I've had a bit of fun with my descriptions on this final part. I hope you enjoy.

I stood in that ballroom with Ayesha, and her friend Paula, two ladies I had met for the first time that evening. I had photographed them both: the one in an incredibly erotic coins outfit; the other nude under a transparent veil.

Aleysha had been the perfect hostess, and gracious to me, the only male present.

"We must show our appreciation for your efforts, Henry. There is a warm supper which has been prepared by the staff, who will be anxious to get to bed. I suggest we have it served in my sitting room with some more wine, and indulge in some chilled out conversation. I would certainly like to get to know you better. I'm not ready for this evening to end just yet."

Paula nodded enthusiastically. "You know me, always willing to burn the candle at both ends. I'm still buzzing. How about you Henry?"

I looked around. "I've hardly got started. But where are my clothes?"

Aleysha smiled. "The staff have taken them to my rooms. You will be more comfortable in that dressing gown than in your everyday clothes. You can change later.

"Let me show you the house on our way up to my suite."

As Aleysha gave me a brief tour of the house, it was clear that Paula was already familiar with it. These two ladies from quite different backgrounds, were evidently very close friends.

Aleysha's husband, Bashir, had gone to Carlisle for a weekend horseracing meet. He would be back Sunday evening. It was also apparent that Aleysha was not the least put out by his absence.

"I was his trophy wife. I tell you this, Henry, in the strictest confidence. He has no interest in women. Nor in men. He lives only for his horses. I have been the dutiful wife for so long that I have forgotten what I like to do for myself. I have always been so proper and careful; not to give offence or embarrassment. Tonight was a welcome release.

"It felt so good this evening to do something totally outrageous. I could do so in private, in front of my women friends -- and you, Henry. This evening was a changing point for our ladies, I'm sure. We shall not be the same again."

Paula harrumphed. "That'll be a good thing. We're too stuffy."

We had reached Ayesha's sitting room. It was fact a very large upstairs lounge overlooking the grounds of the estate, as she explained. It was furnished in something of a cliché of a rich middle-eastern boudoir, with rich tapestries, decorative wall tiling, free-standing lattice-work screens, potted palms, large richly decorated silk rugs, sofas and an abundance of large scattered cushions.

I gazed around me in wonderment at how the other half lives. But Ayesha was not a brash, rich woman. She was clearly a modest, quiet, dignified lady. Which made her revelation that evening all the more astounding.

A long low table had been laid out with an array of dishes. Ayesha named them all: including halloumi, slices of manakeesh, pizzas, hummus, pitta breads, falafel, tabbouleh, stuffed vine leaves, and so on. A side trolley had bottles of champagne, chilled white wine, rosé, liqueurs, and cocktail mixers.

I gasped. "Were you expecting company?"

Aleysha laughed. It was a beautiful, musical laugh. It stirred my depths into a renewed wakefulness. My fresh arousal felt like an avalanche, so physical was her effect on me. I would have to take care not to over-step the mark in my present, sexually febrile condition. I had drunk little, so was relatively sober, and my passion had been surging to high levels all evening as I endeavoured to highlight the sensuality in such a wide array of attractive women.

Paula was revelling in the aftermath of the evening. "I hadn't expected this event to be a success at all! In fact, I thought the day would have ended early and the leading lights would come up here to hold an inquest."

"I think Ayesha has played no small part in that successful outcome. The perfect hostess to make everyone feel at ease."

Ayesha regarded me thoughtfully, "You know, Henry, it is you who have made the difference. Our women's association has for too long been a sterile, asexual copy of a typical Women's Institute. In London, women know how to congregate in groups which are not afraid to sample the delights of risqué sexuality. Here, in this dull, Home Counties suburbia, we play safe and coy, pretending to be straight-laced and conservative. Yet inside we are bursting with unfulfilled sexuality. I don't know one of our wives who speaks well of her husband. That is sad. But when Josie talked of you, Henry, it excited my passion. There is no baggage in your relationship, simply mutual pleasure.

"I give you full credit, Henry, for bringing us out of our shells, for making photography and eroticism fun."

Paula nodded slowly in full agreement. My eyes flicked from one to the other, in astonishment. I had been flying by the seat of my pants most of the evening, not quite sure what I was doing. It couldn't be me that they were talking about.

Aleysha continued. "Yes, we have helped each other to explore our full sexuality, just a bit, this evening. Lord knows, with a husband like Bashir, I have needed some outlet. All he cares about is his horses."

Paula spoke for the first time for a while. "Do you see any similarities between us?"

I pondered the question. Was it a trick question? Paula was a dancer. Her spoken accent suggested an unexceptional background. I would have to tread carefully with my reply.

"Despite your apparently very different backgrounds, I can see many physical similarities. You both have superb figures. I swoon at the mere recall of your breasts and hips. You are both quite mature but beautifully preserved, with fine figures. But, as to personalities, I can't comment."

Paula responded. "Well said, but we already knew how much you appreciated our bodies, thanks to Brenda!" They laughed uproariously at the memory of Brenda's out-manoeuvring of me, leading to me stripping off to continue the photoshoot.

"We might seem quite mismatched, but we've comforted each other through the neglect from our spouses. Adversity brings strange bedfellows together."

There had to be a reason why Paula had said that.

We had been snacking as we talked, sitting cross-legged on cushions. But none of us appeared to have any real appetite.

Aleysha raised her arms supplicantly to me. "I think we need to lighten the atmosphere. I want some champagne. Can you be the man, Henry, and serve us? Oh, and you can't possibly do so in that hideous dressing gown. Please, take it off."

That stunned me. Ayesha had been the impeccable hostess, beautiful, considerate, but slightly out of reach. Her request to me now was abrupt and so out of character, as far as I had been able to get to understand it.

If it had been a ribald request, the two ladies should by now be laughing, but they weren't. They were sitting with very strained looks on their faces. The sort of tensed expressions I had seen on the faces of women anticipating stripping themselves bare for a thorough fucking on a steam train. I was becoming very familiar with that particular feminine look.

I stood up obediently. My cock sprang out from the gown and began to bounce remorselessly. My tolerant exhibitionism in that house had surprised me, and I had been turned on by the obvious arousal my nakedness had caused amongst the women. I couldn't see the ladies' association being the type of organisation to be hiring male strippers, but they had certainly warmed to the unexpected novelty of the occasion.

I popped the cork on the champagne and carefully poured three generous glasses of bubbly. Carrying a glass in each hand to the two ladies, I was powerless to resist as Aleysha who, in quite unladylike fashion, leant forward and took my cock into her mouth. Now, oral sex does little for me; I'd much rather enjoy a woman's body to turn me on, but the sheer pleasure showing on that beautiful lady's face as she indulged in something naughty and illicit was exciting.

Paula sprang up to relieve me of the glasses, like a willing acolyte. Aleysha sucked gently on my shaft, taking it far down into her mouth, all the time looking up at me with her dazzling eyes. I gently backed away and knelt down and kissed her fully on the lips.

I turned to look at Paula, then back at Aleysha.

"Of all the women I have photographed today, I've been most smitten with the two of you. You not only shared a brilliantly sexy outfit, but you both have enough sensual allure to satisfy any man on the planet. You fire my passion now, but I'd like to see you both in all your finery. I'd be thrilled if you would dance for me."

Paula leapt up with a broad smile on her face. "Your wish is my command. Don't stop there."

She went to a concealed cupboard behind a wall panel and hits some keys on a computer keypad. Then she glided her way back with her dancer's divine footwork, and cast off her dressing gown. Aleysha stood and followed suit. The music began: a classy orchestral version of Je t'aime moi non plus. The two ladies faced me, the one in the captivating coins bikini outfit, the other in the sheer coins veil. They exchanged conspiratorial glances then began to dance in synchronicity, moving in complementary steps for a few bars then coming together to kiss and trail their fingertips over each other's bodies.

My libido soon reached overload with such erotic beauty on display for my private pleasure. I had to restrain myself from grabbing my cock and wanking furiously, promising myself that my ultimate reward was likely to be the most unbelievably fantastic fucking session I could ever imagine.

They seemed to know this piece of easy listening by heart, perhaps to have performed to it together before. At times, it was if they only had thoughts for each other, but then they would separate and fix me with their gaze whilst they displayed their bodies within their barely concealing costumed constraints.

Paula came forward to gyrate, then slip down onto her haunches to spread her knees, which opened up her crotch. Like a slow motion capture video of a flower blooming, her labial lips slowly burst out from behind their restraint below the lowest row of two coins, and blossomed with their signposting to nirvana for my straining cock. She stood up again and unhitched the clasp of her bra at her back. It released the constraint on her breasts and allowed her to luxuriate in the freedom she felt from their previously tight confinement. They responded by bouncing with joy, their nipples enticing my pulsating cock closer, with rampant man attached..

She backed away for Aleysha, my classy goddess, to come to the fore and gently twirl. It gave flight to her veil to lift away from her body so that she could display herself to me once more. She unfixed her wrist and neck bands as she twirled her divine body, then cast the veil aside as she in turn sank to her haunches and leant back to offer me an uninterrupted close-up of her astonishing, brown pussy flaps and raging pink vaginal furnace.

Paula whirled in front of her kneeling partner and twerked her bottom in Aleysha's face, as the Arab siren pulled the strings of coins down from Paula's loins to expose her pubic delights to my enraptured gaze. Their two naked bodies whirled in a joyful expression of their freedom from all clothing constraints. They luxuriated in their nakedness.

The music ended and they stood and bowed to me. My gaze switched from one superb naked body to the other, unable to decide which I preferred. I postponed that decision and stood up to kiss each in turn, as my belly did backflips of lustful anticipation for what I hoped would follow. They put me in a body sandwich and hugged me, rubbing their desiring bodies against mine. I gently moved free and placed them back to back. They giggled at this odd departure, and pushed their bottoms up and down against each other's. I walked slowly round them, fingering a breast or a nipple, then plunging a finger into a wet cunt, stealing brief but passionate kisses. They played the game, and gasped, and whimpered; sagging at the knees as their bodies fired off internal impulses to kick start their arousal. But they were firing blanks because their vaginas were yet to be plundered. Yet neither entertained any thoughts of the other gratifying their impulses. They each yearned for a large, genuine and stiff cock to propel them into their orgasmic stratospheres. It showed in the desire in their faces.

I steeled myself, and pulled Paula down onto a pile of cushions. My cock was crying out for satisfaction and I had to control myself to ensure that I could service both these superlative bodies. She whimpered with anticipation, long delayed, as I buried my head in her slit in search of her clit. She screamed, "No, no, too late for that, just fuck me!"

I obliged, sliding my raging tool between her labial folds. The feeling of relief was almost overwhelming as my cock sensed the satisfying squeeze of dominating vaginal muscles intent on squeezing every bit of friction which would trigger a boiling over of sexual passion into ecstasy. I forced myself to hold back, letting my iron-hard rod do the business within her tightly constricting vaginal muscles. I so wanted to enjoy that moment of connubial gratification with her gorgeous body. But I had another to serve. My pubic bone pressed against her engorged clit, to heighten the sensation for her and bring her to a climax.

I was managing to control myself quite well until I felt warm, soft, caressing flesh enveloping my back and bottom. I knew that it was the beautiful Aleysha hugging her stunning flesh against my back. It would ruin everything if the mere thought of her sensual nakedness triggered my climax now. I fought the intrusion into my concentration and felt Paula tense beneath me for several seconds, then relax, as her body confirmed that it had scaled the heights and was now drifting back downwards with satisfaction.

My mind was calm and rational as I withdrew my still hard cock from her vaginal embrace. It berated me for depriving it of gratification in Paula's beautiful loins. I kissed her, and whispered, "Paul, you are truly beautiful and desirable."

But my deeper motivation was focused on the main prize. The woman in a million, the very thought of whose body sent seismic palpitations pinging around my insides. Her sexual crucible was my ultimate goal.

I felt that compelling flesh slip from my back, leaving it cooling and forlorn. I could only imagine its sensual beauty awaiting my pleasure. I rolled onto my back. Aleysha stepped over me and descended without further preliminaries onto my prone but willing body. She might have been a concubine satisfying her lord. My anticipation was interminable, yet it was perhaps but a few seconds before I felt her warm, soft flesh make contact with mine. She lay prone on me, her front pressing insistently, spreading every pore of her flesh against mine in an infinity of bodily communion. She was relishing that moment, the woman who could have had any man she wanted, yet had been starved of love and affection.

I was in awe of this statuesque, elegant woman of breeding. I could not have hoped ever to have consorted with such an exclusive female in everyday life. Yet here, in this rarefied environment of her private boudoir, I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to savour the delicacy of her prime female womanhood.

She was mirroring my thoughts. Starved of love and affection in a public marriage of convenience, with a man who had little need of human love and affection or women, Aleysha craved the mundane, everyday life of a woman who would be loved for herself, and not for what she represented: a token wife to be displayed but never loved or cherished.

She smothered my face with gentle kisses, and ground her hips beseechingly against mine, holding off the moment of ecstasy. She was a woman to be worshipped and admired. I could not treat her like a whore or a mistress. I must be patient whilst her body worked its magic and brought her to a crescendo. We continued to kiss; to caress each other's flesh, and to luxuriate in the tactile pleasure the body of each gave to the other. There was a calm serenity about Aleysha that fired up new triggers in my psyche; a woman seemingly of such physical purity and exception that it purified my desires into a noble act of obeisance.

I gently turned her off me and onto her back and knelt to kiss her thighs whilst my fingertips caressed her hips. Next, I kissed my way up her belly until I reached her breasts. They quivered with her sexual tension. Her nipples felt like hard pebbles in my mouth. She pushed my head impatiently down to her groin, and writhed sinuously as my tongue found her sweet spot. She was coming to the boil, with or without my participation. No time for sucking.

I surrendered all control and knelt between her open, welcoming thighs. I plunged into her remorselessly, like a rabid dog with no sense of rhyme or reason for my primeval instincts. I was the unstoppable force of nature, bent on procreating to enhance the gene pool. I wanted to plough the depths of this beautiful creature, to stake my emphatic claim to mastery over her exquisite body. I was the alpha male. My plunging piston filled her divine passage and made her body quiver with excitement as her loins summoned up the electrical charges which would send her into stratospheric delights.

Paula's breasts brushed across my back, to enhance my passion. Her fingers caressed my bottom cheeks. Then they slipped unseen to my balls from behind my back. I felt exquisite pleasure of one woman caressing me whilst I ploughed another with my shaft. I felt Paula willing me to propel Aleysha to the pinnacles of ecstasies. It broke down my self-restraint and triggered my default setting: procreation at all costs and fuck the consequences. My reservoir of sperm prepared to evacuate its combat troops for the invasion of Aleysha's loins and womb. I felt the growing warmth of my spermal forces preparing for their assault on her vagina, from within my spermal troop transport.

In that moment I experienced a profound passion for a woman I had met just a few hours before. I knew nothing of her life or her feelings. Yet I was besotted with her. She was looking up at me like a long-time lover. She felt normal beneath my loins. My frenetic thrustings slowed to match her gentler rhythm. I could hear her gentle gasps increasing in pitch and intensity as she neared her summit. Her pounding heart drew her inexorably towards her climax, seemingly drawing my own sympathetic reaction out of me. Our mutual passion in that moment transcended wealth, class, culture and status. Two humans closed in on a mutually connubial bliss. She shrieked with pleasure and clung to me as her tremors took hold, her upper body suspended under mine.

I pumped her with my juices as she clung on to me to maintain the closest of physical connections. She might have been physically dependent on me for life itself, so closely did she cling. Then the moment of release. She gripped my arms tightly as the tremors swept through her loins.

She relaxed her hold and slackened her back under me whilst she recovered her breath and senses. Then her eyes widened and she whispered. "How did you do that? How was that possible?" That inscrutable question again.

I gently rolled off her and onto my side. "It was nothing, other than a natural response of a man to a woman that he loves."

"You couldn't possibly know that."

Paula pushed me gently onto my back and slung a leg across my belly. Talking over me to Aleysha, she said, "What is there not to love. You are the sweetest of souls, who is cruelly neglected by your husband."

Then she addressed herself to me.

Pub: 11 Mar 2021 03:33 UTC
Views: 118