clorivia you fill the void in my heart. welcome home ♡ 14/8/24

this url isn't and will never ever be open for offers. don't bother putting this on your wishlist as it'll be stuck with me forever, lots of love!
owned by @Gui / Retrospring, and @Clorivia / Sparkler

happy two weeks of owning clorivia ^.^
happy one month of owning clorivia!

there's a teeny tiny bit (2 lines) of nsfw but it doesn't go into detail at all. it shouldnt be terrible

intro hi i'm miya and i love clorivia ♡

reporting live from miya's house — 8.16 , 12:24am
ohmy god.. i cant feel my legs.... My heads spinning i can barely make out what's in front of me. What do you mean we were fed the SECOND the clock struck midnigjt. Having a little picnic date outside of the fontaine city is something only FAGS do im gonna need them to cut it out i fear. But not really bc i feed off clorivia content Like a rat to cheese & navia to some pussy. ugh they're gross who let navia be so happy talking to clorinde like she's just got a resting :D face i fearr.... navia telling clorinde about her adventures has ALL of us rolling our eyes Like. What the fuck do you mean "i could be your knight" I HAVE A SLUR TO SAY! 🙋🏻‍♂️ These losers are so sweet with each other i feel my teeth rotting away

reporting live from the bus stop — 8.16 , 3:37pm
i was just made aware of the fact that clorinde was the one who wrote the letter and drew the tiny clrv chibis. this is why she looks like an ugly bean & navia's drawn as the happiest girl in the world. all memories of their 3 yrs of pre-reconciliation wiped away they're just soo fluffy around each other now.. like i could cry bc that's how clorinde sees navia, just her little :D ball of sunshine 😭.. im gonna sob TT anyways, navia's birthday art was released aswell! navia's gifted a bottle of perfume, and her lesbian ass probably ran to share it with her wife oh wow.

ok fuck it clorivia rant because i hate them BADDDD
3rd of july 2023 when i saw the vision and no one heard me out, now it's 16th of august 2024 & they've got thousands of fans, and we're fed content of them together biweekly because i fear they're attached at the hip, making up for all the lost opportunities during their three year separation TT

my favourite misconception about clorivia is that, "navia would never forgive clorinde after what she did to callas" because it's so blatantly obvious that it's furthest from the truth if you even cared to even SKIM through aq and sq dialogue. navia was more upset about losing her closest friend post duel, than the fact that her father died by clorinde's hands. hate to break it to you but they're on good terms now and that's an understatement because if censorship wasn't a thing they'd be riding each other during every cutscene ♥

i love everything about these freaks, the way their colors complement one another so well, the way that their normal attack animations cover each other's blind spots (and in their first battle cutscene too; clorinde ducking down as navia jumps up and fends off the enemies from her rear), the way both their gazes soften when they lock eyes and they get all shy & sentimental (which is SO evident especially throughout clorinde's story quest), the way clorinde's always the first person navia runs to whenever she has something to share (whether it being her adventures in simulanka, or whenever she simply wants to get something off her chest) , the way it's basically impossible at this point to see one of them without the other, the way they're so familiar with each other's mannerisms to the point where they're seen moving in perfect sync multiple times, the way that, in lyney's words: "no one can change the past. the most important thing is that you two found your way back to each other". stop i'm getting so emotional writing this i can't with them seriously 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔. i love that despite everything these two have been through together, navia still recognises clorinde as her closest friend; the "best one she'll ever know". clorinde swearing to always protect navia in fiction (as a knight protecting her king in simulanka) or in the real world (as her personal bodyguard) no matter what; even when tasting a drink given to them by a friend, which clorinde urges lynette to try first so navia wouldn't have to. clorinde is also often seen walking a few steps behind navia to protect her anytime possible. the way they playfully argue with each other post-reconciliation, knowing there's no ill intent behind their words. clorinde always choosing to eat navia's handmade macarons even though she isn't the biggest fan of sweets herself (or maybe, navia custom makes sugar free macarons for her wife?). the way the name of their first battle ost ("pas de deux di rosula e candela") references a ballet duet (frequently under the context of romantic love) between 'rosula' (navia) and 'candela' (clorinde). the way navia goes from saying, "maybe it would've been better if petronilla never introduced us", full of regret midway through clorinde's sq to "thank you for saving my friend" during the end cutscene, shows that navia takes everything back. clorinde really is the person she cherishes most.

clorivia ruined my life. i miss the person i was before fontaine's release because these sapphics have taken up my everyday thoughts. they're so intertwined with each other & play such a big part in each other's lives it's impossible for me to talk about navia without mentioning clorinde in the slightest; and vice versa. i see yellow purple, i think clorivia. i see the sun and the moon, i think clorivia. i see macarons, i think clorivia. i'm unable to go an hour, let alone an entire day, without them appearing in my mind in some form.

<- look, it's taylor swift wearing clorivia colors! she's a clrv truther i just know it

anyways have all the clorivia image & animation edits / videos i've made!

omg some of these are so ass 😭😭 i'm improving......

my personal favourite clorivia pieces; click on them to redirect yourself to the main post
there's nothing too explicit! if an artist wants their art taken down message me here, i just wanted to use this rentry to showcase all the talented artists within the clrv / yuri community!
there is so SO much more i want to add but unfortunately i've reached character limit. 💔

Pub: 24 Jun 2023 00:50 UTC
Edit: 19 Sep 2024 15:23 UTC
Views: 3276