How Quantum Entanglement Can Help You Win in Blackjack

How Quantum Entanglement Can Help You Win At Blackjack

Of all casino games, Blackjack gives players the highest odds. Still, players are always looking for ways to get the edge over the house - even the slightest one. New research from MIT and Caltech recently showed that players can gain an advantage using something completely surprising - quantum entanglement.


I want to win in blackjack. How about using quantum entanglement?Getty

How to Win in Blackjack

In blackjack, each player at the table is given a face-to-face card and a face-to-face card. They can then choose to "hit" - to get the third card, or "stand", to get as close to a total of 21 as possible. It seems simple enough. But experienced blackjack players know not only the cards they are receiving, but also the face-up cards of the opponent, pay attention to the dealer. Play gentle and collect and this is down to numbers game- know the strategy and the math behind blackjack, you will get even more of your money.

You can take this step further and count the cards. Knowing which cards have already passed through the deck will give you a better idea of which cards you will receive next. Work with the team and your odds go up even more.For more information and a fun twist, check out This was made famous by a group of students from MIT, Harvard and Caltech, and inspired the book "Take Down the House."

Adding Quantum Entanglement to the mix

Quantum entanglement is probably one of the strangest ideas in modern physics.1 The two entangled particles can tell each other's state in an instant, no matter where they are in the universe. This leads to a very surprising conclusion that this communication seems to be able to "move" faster than the speed of light. As strange as this is, there could be entangled particles, as shown by experiments devised by John Bell in 1964.

Artistic entangled particles

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What does this have to do with blackjack?

Also, coincidentally, the authors of the MIT and Caltech paper noticed that the cards dealt to each person were correlated. They all come from the same deck, and there is only 1 card of each kind. So they asked - is entanglement at work.

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The results of this tangled blackjack experiment, published in Physics Review A, worked together to beat the house, with Alice's aim to help Bob win they compared 3 strategies.

First, Alice and Bob traditionally counted cards. Second, Alice simply showed Bob her card. (This would be the best scenario for Bob.) Third, they use quantum systems to help them determine whether they should hit or stand.

Alice would go first, using a quantum system to inform her decision on whether she should pick a third card. Bob can then use the information from, along with what Alice did, to inform his own strategy. In this case, he does not know Alice's card directly, but gets information from the quantum system.

Surprisingly, this entangled system gave Alice and Bob a slight (very slight) advantage, but if the number of cards left on the deck is small, the game will not be as good as it used to be.

But this will probably not be used in casinos soon.

Joseph Formaggio, a professor of physics who is one of the authors of the paper, said: "We need a very large investor, and my guess is that luck with quantum computers in backpacks We think casinos are safe now from this particular threat.”

Beyond the game, experiments show how intertwined systems manifest themselves in our macroscopic, everyday lives.

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Pub: 21 Mar 2024 20:14 UTC
Views: 16