I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog.

things that upset me to varying degrees from discomforts to genuine triggers.

: italicized are okay to bring up around me with warning. : bolded are triggers & not okay to mention to or around me as it can may cause spiraling, panic, or breakdown. : any others are general discomforts that may withdraw me from conversation, or are fluctuating.

Belos. The Day of Unity / the episode "King's Tide.", Belos possession of any character. mocking / invalidating my source memories, telling me I "clash with canon" / I'm "not canon enough." ???, comparing me heavily to source / the "fanon" interpretations of me. Calling me "Luc", puppy / pup / any variation, a dog, or any romantic petname if you are not my wife. Calling me lamb / sheep / fawn or " little one " / " little thing. " Calling me anything with the word " man " or " boy " in it. Calling me any " derogatory sex terms " ( ex. whore, slut, bitch. ) even jokingly. treating me as though I am genuinely Idiotic or weak, treating me as though I am a joke / entertainment for you. Mocking the way I talk. Threatening physical harm to me or my wife (even as a joke.) Threatening to tie / hold me down. - ( to be added to )

other disclaimers / things to note when talking to me. most of which do not apply to my wife (just because you see her do something to me does not mean you can!) bwuah

though I tend to associate myself with dogs, I do not particularly like being called A Dog unless I do it first within the conversation. I make jokes about my trauma ; you may not make jokes about my trauma. I enjoy & find comfort in media that may be considered childish, if you mock me for this you're a dick. I am a trans woman & seeing my fanon self referred to with pronouns not my own may withdraw me from the conversation due to discomfort. I am quick to jump to defense of my wife in a very violent manner. *this is literally my system role.* I never mean to seem scary or rude & apologize if I am. I have trouble expressing tone properly over text. I tend to fuck up my english / start speaking spanish/broken english/"spanglish" if exhausted, stressed, or very angry ( though I also tend to speak spanish in an affectionate or endearing way, you will be able to tell the difference in mood. ) I do not usually speak how I am typing now. My speech is often messy or influenced by my accent. Family comes first, always, do not push me on how you treat my loved ones. if at any point I wrong you or you become uncomfortable around me, tell me. do not ever force yourself to pretend you're cool with me if you're not. we can talk it out. - ( also to be added to. )

Pub: 30 Oct 2022 03:43 UTC
Edit: 09 Jan 2024 22:51 UTC
Views: 232