, requiring more maintenance.

When using activator substances to increase chuubanite’s glow, the strength of the light is determined by the thickness of the chuubanite, as well as how much of the surface of the chuubanite is in contact with the activator substance. This means a paper-thin layer of chuubanite placed on an activator substance would glow brightly for a short time, while a chuubanite brick would maintain a dimmer glow for a longer period of time. There is no upper limit on chuubanite’s brightness when activated this way, since the system itself behaves as a natural balancing mechanic.

Examples of application are fairly self explanatory. Lamps, lighthouses, and so on. Perhaps it could even be used to create a light-only flashbang.

Rotational Force

Chuubanite can generate a rotational force. The magnitude of this rotational force can be increased.

If the system is glyph-activated, then a rotational glyph inscribed onto a chuubanite object will generate a rotational force with a rotation axis perpendicular to the surface on which the glyph is drawn. Specific glyphs would generate a specific rotational force, with larger glyphs generating higher forces than smaller ones.

If the system uses an activator substance, then putting the chuubanite in contact with the activator will generate a rotational force with a rotation axis perpendicular to the surface of the chuubanite where it contacts the activator substance. The rotational force’s magnitude is proportional to the surface area where the activator substance is in contact with the chuubanite.

An example of application is an automated pulley.

Linear Force

Chuubanite can be used to generate a force. The force accelerates the chuubanite proportionately to the chuubanite’s mass.

When using glyphs, the activation of a force glyph would cause the chuubanite to accelerate in a direction perpendicular to the glyph’s surface. Each glyph generates a specific force, with larger glyphs generating higher forces than smaller ones. For clarification, please take a look at the following low-effort visual:

Poorly illustrated linear motion graphic

When the glyph is activated, the glyph and object move in the direction indicated by the red arrow. No, your glyph should not actually be the word “GLYPH” in shitty handwriting.

When using activator substances, any object made of (or coated in) the activator substance will, when coming into contact with chuubanite, cause the chuubanite to amplify the force with which the activator substance struck the chuubanite. This force then travels through the chuubanite at the speed of sound, and is transmitted to any object in contact with the other end of the chuubanite. The magnitude of the amplification could either be constant for all chuubanite objects, or it could be dependent on the amount of distance the force travels through chuubanite, increasing by a factor of X for each unit of distance traveled.

Examples of application would be a chuubanite percussion cap, and an anti-armor lance. Both are pictured in the attached image, alongside a helpful picture of the force glyph in cartesian coordinates.
Linear force amplification

Chuubanite Meta Interactions

Chuubanite could be one way how we connect the /vt/ world to the real world and the chuubas the board was made for. Events such as a vtuber going on break, releasing an important stream, or going through some drama would all affect chuubanite in various ways.

Is your oshi on hiatus? The light of her chuubanite dims and its powers weaken, sending “Your oshiania” into chaos and turmoil as their magic and technology begin to fail.

Did your oshi just release an important stream/video? His chuubanite enters a particularly high energy state, glowing bright and warm, causing a boom of economic growth and celebrations all across “Your oshiania”.

Is your oshi currently experiencing some drama? Her chuubanite enters a state of instability, and all magic and technology relying on her chuubanite become more erratic and unreliable (for a short time).

Has a new chuuba just debuted and they have gained a thread on /vt/? Scholars, pilgrims, and immigrants travel to the location where a previously unknown type of chuubanite has been rumored to been unearthed. Some of them decide to stay and become a new nation.

Graduations / terminations / quitting would also affect chuubanite, but this would be on a very case by case basis.

In addition to this, chuubanite of any particular type could somehow inherit the personality of its respective chuuba in the form of how the chuubanite acts. Perhaps Kiara chuubanite is considerably warmer than other chuubanites. (Just an example, the respective threads of each vtuber should be the ones to discuss these effects).

I Just Want That Crystal Math


Do you like to research advanced mathematical theorems for fun? Is contemplating theoretical physics your idea of a good time? Have you always wanted deep down in your heart of hearts to attend a university-level lecture on the quantum mechanics behind magic rocks? If so, this is the section for you! If not, turn back now, traveler, or forever be lost.

The conceptual/heavenly realm (hereinafter, "Vitium Field", has a nice ring to it) can be thought of as a field that exist everywhere in the physical world.

To simplify the following paragraphs, here would be the division of the realms, from the smallest to the largest – not by size, but by how many "fields" they contain. The realms in this interpretation are not really separate, but exist inside each other.

  1. Vitium Field aka Heavenly Realm Aka Conceptual Realm

Comprised only of the Vitium Field and its associated particles and entities that are formed of those particles.

  1. Physical Realm

Comprised of spacetime, and all the other fields (electromagnetic and so on).

  1. Superreality ("Reality" would be a better name if not for that word being likely to be used on other contexts and thus would be a poor choice for the name.)

A combination of the Physical Realm, and the Vitium Field. Everything exists within Superreality, and nothing exists outside of it.
All the alternate timelines or alternate dimensions like /trash/ would exist as branches/areas of Superreality, in the form of isolated pockets of Physical Realm within Superreality. The vitium field spans the entirety of the Superreality.
Simplified: Think of Physical Realms (like /jp/ and Vitubia) as planets. The Vitium Field is the space that the planets are engulfed in, and which ultimately connects the planets to each other. Superreality is the solar system, including both the planets and the space surrounding them. For this analogy, forget the existence of anything outside the solar system.
Superreality sort of emerges naturally as the set of both the Physical Realm and the Vitium Field.

Further simplification for what exactly I mean by chuubanite, vitubium, and magic quanta.

  1. Magic Quanta

Waveparticles that exist in the Vitium Field. Comprised of pure magical energy, with an associated set of concepts (which can be thought of as specific waveforms. Emphasis on "thought of as", the concepts themselves may or may not literally be waveforms themselves). Magic Quanta naturally exist only in the Vitium Field. Magic Quanta that are pulled into the physical realm will almost immediately annihilate, releasing their energy in the form magic or conventional energy.

  1. Vitubium

An element/substance that can store Magic Quanta. Magic Quanta that are bonded to Vitubium are "pulled" into the physical realm, and they stay stable for as long as they are bonded to vitubium. May or may not take the form of atoms.

  1. Chuubanite

Vitubium bonded with mundane matter.

Entities of the Vitium Field exist alongside the entities of the physical world but cannot interact with the physical world directly, and naturally the reverse is also true. The exception to this is Vitubium, which interacts with both Vitium Field and the Physical Realm, working as a bridge between the two.
The gods exist as entities within the Vitium Field, and these entities are comprised of Vitium Field associated particles, which are not magic quanta. The vitium field entities thus in a sense exist alongside us physical beings, but the only way they can interact with us is through Vitubium, which is the one shared aspect between the physical realm and the vitium field.
Spirits, Jannies, whatever Mechaffyna is, are all vitium field entities, free to travel between the various physical realms, but able to only interact with them through vitubium.
Concepts themselves may exist as entities or structures of the vitium field. These entities and structures themselves may affect vitubium.

Magic Quanta

As described before, Magic Quanta are waveparticles of the Vitium Field.
Magic quanta have 3 qualities attached to them that are needed to explain their behaviour. These are shown in the picture attached below. Do note that the illustration is NOT WHAT A MAGIC QUANTA LOOKS LIKE it is merely a diagram that helps understand the magic quanta and its qualities.
Magic Quanta Diagram

Probability wave

A wave function that describes the way a magic quanta moves. These can become extremely complex very fast, so I won't delve at all into it. For those interested, the closest real world equivalent for how I imagine the magic quanta probability wave to function are electrons. I'd link a cool picture of hydrogen wave functions here because they are cool but there is a risk of that just confusing people more so I wont.

Very simply, the probability wave's value at any given point of space describes the likelihood of the magic quanta we are observing being found in that point of space. The sum of the entire probability wave is 1, meaning that there is a 100% chance to find the magic quanta somewhere within the probability wave. From this follows that any specific areas of the probability wave have values that are fractions of 1. An area with a value of 0.15 has a 15% chance for the magic quanta being found there. If we know that the value of the probability wave is 0.15 at some point, we can assume that the wave's combined value everywhere else is 1 - 0.15 = 0.85.


Simply, the energy of the particle. The energy levels are quantized, meaning that they can only gain discrete whole number values, and cannot gain fractional values. I'll use the symbol ħ to denote a unit of energy for a magic quanta (how much one ħ is in joules I do not know).
So, a magic quanta can have energies that are 0ħ, 1ħ, 2ħ, 3ħ, 4ħ, 5ħ, 6ħ, and so on. When a magic quanta annihilates, all this energy is released in the form of light, heat, and magical effect.
The existence of a 0ħ energy magic quanta is a special case that may or may not be canonical, but it certainly could be a useful concept to have. We could have only magic quanta of energies higher than 0ħ annihilate in the physical realm, each annihilation leaving behind a 0ħ energy magic quanta, which can exist in the physical realm. These 0 energy magic quanta could work as conceptual information carriers, as they would still have the other 2 qualities of a magic quanta. This means that when chuubanite decays, it is radiating away both energy and conceptual information. This could be very useful for some magical mechanics.


Do note that this refers to the conceptual identity of a magic quanta. You could think of it as a concept fingerprint that is left on the magic quanta, or perhaps a stain that marks the magic quanta according to some vitium entity. When talking about the concepts of the conceptual realm, for the purposes of clarity when talking about the quantum interpretation, please use "Vitium Entity" for living concepts (such as chuubas), and "Vitium Structure'' for non-living concepts (like horniness).

The conceptual identity of the magic quanta. These conceptual identities can be described as complex waveforms that are composed of simpler waves. A more complex waveform is synonymous with "parent concept", and a simpler waveform is synonymous with "child concept". A complex waveform can be broken apart into a series of simpler waveforms, which themselves may still be complex, and could be taken apart into even simpler forms. At some point a waveform can no longer be simplified further. The reverse is also true, a complex waveform can be combined with other complex waveforms to create even more complex waveform. After an infinite number of combinations, a theoretical maximum would be achieved by creating the most complex possible waveform, an all-encompassing concept of everything.

So, there exists 2 extremes of concept identities, the foundational simplest of concepts that can no longer be broken down further, and the all-encompassing everything-concept that cannot be grown any further. Every other concept exists as something that is between these two extremes.


This text includes illustrations of vitubium particles. Do note that these are NOT WHAT A VITUBIUM PARTICLE LOOKS LIKE they are merely useful illustrations for the purposes of describing how a vitubium particle bonds with magic quanta.


Vitubium is a substance composed of particles that can bond with magic quanta. Whether vitubium is an atom, or some exotic particle, I do not know, it could be either, as the exact nature of vitubium is not actually that important for the purposes of this explanation.

Whatever it is, vitubium exhibits the following qualities:

  1. The ability to bond with mundane matter in some way, including but not necessarily limited to, covalent bonding (molecules), Ionic bonding (salts), and metallic bonding (metals).
  2. The ability to bond with magic quanta.
  3. A vitubium particle has a limited amount of magic quanta it can bond with.
  4. As a result of 1. and 2., the ability to interact with the vitium field and the physical realm, and as a result, the entirety of the superreality.
  5. Vitubium has mass
  6. Vitubium behaves like a fermion, aka, ordinary matter, protons, atoms and such. This means that vitubium cannot be in a superposition with itself.

I shall call a vitubium particle that has bonded with no magic quanta an "empty vitubium particle".
empty vitubium particle
I shall call a vitubium particle that has bonded with some magic quanta, but has not been filled with them a "partially filled vitubium particle".
partially filled vitubium particle
I shall call a vitubium paricle that has been filled with magic quanta a "full vitubium particle".
full vitubium particle

Each vitubium particle can hold a limited number, and limited energy, of magic quanta. This number does not have to be 8 as shown in the above illustrations, they are meant to be simplifications, but 8 is also a nice number to work with.

Magic quanta are stable when bonded with vitubium particles, and vitubium particles "attract" magic quanta to a certain extent, while magic quanta "repel" other magic quanta to a certain extent. The emptier a vitubium particle is, the more likely it is to capture a nearby magic quanta and bond with it (hereinafter, "vitubium acceptance"), and on the reverse, the more filled a vitubium particle is, the less likely it is to capture and bond with nearby unbonded magic quanta, and more likely it is to release already bonded magic quanta (hereinafter, "vitubium release"). A full vitubium particle cannot bond with new magic quanta, even if flooded with them, it rejects them (hereinafter, "vitubium rejection").




Rejection, Release, and Acceptance are all probabilistic.
An empty vitubium particle, when coming into contact with a magic quanta, only bonds with it with a certain % chance, which is not 100%. Logically of course, an empty vitubium particle has a 0% chance of releasing a magic quanta.
A partially filled vitubium particle has a % chance to both accept, or release a magic quanta. Neither of these are 100% or 0%. The probability of the vitubium particle to reject a magic quanta is naturally 100% - Acceptance%.
A full vitubium particle has a certain % chance to release a magic quanta, and this % chance is not 100% (at any given moment of time). A full vitubium particle has a 0% chance to accept a magic quanta, and a 100% chance to reject a magic quanta.

The act of using a glyph or an activator substance on vitubium particles essentially skews these percentages. When in use, the probability of the particle to accept magic quanta lowers, and the probability of the particle to release and reject magic quanta grow. These still remain as probabilities, meaning that even in use the release of any single magic quanta is technically not certain. This poses no problem on a macro scale, due to how statistical physics work. What this means is that the smaller your circuit becomes, the less reliable it is, as now the actions of single magic quanta can meaningfully affect your circuitry, while on a macro scale the magic quanta behave not as individual particles, but as a cloud of magic quanta gas, sort of.

Note: When I'm referring to "small circuits" here, I'm referring to circuitry that are composed of, say, less than 100 vitubium particles. As long as you are able to see your circuitry without needing an STM for it, your circuitry is reliable, and the probabilistic nature of vitubium and the magic quanta should not affect you, outside of incredibly unlikely freak events.

Next, to observe how magic quanta behave in a substance composed of vitubium.

If you know how electrons behave in metal, the following should be pretty simple for you to understand, as an analogy to that is where we are going.

A new definition:

Magic Quanta pressure

As magic quanta on some level repel each other (but not to the same extend as, say, electrons), when there are magic quanta in a closed system, the system tries to push away some of the magic quanta. This is why a full vitubium particle is more likely to release magic quanta, why the likelyhood of vitubium rejection grows as the vitubium particle becomes filled, and also why flooding a partially filled vitubium particle in magic quanta rises the probabilities of vitubium acceptance.
Imagine an isolated system with 1 vitubium particle in it. The system is a tight box which forces the magic quanta into constant contact with the vitubium particle.

When 8 magic quanta are added to the system, the equilibrium of acceptance-release is when 4 magic quanta are bonded with the vitubium particle, and 4 magic quanta are unbonded ("free").
When 4 more magic quanta are added to the system, the equilibrium moves to 6 bonded, 6 free.
When 4 more magic quanta are added, the equilibrium is at 8 bonded, 8 free. the vitubium particle is full, and adding more magic quanta to the system does not increase the amount of bonded magic quanta.

If the system was not a tight box, more magic quanta to vitubium particles would be needed to meet an equilibrium, as not the magic quanta are less "pressured" to be in contact with the vitubium particle.


Chuubanite is a general name for any substance that is composed of a significant amount of vitubium particles. Anything can be chuubanite as long as it includes a significant amount of vitubium in its makeup: a diamond which has impurities of vitubium particles bonded to its carbon atoms, a liquid found inside a plant which has vitubium salts dissolved into it, and a copper alloy with small amounts of vitubium mixed in it are all types of chuubanite. For the purposes of this text, let us observe the copper-vitubium alloy:

The orange-yellow orbs are copper atoms.
The rhombuses are vitubium particles.
the purple-ish orbs are magic quanta.

In the above illustration, we have a copper-vitubium alloy where the Vitubium Acceptance and Vitubium Release are close to being in equilibrium for the amount of magic quanta in the chuubanite.

As vitubium particles spontaneously release magic quanta, and the magic quanta pressure forces magic quanta into contact with vitubium resulting in vitubium acceptance, we'll see a system where magic quanta are constantly being released and absorbed. Between each individual vitubium particle there exists a "cloud" of magic quanta in the form of probability waves (remember the wave-particle duality nature of the magic quanta!). As these magic quanta are within the "reach" of vitubium (as in, are inside chuubanite) they can exist without annihilating.

It is at the edge of the chuubanite object where the magic quanta risk being annihilated.

The true nature of chuubanite decay

As the probability wave of a magic quanta spans the entirety of Superreality (but is at its highest near the location of the magic quanta, which is not determined yet, so its a little bit paradoxical but bear with me).

Illustration of what happens at the edge of a chuubanite object.

The image includes explanation. While saying that chuubanite is radioactive will help people understand the radiation more intuitively, it is not exactly how it works. Vitubium does not break apart and decay into other elements, it releases its bonded magic quanta, which then quantum tunnel outside of the vitubium substance / chuubanite object. This is why, unlike with radioactive decay, the absolute amount of radiation of a chuubanite object is dependent on its surface area and the number of magic quanta in relation to that surface area, and not the number of vitubium particles present.
At most, it would be accurate to say that magic quanta are radioactive and even that is a bit of a stretch, but it works while vitubium itself isnt.

An illustration of the entire decay process

Naturally, as magic quanta are being destroyed at the edge of the chuubanite object, the vitubium particles near the edge start to become empty. To remedy this, magic quanta from deeper within the chuubanite object drift outwards (guided by magic quanta pressure), so that the amount of magic quanta within the object is as close to uniform as possible. There is probably a slight gradient with there being slightly more magic quanta at the center of the object than at the edges, but you should never encounter a chuubanite object where the edge of it is empty, while the core is full.

Pub: 01 Aug 2022 02:58 UTC
Edit: 09 Sep 2022 13:58 UTC
Views: 3722