Ciel's coloring guide!
Gradient concept
First of, whats a gradient? well imo a color gradient is one color that slowly shifts into another into a few steps. Like a process, you cant just go to school after you got ready, you need a transportation. Which is like red for example, it cant go to yellow without getting through orange!!
As you can see in the image, those are the colors i use to shade my Wanderers hair. Since i normally do light to dark i use the lightest color of Wanderer's hair which is teal thats like light blue!! And also since my shade is warm, i went for the lightest teal to a darkish purple.
We can see how the colors slowly change ( Teal - Purple ) which gives a better view of it. The first option could also be used! But gradients will make your coloring stand out more. To do gradient, only shift slowly to the color at the end, exmp: Light purple - Light magenta - Neutral pink - Darker pink !!
If youre struggling, use this method as a starter! Instead of choosing colors going down, go sideways! It will make it look better. This also works for gradient, but if youre doing a one shade gradient its better to choose the colors going down!
This is how the change of colors will be, you can start with a light color to dark or the opposite and it will still stand out!! Choosing diffrent color helps with your coloring contrast.
The gradient method could not only be use in certain styles, it could be used in any styles or tint!! Even most of tints use gradients to make it stand out.
This is one of the palettes i made, use freely! More palettes can help you color, just visit here
Thank you for reading, this was made by Ciel / @P03T1C tears on github