tutorials html guide & html & css beginners guide & text overlapping img* & rotating img & music player how-to & click / tap effects & absolute positioning*
text shake text & bubble text & bouncy text & scramble text & rubberband text & wobble text & glitch text & gradient text & tilting text & bordered text & typing text & typing with pixel text & popping text & marquee text & mask text & flicker text & stitch text & triple outline text & lightup text
image img bounce left to right
image border plain border & brown border 1 & brown border 2 & pink lace border & lace border & pink ribbon(?) border & round pink border & nene's lace borders
image mask lace mask & heart mask & blur mask & star mask & paper mask & hello kitty mask & nene's mask collection v1 & nene's mask collection v2
on hover / click rainbow on hover link & blur on hover link & text with hover & img rotate on hover & rubberband link & wipe sideways link & img mask link & animated on hover link& saturated img on hover & img shake on hover & grayscale img on hover & rotate + blur on hover img & hello kitty img mask on hover & heart img mask on hover & italicize on hover text & italicize + blur on hover text
effects glitch effect & spinning effect & shake effect & wobbling effect & floating effect (works with img and text) & tv effect
scrollboxes scrollbox w/ buttons & normal scrollbox (no border) & rounded edges scrollbox & double bordered scrollbox & lace scrollbox & colored bg scrollbox & old scrollbox & in page dropdown scrollbox & this scrollbox & scrollbox with gif/img as bg & slide up to reveal scrollbox & img blur on hover(?) scrollbox & 4 scrollboxes in one & flipping book reveals scrollbox & 2 img bg scrollbox
cursors music note cursor & question mark cursor & flower cursor & click explosion img cursor & heart click explosion cursor
menus dropdown menu 1 & dropdown menu 2 & dropdown menu 3 & gina crd co menu & nubes crd co menu & scripted drr ac menu & limonysal menu & hashimoto crd menu & damian crd menu & lala uwu ai menu & flower menu & heart menu & bookmark menu & bubblegum uwu ai menu
background falling hearts bg & falling sakura leaves bg & floating hearts bg & custom image fall bg & white butterflies bg & bubble bg
misc custom cursors & web neko & web counter & gifypet & chatbox & multiple sections one embed & pop up chatbox & img zoom + grayscale on hover & img heart on hover & custom scrollbar & click for a fun fact button & img rotate on hover & notebook tab & tabs thingy & slide up container & marquee title & girly uwu ai buttons & message pops up when page opens & windows 98 browser thing & click sound effect & cutesy byf / dni / interests section
none of the links are mine!