Notes before I get called slurs by entps
I am not a typology expert, I'm still a
little baby, a little experienced. The
only typology I've ever really helped
type is mbti but that's because I've read
up on quite a lot of documents etc...
If you're well-informed on any of the
personality typologies listed below,
please hmu! I'd really appreciate
notable sources because I'm still
struggling with figuring myself out...
Danny's typology or whatever the fuck
ENFP → I FOUND OUT!!! ^-^!!!!
7w? → Close to deciding, I think I'm
7w6 but I still have to read up.
Sx/so 729 → My mutual helped type
me on this one a while back, but I
don't think it's 100% accurate anym.
Sanguine-phlegmatic → I redid this
a few days ago, I'm still sang-phleg.
Chaotic neutral → Is this even counted
here??? I'm not a D&D fan though.
List of things I'm still reading into ↴
i. Socionics
ii. Attitudinal psyche
iii. The big five
iv. Enneagram → (Rereading.)