After a tiring and fun day, Hanabi jumped into bed to get some rest as soon as possible. She was ready to drift into the blissful oblivion as soon as her hit the pillow, but she suddenly bolted up. “I forgot to open my secret santa gift!” Hanabi grabbed his present he got from the Christmas tree and unwrapped it with joy. The box was rather small, so she wasn’t expecting much but what she saw devastated her. A lump of coal and a small note saying, “I still hate you faggot.” Hanabi couldn’t hold back her tears “I… I did so much to improve myself, my skills, and my relations with everyone… Why… Why do they still hate me?” Sniffling, Hanabi got back into bed and buried her face into the pillow. “It would be best if I just disappeared…”
Lost in depressive thoughts, Hanabi barely took a bite out of his breakfast. In the cafeteria she watched other dads from afar. All the dads were showing off the presents they got to each other. “I got new glasses!” “I got a plane model!” “I got 5 jars of honey!” Dads must have done their homework, everyone seemed happy with the gifts they received. “They hate me don’t they… There’s no doub- ““Allo, Hanabi-san! What did you get for Christmas?” Seeing how sad Hanabi looked, Ernesto approached her with a warm smile. “I… I got a lump of coal…” Hanabi whimpered. Ernesto let out a friendly laugh. “Hah! Someone thinks you’ve been bad, eh? Don’t worry Hanabi-san, I got a bottle of meds, I don’t mind sharing some.” Ernesto took out a hand made schizophrenia meds bottle filled with green and purple M&Ms and gave Hanabi one of each color. “T-thanks doc…” Hanabi looked at the meds with little appetite “I’ve read in a book once; happiness is a choice. Don’t look so sad brother. It must be a joke; we dads love you!” Hanabi lightly smiled after hearing Ernesto’s words, they felt honest and genuine, she swallowed the M&Ms like pills.
“Ernesto is a real nice guy huh? No wonder why all the dads like him so much.” Ernesto and Hanabi had chatted for a while after that and Hanabi thought about him on her way back to her room. She decided to walk around the park outside a bit as the sun was shining brightly, it was as if Ernesto had actually brightened her day somehow. With a skip in her step Hanabi enjoyed a cozy walk. “Maybe I was foolish to think I should disappear. Life is pretty nice after a- “A horrible, sharp spicy stench invaded her nose. “What the FUCK is that smell?!” Hanabi gagged. She turned her head towards the source of the smell. Hanabi is met with a creepy smile from a creepy old man wearing a wife beater tee. It’s, unmistakably, Spicy Grandpa. “Hehehey theere Hanabi-chan~ What are you upj to?” Spicy’s shaky and coarse voice coupled with his pale bony body made his entire appearance surreal and scary, he was truly something out of a horror movie. “I was just uhh I was just walking I… Need to be somewhere now s-see you lat- “Spicy got too close to Hanabi so she had to stop and take a step back. “Tell me Hanabi-chan… What did yjou get for Christmas?” Hanabi kept taking slow steps backwards as Spicy got closer and closer. “I uhh I got a lump of coal” Hanabi’s back was now against a wall. “That’s soo unfortunate Hanabi-chan. They probably hate you…” Spicy’s face was right in front of Hanabi’s and she was struggling to time her breathing to avoid the horrible musk. “I-I’m sure it’s just a joke, I’m not really bothered by it.” Spicy suddenly kabedon’d Hanabi. “Don’t fool yourself fireworks. We know the dads hate you. They are all horrible people. Don’t you see how they are always fighting in the threads while they pretend to get along on discord? Don’t you remember the things they said about you? Dads are all scum and the ones that smile to your face and pretend to be your friend are the absolute worst.” The creepy smile on Spicy’s face was completely replaced with a serious expression filled with spite. “They have no appreciation for art, they don’t see what I see in you. They do everything the bear wants, they want to become toys to her, pathetic. You know what that is like, and you ran away from that, that’s why I like you, fireworks. Your drawings have soul, you have a will of your own, you know what it’s like to be hated by dads. We are so alike, aren’t we Hanabi-chan~?” Spicy’s serious tone dissolved as he ended his sentence, and his smile came back. “Dads still bully sweet fireworks huh. How horrible~” Spicy caressed Hanabi’s cheek. Even though she felt very uncomfortable, Hanabi was curious to discover this hidden side of Spicy she got to see for the first time. She had a taser in her purse against all odds, she decided to play along and discover more about Spicy.
“So **, * and * were you all along?” Hanabi asked. Spicy had taken her to his log cabin in the woods which was located surprisingly close to dad meetup place. “Not only those but * and * are all me as well hehe.” Spicy bragged. Some of his fake identities had been very successful, he knew much about all the dads. Spicy revealed which dad said what about Hanabi along with proof to confirm his claims. “So… They actually do hate me?” “Yes, fireworks, they do.” Hanabi was shocked to learn that even the closest dads to him were merely just pretending to be his friend while they talked shit in the threads. “Thank you for showing all this to me, Spicy. It’s gotten pretty late so I should head back now.” Hanabi got up to leave but Spicy stopped him. “Hold on Hanabi-chan, I have something for you” Spicy handed Hanabi an used onahole “Here is your Christmas gift cutie~” “T-thanks…” Hanabi hesitantly took it and placed it in her purse. “One more thing, Hanabi-chan. I didn’t get a gift so… Would you mind drawing a quick sketch for me real quick?” Hanabi agreed to do a quick sketch for him. “Please draw Beatani sex blowjob fucking pussy sex in your style hehe.”
Hanabi threw herself into bed as soon as she arrived in his room. “I can’t believe
said that about me… I thought we were friends…” She was back in depression once again and this time she was out of meds. A foul stench took over the room and she remembered the onahole she got from Spicy. The onahole had “I HOPE YOU DREAM SEX WITH ME TONIJGT HEHE” on its side. “What a disgusting fucking creep” Hanabi threw the onahole in the trash then went to sleep.
“Dios mio… You look even worse than yesterday, brother.” Ernesto sat next to Hanabi during breakfast again. “Did something bad happen again?” Hanabi gave him a tired look. “Ernesto… I don’t think it’s just banter. I found out that just about every dad actually hates me. Maybe I should just leave.” Ernesto took out his fake meds again “I think you should take your meds Hanabi-san” Ernesto grabbed an M&M and made a plane motion in air “Choo Choo here comes the plane!” Hanabi kept a straight face despite absurd situation. “MEDS AWA- “Ernesto pinched Hanabi’s nose to force her mouth open and force fed her the meds. Patting her head “There we go, better?” said Ernesto. Hanabi couldn’t help but smirk a bit despite being sad “Better…” Ernesto’s bright smile was almost blinding. “Haha if dads do hate you then you have no excuse to not see the fireworks with me tomorrow!” There was going to be a big celebration that day, most dads had already formed pairs, but Hanabi was all alone. Watching the fireworks with Ernesto didn’t sound bad at all. It was surprising to see how nice he is despite looking like a complete schizo from the outside, he was one of the few dads who didn’t say anything bad about Hanabi too, she had grown to truly like him. “Hehe okay, let’s see the fireworks together Ernesto.”
While walking, Hanabi was startled by a familiar voice. “Hello, my sweet honey angel~” Spicy Grandpa stopped Hanabi and approached her, he had been stalking her for a while and picked the best time to catch her alone. “Did you have nice dreams last night mmmhm~?” Spicy wrapped one arm around Hanabi. “Y-Yeah I did, thanks.” Hanabi secretly reached into her purse just to be sure she’s ready to defend herself. “So how have the dads been treating you? Has Ernesto pulled the prank on you yet?” “W-What?” Hanabi was caught completely off guard with this. “Oh, I thought you would have figured by now. Ernesto has been planning to play a prank on you to humiliate you in front of all the dads.” Hanabi couldn’t believe what she heard. There is no way she could accept the only dad who she believed truly cared about her would be actually just playing a long, cruel prank on her. If what Spicy said were to be true, Hanabi’s tiny heart could never recover from that. “Is that so… He did invite me to watch the fireworks tomorrow.” Hanabi had lost her spirit again. “That must be his plan, if I were you, I wouldn’t show up, being alone while all other dads are having fun in pairs would teach him a lesson.” Spicy smirked as he could plainly see how concerned Hanabi was. “A-Are you sure that he’s going to do something bad?” Hanabi asked. “Of course, haven’t you seen his posts? He’s batshit insane.” Hanabi felt sick as she thought of all the possibilities. What if Spicy was telling the truth? Could she really take such a big risk knowing her heart would be totally broken if he’s right? Why would Ernesto like him anyway? But what if he actually did? Dozens of questions were floating in her head causing Hanabi’s head to ache. “Say Hanabi-chan~ Wanna go watch the fireworks together instead? Come to my place tomorrow instead of meeting with Ernesto and we’ll have some fun togetjher hehe” Hanabi couldn’t answer right away and said that she’ll think about it and quickly left. After laying in bed all day she finally decided to…
Go meet with Spicy instead. There was no way for a dad like Ernesto liked her anyway, it was foolish of her to believe him. She thought of skipping breakfast so she wouldn’t have to meet Ernesto, but she decided to go anyway to hear from him for the last time, maybe he would say something that could give away his plan, then Hanabi could further justify her choice. As always, Hanabi was sitting alone and eating her breakfast with an unhappy look on her face. “Ah, the long face as always. Is there something else bothering you Hanabi-san? You can be honest with me.” Ernesto sat next to Hanabi with a smile, ready to cheer her up. “Well, if you wanted honesty that’s all you had to say.” Hanabi gave him an angry look this time. “What will it take to show you that it’s not the life it seems. I’ve told you time and time again you say some words, but you don’t know what it means to be the most hated dad, to have everyone constantly want you gone. There is something bothering me Ernesto, trust me, there is.” Ernesto was taken aback by Hanabi’s words. “Mierda, maybe your daily dose won’t be enough this time.” However, Ernesto was still determined to make Hanabi smile. “Then I’ll have to use my secret weapon! Oraoraoraora!!” with incredible speed and cunning, Ernesto mercilessly tickled Hanabi, wiping the depressed look off her face immediately and making her laugh like a little girl. “Ahaha s-stop I- Hahaha stop it retard!” Ernesto let go after a little while. “See, you can either be a sad cunt or a sick cunt, brother. Don’t be a sad cunt.” Knowing that Hanabi would be best left alone, Ernesto winked and left. Hanabi’s smile promptly turned into sulking again, she wouldn’t change her mind.
Just two seconds after Hanabi knocked on the door, she heard dozens of locks unlocking quickly one by one. After the firewall was taken down, the door opened, and she was met with Spicy’s iconic creepy smile. “Hehehee I knew you would come Hanabi-chan~ We’re going to have so much fun together.” Spicy immediately wrapped his arm around Hanabi and lead him inside. Hanabi sat down on the dirty sofa while Spicy prepared drinks. “Make yourself comfortable Hanabi-chan we have some time before the firework show begins, let’s have a drink until then~” Hanabi had nothing to lose anyway, Spicy was a creepy motherfucker but he was the only dad who was honest to him. Also, rejecting a kind offer to drink would be quite rude. Hanabi took a sip from the glass Spicy gave him. “Eh, I’m not really good with alcohol. Is this whiskey?” the drink burnt Hanabi’s throat, and she had a hard time drinking it. “I call this one… The roofie.” Hanabi assumed she heard that wrong “W-What? A-Also isn’t it actually pretty late? The… fireworks show… should begin soon…” Hanabi started slurring her words as she got dizzy. “Indeed, Hanabi-chama~ The fireworks show is just about to start.” Spicy easily pinned Hanabi down pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Hanabi struggled in vain as she was too dizzy to fight back, not like she would be able to resist Spicy with her weak girly arms anyway. The drug Spicy used was specifically designed so she would be conscious but unable to struggle, Spicy wanted to give Hanabi an experience. Their lips parted and a single strand of saliva gently fell on Hanabi’s face just before Spicy spat on her violently. “What a stupid whore. Did you really think a dad could like you? Why would I be any different than all the others?” Hanabi’s ears teared up, seeing this turned on Spicy. He smacked Hanabi in the face as hard as he could to get her tears flowing. She tried to scream but she couldn’t do anything but silently endure the happenings while crying. She tried to reach into her purse she left next to the sofa but Spicy immediately understood what’s going on. “My my what do we have here? A taser huh? So, you’re into kinky stuff I see~” Spicy pulled Hanabi up by her hair and put the taser on her neck. “Let’s get that throat loose for me hehe~” Spicy savagely electrocuted Hanabi as if he was trying to actually kill her. “Now let’s see if you make a good onahole~” Spicy unzipped his colossal cock and pushed it deep into Hanabi’s throat with one swift move. Hanabi’s eyes were blank, she was completely spirit broken as Spicy grabbed her hair and used her throat like a fleshlight. Spicy fucked Hanabi’s face until cum was overflowing from her nose. “Ehehe look what a mess you made Hanabi-chan~ Now it’s time for me to work the fire if you know what I’m saying hehe.” Spicy slowly undressed Hanabi, savoring every moment and admiring his catch. “Let’s see if you’re a good girl or not Hanabi-chan~” Spicy rubbed his glans on Hanabi’s clit while getting into the perfect position to penetrate her and potentially pop her cherry with one quick thrust. He jammed his titanic dick inside Hanabi inside as fireworks went off outside. Popping sound of colorful sparks could be heard in the distance as Spicy’s cock tore apart Hanabi’s hymen. “Ohohohoo so you didn’t deserve the coal after all! Don’t worry Hanabi-chan I’ll give you a sticky white gift to make up for it~” Unable to contain his sadistic desires, Spicy pummeled Hanabi’s belly every time he pulled his dick back to thrust again. His knuckles smashed into her soft skin and squished her womb, letting out an unpleasant wet meaty sound every time he landed a punch. After cumming inside her 7 times Spicy finally got tired, he landed a final blow into her soft tummy, flattening her womb and causing her to squirt out what looked like gallons of cum. “Ahh~ Wasn’t that a lot of fun Hanabi-chan? Aww you don’t need to beg; we will be doing this very often hehehe.” The drug had lost its effect long ago but Hanabi’s mind had already been broken by the pain of the violent rape, she could no longer cry or scream. Spicy grabbed one of her arms and pulled her to the basement. “Ah! This is the perfect place for you!” The basement smelled like dead bodies, Hanabi couldn’t see anything because of the dark but it seems Spicy knew where everything was. “I’ll tie you up next to the others Hanabi-chan, don’t worry you’re in good company here~ Ah, but first I have to make sure you can’t escape.” Spicy smashed Hanabi’s elbows and knees with no remorse before tying her to a cross on the wall. “See you later sweets~” Spicy left and locked the basement door. Hanabi’s eyes got used to the dark, she realized that there were dozens of other little girls like her tied up on crosses, most seemed to be dead. The filthy place was filled with rats, roaches, weapons, trash and blood stains. There was also a sign on the basement door greeting the visitors. “WELCOME TO CUNNY TOWN”
Go meet with Ernesto. There was no way for a dad like Ernesto to be lying like that, she felt foolish for doubting Ernesto’s sincerity. Hanabi was sitting alone and eating her breakfast with an anxious look on her face. “Ah, the long face as always. Is there something else bothering you Hanabi-san? You can be honest with me.” Ernesto sat next to Hanabi with a smile, ready to cheer her up. “Well, if you wanted honesty that’s all you had to say.” Hanabi gave him an angry look this time. “What will it take to show you that it’s not the life it seems. I’ve told you time and time again you say some words, but you don’t know what it means to be the most hated dad, to have everyone constantly want you gone. There is something bothering me Ernesto, trust me, there is.” Ernesto was taken aback by Hanabi’s words. “Mierda, maybe your daily dose won’t be enough this time.” However, Ernesto was still determined to make Hanabi smile. “Then I’ll have to use my secret weapon! Oraoraoraora!!” with incredible speed and cunning, Ernesto mercilessly tickled Hanabi, wiping the depressed look off her face immediately and making her laugh like a little girl. “Ahaha s-stop I- Hahaha stop it Ernesto!” Ernesto let go after a little while. “See, you can either be a sad cunt or a sick cunt, brother. Don’t be a sad cunt.” Knowing that Hanabi would be best left alone, Ernesto winked and left. Hanabi’s watched him walk away with a smile, she was glad she didn’t change her mind.
Hanabi ran to her room as fast as she could to avoid Spicy. She jumped into bed, this time with joy and hugged her pillow tightly as she imagined what the night would entail. She put on make up and dressed nicely, she wanted to impress Ernesto. She admired herself in front of the mirror, for a moment she thought about how horrible it would be if Ernesto were to betray her after all this preparation, but she managed to shake the thoughts off. Everything was going to go swell. “Belleza. You look beautiful Hanabi.” Ernesto was surprised at the effort Hanabi put into her looks even though he himself had prepared quite a bit as well. “And you look so handsome in your suit Ernesto.” Ernesto asked for her hand with a gesture and Hanabi put her forward while looking away and blushing. Beautiful sparks and patterns of the fireworks filled the night sky adorned with the full moon. Vivid colors of the sky, elegant light of the moon and Ernesto’s smile that was even brighter coupled with the pink haze of love filling her mind made Hanabi’s eyes tear up with happiness. She thought no dad would ever love her but now, she felt complete. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she heard Clover Club play in the background. “May I have this dance?” Ernesto took Hanabi’s hand once more and they danced in the moonlight. Both absolutely sucked, Hanabi kept stepping on Ernesto’s feet, but they couldn’t be happier. When the song was over, Ernesto grabbed Hanabi by the waist and pulled her closer. “I love you” He kissed Hanabi in front of all the dads as they cheered and applauded. The opposite of Hanabi’s nightmare had come true.
After the fireworks show they were both drunk, Ernesto took Hanabi to his room. Ernesto’s room was filled with guns, knives, and untouched med bottles. His walls were completely covered in schizotic scribbles depicting God knows what. Hanabi was scared for a moment, but she knew she could trust Ernesto. They got in bed together, Hanabi was waiting for Ernesto to make a move, but she realized that he fell asleep. “Umm Ernesto? Aren’t we going to do it?” Hanabi woke up Ernesto by poking him. “Huh? Do it?” Ernesto looked at Hanabi in confusion “Oooh you mean ‘it’. Of course not. We aren’t married yet.” Ernesto immediately returned to sleep after giving his answer. Realizing that it’s not a joke Hanabi decided to wake up him again but with a blowjob this time, she was horny, frustrated and would not take no for an answer. “Whjat if I promised tho be your whaife~” said Hanabi, while sucking Ernesto’s dick. “Normally, I would refuse, but I believe you Hanabi. So, promise me and we’ll do it.” Ernesto took out his dick from Hanabi’s mouth. “I promise! I’ll be your wife! I’ll even make you miso soup every morning!” Ernesto kissed Hanabi on the forehead. The couple went under the blankets and held hands as Ernesto gently made love to his soon-to-be wife. Ernesto’s huge body completely enveloped Hanabi’s small, frail, feminine figure. Despite the big size difference, Ernesto took great care in being gentle and showered Hanabi’s face with kisses as he planted his seed deep within her womb.

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:28 UTC
Views: 552