How to Use HTTrack to Clone a Website

HTTrack is a powerful and easy-to-use website copying tool that allows you to download and save a complete website to your computer for offline viewing or for use as a backup.


First, you will need to download and install HTTrack from their official website. The installation process is straightforward, and the program is compatible with most operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Copying a Website

Once HTTrack is installed, open the program and navigate to the URL field. In this field, you will need to enter the URL of the website that you wish to copy. For example, if you want to copy the website "," you would enter "" in this field.

After you have entered the URL of the website, you will need to choose a location on your computer to save the copied website files. To do this, navigate to the Save in field and select a folder on your computer where you would like the files to be saved. It is recommended that you create a new folder specifically for this purpose to keep your files organized.

Once you have selected a location to save the copied files, you can begin the download process by clicking on the Start button. HTTrack will then begin to download and save all the files associated with the website, including HTML pages, images, videos, and more.

As the download process is taking place, you can monitor the progress by looking at the status bar at the bottom of the HTTrack window. Once the process is complete, the website will be saved to your chosen location and you can view it offline.


It is important to be aware of copyright laws and the terms of service of the website you are copying. Some websites may not allow their content to be downloaded or mirrored without permission.

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Pub: 26 Jan 2023 00:07 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2023 00:08 UTC
Views: 3828