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(MORE) NOTES pls don't quote rt especially priv qrt my tweets, just don't interact to them may lurk in this acc sometimes so i'm sry in advance if i accidentally like and unlike your tweets! not in any specific subtwts so my tweets are just veryy random not spoiler free but i'll try to tag my tweets negativity = hardblock

why make a twt acc when u don't even want interactions? i just don't want to! i'm not comfy
with interactions, and it's enough to me that i can just ramble on about my interests in my own
space, feeling safe, whether there's someone to see it or not. this account is just for my self indulgement!
and is not made to please, disrespect or hate anyone/anything.

but i do hope one day i'd be confident enough to interact with people online :]
thx for understanding!

Pub: 10 Jul 2022 15:19 UTC
Edit: 10 Jul 2022 17:19 UTC
Views: 38