The Husband's Hideaway: Candy and Lenore, The Mothgirls

[Hey there, just wanted to inject a quick a note up here. I decided to use this encounter as an excuse to test out a bunch of prose, /remember tricks, and the (at the time) new Author's Note function. So that's why the coom part of this pastebin is like, 18 thousand fucking words. Anyways, the usual format from here on out is going to be more date stuff, bit more story, with an injection of coomer stuff towards the end. The smut's not going anywhere, just more spice is all. Enjoy some more mothgirl action!]

You find yourself stirred awake the next morning by Charlotte's hands running through your hair. You groggily open your eyes to see her looking down at you with a warm smile, your sleep reflection in the glimmer of her eyes as she softly pets you in her embrace.
"Did you sleep well?" She asks.
"Yeah..." You answer.
"You're so warm... I could just hold you like this forever..."
The two of you embrace, holding each other tightly as you feel her warmth and love for you.
"So... Is a venom hangover normal?" You ask, breaking the warm silence.
"Hm? Oh. Yeah, I guess so. It's really rare for a man to survive the venom, let alone have enough energy to get it up..."
"Oh, well... I guess I'm special." You say with a smile.
"You are special." She says with a smile of her own.
"I've a lot of exposure to love toxins lately, guess I'm finally building up a tolerance."

"Luck you." Charlotte says with an affectionate tap on your nose.
"Would you mind if I went and rinsed off before we go get breakfast?" You ask.
"Not at all. I need to wrap up a few things here anyway."
Charlotte lets you out of her arms, and with a few quick thread pulls you're gently set down on the floor by her webbing.
"Pretty cool stuff, those silk cords of yours," You remark.
"I'm glad you like it. Now go get yourself clean, I'll be here when you're done."
You head for the bathroom and quickly get some hot water running once you're inside. The water pressure is good, the hot water feels even better against your skin. You're a little sore in a few places, mostly along your neck where Charlotte bit you, but other than that you feel pretty good.
You take a moment in the shower to reflect on the events of the past day. You got back from five days of sick leave and were immediately tossed into Cherry's clutches. You handled that pretty well, before you were passed off to Aria, which was almost on the easy side. Then there was Snow. You don't want to reflect on Snow too much. Charlotte was your fourth client from yesterday, but now...
You're in a different kind of game. You're no longer just an appointment only manwhore. You're providing a boyfriend experience. And something tells you Charlotte is just going to be the first of many to start adapting your services like this.

You finish your shower and quickly dry off, then put on your clothes. You head back out into the main room, where you find Charlotte preparing what looks like milkshakes.
She notices your entrance, turning her head and greeting you with a warm smile.
"My, my. Look at you! All freshened up! Your hair is awfully cute when it's messy like that." She says in a sweet voice.
"Thanks." You reply with an awkward smile.
She hands you one of the milkshakes she's poured. You take it from her and look at the drink, it's a sort of light brown mixed with trails of white.
You give her a curious look. "What's this?"
"Ah! One of my old favorites. Coffee with chocolate and vanilla. Nice and chilly, too." Charlotte says as she hungrily sips from her glass.
"Sounds pretty good." You say, taking a drink.
You take a sip of the shake as she watches eagerly for your reaction.
The taste is... Interesting. The liquid feels cool and chalky as it goes down your throat. The flavor isn't bad, but it's not compelling, either.
You quickly gulp down the rest of the drink.
"Good? I can make another if you'd like."
You hand her back the now empty glass. "I appreciate it, but I'm good."

"So," she says, putting the glass on the counter. "I'll be seeing you again tomorrow afternoon, alright?"
You raise your eyebrows in surprise. "That soon? I mean, I don't have any issues, I just wasn't expecting you to be so enthusiastic."
She giggles. "I'm a very forward person! I've been thinking about this for a while, you know."
You rub the back of your head nervously. "Yeah, I can tell..."
"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow!" she says with a wave as she heads out the door.
You wave back and head out behind her.
As you walk back to the Husband's Hideaway, you find yourself wondering if you really can keep up with Charlotte, let alone the regulars you seem to be stacking up lately. Candy, Cherry, Charlotte... why do they always start with C?
You have much to think about as you make your way back to the brothel.
You eventually conclude you're going to have to do plenty of strengthening up in order to keep pace with your new workload. It won't be easy, but it will be necessary if you want to avoid taking five days off again in the near future.

You push through the rotating front door of the Husband's Hideaway, greeted by the sight of Rita reading another one of her magazines at the front desk.
"Hey Rita, how's it going?" you ask.
"Oh, the usual," she says, tossing the magazine aside and leaping up to sit on the front counter. "How was your day with Charlotte?"
You raise an eyebrow. "How did you know I was with Charlotte?"
Rita giggles slightly as she looks at you with a smile. "Zal keeps me in the loop, silly! This new boyfriend experience thing sure does sound fun! How was it?" Rita asks, seeming a bit... personally interested.
"It was good. Very good," you remark cautiously. "Charlotte took me out for some food and a walk around the city before we retired to her place for the night."
"Ooh, details, details!" Rita says, hopping up and down on the spot in excitement.
You smile. "Well, you're a dirty little minx, aren't you?"
"I can't hear this! I'm working!" Rita exclaims, turning her head away with a lewd smile.
You chuckle as you walk past Rita, towards the stairs.
"Have a good rest of your morning, Rita."
"You too, Ryan! Make sure you come back on time tonight! You're on the slightly earlier timeslot for the night shift today." Rita says as you head up the stairs.
"Thanks for letting me know!" You reply as you head down the hallway to your room.

You enter your room and collapse onto your bed, sighing contently.
Your take a moment to rest from your walk, assessing your condition and some plans for the rest of the day until you have to clock in for the night shift.
You're soon interrupted from your daydreaming by a knock on the door.
"Hey, you decent?" a familiar voice asks.
"Come on in, Zal," you say.
Zal opens the door and steps inside, smiling at you. She's dressed in clothing that's more suited to someone going out for drinks than for work, which makes you curious as to where she's heading off to.
"Hey Ryan, how are you?" Zal asks.
"I'm doing well. I'm a little tired, but other than that I'm good," you respond.
"I'm glad to hear it. I swung by to ask about how things with Charlotte went," Zal says, nodding to the silver mark on your shoulder.

"Oh yeah," you say absentmindedly as you look at your tattoo. "Things went well. She took me out to this quaint little juice bar and a walk through the city before we went to her place for the night. The mark saved my ass, worked perfectly. Charlotte's not the type to stress over details, like protection or venom dosage," you say with a chuckle as you rub the two impressively sized pockmarks in your neck.
Zal seems to take a moment to gawk at your neck. "Fuck... You took a full venom dose from her and lived to talk about it?"
"Three, actually. Maybe more, I'm not too sure."
"Get the fuck out!" Zal exclaims in disbelief.
"I wouldn't bullshit you, boss. Guess all this exposure to love toxins finally came in handy, huh?" You say with a smirk.
Zal smiles and shakes her head. "I knew there was a reason I kept you around. Anyway, I've got to go check up on the new boys and make sure they're ready to start their first night shifts. You should head out and savor your break before I see you again."
"Yeah, I was planning to do that soon anyway."
Zal gives you a quick peck on the cheek before leaving your room.
You stare at the door in a bit of shock, before running your hand along your cheek and looking at it with a similar expression. It's clear Zal is still lusting after you, but she somehow manages to confuse you in new ways ever time you learn more about her affection for you.
You shake your head and smile. You're not going to worry about it too much right now. You have a bit of free time, so you might as well use it.

[This next part was just a big section of prose related to spending the rest of the day on break here, nothing interesting. So I cut it, dropping us right back at the start of the action when I clock in for the night shift.]

You check your watch and wipe your brow, realizing how close you cut it. With a sigh of relief, you head through the revolving door of the Husband's Hideaway and head to the front desk.
You arrive to find that the front desk is unattended. You check your wristwatch and see that it's still a few minutes before the start of your shift. You lean against the counter and wait for Zal to show up.
"Hello there~" a sweet voice says.
You look up from your wristwatch to see a familiar figure. She's a mothgirl, with soft tan fur and large purple eyes. Her purple hair is tied up in a bun, and she's wearing a long white robe.
"Candy! You're back!" You exclaim with enthusiasm.
"Of course I am! Did you miss me?" She says, approaching the desk and leaning forward, giving you a good view of her cleavage.
"How could I not?" You respond.
She giggles and smiles.
"Mmmm. That's good. Mama missed you too. You fluttered away for almost a week! Mama was worried her precious little boy wasn't coming back," Candy says with a pouty expression and batting eyelids.

"Ah, sorry about that," you say as you rub the back of your head awkwardly. "I was just taking a bit of sick leave to rest up and heal from a few things. Never meant to make you worry." You give Candy a warm smile to punctuate your apology.
"Hmmm... Mama's big strong boy is the best in the whole world! There's nothing to be sorry about," Candy says with a sweet smile, stroking your cheek.
"That's good. So, you're back for a while?" You ask.
"Mhmm! Mama has lots of time to spend with you today!"
You regard Candy with a smirk, before pulling her into a fluffy hug. "I can tell you've been waiting for this."
Candy dramatically falls back into your arms, running the back of her hand across her forehead for extra effect. "Oh, the wait was torture! Mama tried so hard to make do without you, but..." Candy suddenly leans forward, licking your ear with a whisper. "...nobody can replace my favorite little boytoy."
You chuckle. "Glad to hear I've made myself stand out."
Candy giggles and kisses you on the cheek. "So, what do you want to do today?"
"It's your call, Candy. The Husband's Hideaway is doing boyfriend experiences now, so you can take me wherever you want. If you have the coin for it, that is." You add with a small chuckle.

Candy gasps with surprise, her face lighting up with pure joy. "Really!? Mama can take you anywhere she wants today? Oh, this is the best day ever!"
You chuckle. "Sure thing, just as long as you're willing to pay for it."
"Oh, Mama's got lots of coin for her baby boy!"
You wince a bit as she hugs you tightly. "Let's go! Let's go! Where do you want to go first?"
Candy thinks for a moment. "I wanna go to the park and see the pretty trees! I wanna fly around enjoy the night lights!"
"Alright, then let's go to the park." You say with a smile, pulling out of the hug.
"But first," Candy says, grabbing your hand and leading you to the door, "we have to go get you a new wardrobe! It's not everyday that Mama gets to spend time with her baby boy after all! We have to make sure you look extra cute for Mama!"
" I really have a choice in the matter?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
Candy giggles. "No, Mama's already decided! It's this way, baby boy!"
You sigh as you're dragged out of the brothel and into the streets of the inner city.
"So, where exactly are you taking me?" You ask.

"Mama's taking you to the best clothing store in the city!"
You rise your eyebrow curiously. "The best, huh? Are we actually going to the best store in the city, or just your favorite little hole in the wall?"
Candy pouts. "Hey, don't diss on the place Mama works at! It's nice!"
You immediately start with surprise. "Oh! You work at a clothing store? That’s... really cool! I didn't mean to say something unkind. I'm sorry."
You hang your head slightly as a sign of remorse.
Candy laughs, hugging you once more. "Mama knows you didn't mean to! Don't worry, baby boy!"
The two of your walk through the lamp-lit streets for some time, Candy gently massaging your hand with hers as she softly hums. She seems captivated by the soft lanterns, which is probably why she's not talking much. You decide to break the silence.
"So, what do you do at this clothing store?" You ask.

"Mama's the boss!" She says, smiling.
"You own it?"
"Mhmm. Mama works hard every day to make special stuff for people to look nice!"
"How did you come to own a clothing store?" You ask.
Candy smiles a bit. "Mothgirls are taught how to work with silk and fabrics from a very early age. It was always my dream to make it a job instead of a small hobby. My husband was a wealthy adventurer, so when we got married, he took a chunk of his riches and helped me buy a shop. It's been Mama's little castle ever since."
You notice her wings droop a bit, seemingly reflecting on the past a bit too deeply. You squeeze her hand slightly, which seems to make her perk up a bit.
"That's lovely, Candy. What sorts of clothes do you make there?" You ask to try and ease her mind.
"All sorts! Mama makes the fanciest dresses and shirts, as well as other clothing."
"Like what?" You ask.
"Well, like fancy suits for businessmen! And Mama made a whole line of clothing that became very popular with the adventurers with big arms and legs!" She says, using her free hand to rub your bicep. "But Mama likes making robes the most. Those are her favorite."

You take a moment to admire Candy's white silk robe.
"This is one of Mama's! I make quite a few for myself!" She says, smiling.
You smile back at her. "It's very pretty."
"Thanks, baby." She says, rubbing your arm some more.
You enjoy the rest of the walk in silence, until you reach a large stone building with a neon sign that reads "Mothlight".
Candy turns to you. "This is it, baby. Are you ready to have the time of your life?"
You nod your head. "I sure am."
"Great!" She says, pushing through the doors.
The inside of the building is decorated with a gothic theme. Black and purple dominate the color scheme, with red carpets and curtains everywhere. Large chandeliers hang from the ceiling, glowing faintly.
You stop for a moment, looking around the interior in awe. "Woah... This place is beautiful, Candy!"
She smiles. "I'm glad you like it!"

Her hand finds yours, and she begins to pull you towards the counter. You follow eagerly.
Behind the counter is what appears to be another mothgirl. She stands a bit taller than Candy, with inky black fur and grey skin complimented by piercing red eyes and crimson vortex patterns on her wings.
"Lenore!" Candy says, scampering up to the counter.
The mothgirl smiles. "Hello, Candy."
"Lenore, this is Ryan. He's the precious little boy I picked up a while ago at that lovely place across town." Candy says with a cheery voice.
Lenore smiles at you, revealing stark white teeth that seem to pop out against her dark color scheme. "Pleased to finally meet you."
"A pleasure to meet you as well." You say, smiling back.
"You know, you definitely live up to the hype." Lenore says, cocking her head to the side with a grin. "Candy's lucky I didn't get to you first."
You chuckle awkwardly, before looking over at Candy. "I'm flattered. So, what sort of clothing do you have in mind for me, Candy?"
Candy looks at you, tilting her head to the side with a smile. "You'll see."

She leads you over to the counter, and Lenore hands you a small red bag. You look inside it, pulling out a large red ribbon.
"What's this for?" You ask.
"You'll see!" Candy says, skipping over to a nearby staircase.
You raise an eyebrow, before seeing Lenore motioning you to follow.
You follow Candy up the stairs, into a dressing room. A large number of clothes are set out for you.
"Strip." Candy says matter-of-factly.
You raise an eyebrow, looking over at Lenore.
Lenore just smiles, shrugging her shoulders. "Wouldn't want to upset her, would you?"
You shrug in return, beginning to undress as Lenore turns around. You quickly pull off your clothing, before setting it down on the floor. You enter the changing room, putting on a pair of tight black leather pants. You then put on a red silk shirt, buttoning it up and fixing the collar. After that's done, you put on a black leather belt with a silver buckle, as well as some black boots.

You step out of the changing room, as Lenore nods in approval. "Yes... I think that looks good on you."
You notice Candy pouting slightly. "No! It's all wrong! There's no purple! He'd look much better in purple!"
Lenore raises an eyebrow playfully, looking over at you and then back to Candy. "I don't know, Candy. He seems pretty good to me. Just look at him! The curves on those pants are delicious."
Candy returns her attention to you for a moment, her gaze lingering on your lower half for what feels like a while. She gently bites her lip, before shaking her head and turning back to Lenore.
"Mama thinks... compromise is needed." Candy states.
Lenore looks at her quizzically. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"
Candy rubs her chin in thought for a moment, wings idly fluttering. After a small wait, she snaps her fingers and raises a pointer finger into the air. "A robe! Mama will make you a robe!"
Lenore gives a small nod. "A robe it is. Would you like me to help, or...?"
Candy nods her head. "Yes, yes! Mama wants this to be excellent!"

Lenore smiles. "I'm sure you do. Why don't we head to the spinning room and get started?"
You clear your throat, and the two of them turn to look at you. "So, do you want me to stay dressed like this, or...?"
Lenore waggles her eyebrows with a cheeky grin. "I've got no complaints."
Candy nods in agreement. "Yes, stay like that. Mama likes."
You raise an eyebrow, as the two of them take your arms and begin dragging you along. "Off to the spinning room, I take it?"
Candy turns her head towards you. "Yes! Mama and Lenore are going to make you a lavish robe!"
"A robe of silk?" you ask.
She shakes her head. "No, silly! It's going to be a fur robe! Moth fur and silk together!"
"Oh, that sounds nice."
"It is. Only the finest for my precious little boy!"

Candy beams at you, as the three of you head towards the spinning room. You find yourself in a large room with several desks covered in jars of multicolored fibers, as well as several strange looking spinning machines loaded with jars of multicolored fibers. Lenore walks over to one desk, pulling out a jar of dark red fibers.
"Now then! Let's get started!"
You take a seat on a small workshop stool as Candy and Lenore set to work. They mix together jars of silk threads and moth fur colors to bring about a variety of shades and hues. Their intermediates are fed to the spinning machines, which they operate with incredible skill. You have no idea how they work, but Candy and Lenore look like experts in motion as they deftly weave the fabric with their fingers.
Eventually, Candy procures a mannequin from the other side of the room, which she and Lenore start assembling pieces of fabric on.
You don't know how much time passes, but you don't really care. Watching them work like this is fascinating, as a masterpiece of fabric begins to bring itself together on the mannequin at the center of their dance.

Lenore and Candy work with their tools in unison. Every now and then, they'll glance at each other, and you can't help but think that they're talking without words. You've never seen anything like this, it's like watching a dance performance by two talented artists. The way they work is absolute perfection, and you can't take your eyes off of them.
After a while, they finally finish their work. Lenore and Candy step back, looking proudly at their work. The mannequin is now covered in a colorful, beautiful robe that is far and beyond anything you've ever seen before. The base color of the robe is an inky black that shimmers with the gloss of silk, but the real eye-catcher is in the details. The entire robe, from top to bottom, is covered in flowing patterns. They've been stitched into the silk with moth fur, a beautiful river of dark red and purple that swirls and shifts in ways that almost make the patterns seem animated against the black silk.
The inside of the robe is lined entirely with moth fur as well, this time a soft gradient of snow white and soft tan that covers every inch of the interior.
Lenore and Candy look at you.
"Well? What do you think?"

You stand up, removing your outer layer of clothes, and the two of them fasten the robe in place around you while you look at your reflection in the mirror. With a satisfied smile, Candy ties the robe to your waist with the red ribbon she gave you. The robe drapes over your body, the soft fur brushing against your skin. It's incredibly comfortable, and you feel a certain warmth inside from how... maternal the garment is. You can't help but smile.
"It's... it's beautiful," you say, running your hands through the fur. "Thank you both."
Lenore and Candy smile, then, in unison, they embrace you. You gasp as the two of them grab you. Their breasts are pressed up against your body, and their faces are right by your ears.
"You're so cute!" Lenore says, kissing your cheek.
"Th-Thanks." You reply, a bit flustered.
"You're so sweet," Candy says, kissing your other cheek.
"I... I am?"
"Oh, yes. You're so kind and gentle... I can tell you'll be a perfect boyfriend."
"Yes. You'll be my boyfriend. And you'll be Lenore's boyfriend as well."
You pause, not really knowing how to respond to that. Before you can say anything, though, Lenore speaks up again.
"You don't mind sharing, do you?" she asks.
"N-No... not at all," you reply.

"Great!" Lenore says. "I can tell we're going to have plenty of fun together. Candy's told me very good things about you..."
You feel Lenore press against you a bit harder, before she runs her tongue along your cheek. Candy seems to notice, and tucks herself against your other side a bit firmer too, nuzzling her head against your shoulder.
"You're so sweet... I bet you taste good," Lenore says, before running her tongue along your neck.
"I bet you like it when I do this, don't you?" she continues, licking your neck up and down, back and forth. "You like it when I lick you here, don't you? You like it when I suck on your neck like a little vampire? You enjoy it when I'm nice to you?"
"M-Maybe..." You sputter. It's a little overwhelming having two mothgirls up against you like this. You can feel the blood rushing to your face.
"Oh, you're so sweet..." Lenore says, before moving her head in and kissing you on the lips.
You feel her press up against you, wrapping her arms around your back and holding you tightly against her massive bosom. She pushes her lips against yours, forcing her large tongue into your mouth. You feel a little dizzy as she swirls her tongue around inside your mouth, pressing up against the roof of your mouth and rubbing up against your own tongue.

As Lenore continues to work your mouth passionately, Candy starts to set upon you as well. She slips a hand underneath your robe, gently rubbing your abs as her other hand runs through your hair. Lenore licks the inside of your mouth even more feverishly as Candy starts to suck on your neck.
"You like that, don't you?" Lenore asks, breaking the kiss.
"Y-Yeah..." You respond.
"How much do you like it?"
"I... I like it a lot."
"Do you want me to keep doing it?"
"Yes... Please..."
"Do you want Candy to stop?"
"No... Please don't..."
"Do you want both of us?"
"Yes... I want both of you..."
"Both of us what?"
"Both of you... to please me..."
"How do you want us to please you?" Lenore asks, rubbing up against your legs.

"Lenore... Please..." You say, feeling dizzy.
"What is it?" Lenore asks.
"You weren't... A part of this job... Didn't pay..." Composing sentences is a little hard for you right now.
Lenore giggles softly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure payment is sorted once we're done here."
"Now. How badly do you want it?" Lenore asks, pressing her lips against your ear.
"Badly..." You say with a small moan as Candy continues licking and sucking your neck.
"How badly?"
"I want it... So badly..."
Lenore smiles. "Then beg for it."
"Please... Lenore... I want it... So badly..." You say, feeling light-headed.
"How much?"
"I want it more than anything else in the world."
"Tell me you're mine."
You pause for a second. "I'm yours."

Lenore smiles. "Good boy."
Candy lets her mouth off of your neck with a wet pop, before taking your head in her hands to face her.
"No. You're ours." She says with a smile.
"I'm yours." You say, smiling back.
Candy leans forward and kisses you passionately. Her lips are soft and wet, and as her tongue enters your mouth it feels like electricity is running through your body. You feel a tingling sensation throughout your body, and your dick starts to get hard.
"Do you like being our boy?" Lenore asks, rubbing up against your legs.
"Yes..." You moan.
"What is it? What do you want?" Lenore asks, gently nibbling on your ear.
"I want to be your boy..." You say in between Candy's sloppy kisses.
Candy takes a moment to stop kissing you, looking into your eyes with a deep maternal lust. "You want to be our special little boy? Just for Mama and Lenore?"
"Yes..." You moan slightly.
"We'll make you feel so good. But you have to be a good boy for us. Can you do that?"
"I'll try..."

"Oh... Try is not enough, baby." Lenore says, turning your head to face her. She leans in and kisses you passionately, her tongue entering your mouth and wrestling against yours.
"You're ours." She says, staring into your eyes.
"Yes... I'm yours..." You say.
"You're my baby."
"I'm your baby boy..."
"Who do you belong to?" Lenore asks, staring into your eyes.
"I belong to you and Candy." You say in a haze.
Lenore smiles, turning and leaning in to kiss Candy. The two of them embrace and kiss for a moment, before turning back to you.
"You're our toy." Lenore says, smiling.
"I'm your toy."
"You're our sexy little boytoy."
"Mmhm..." You say with a weak nod of your head.
Candy runs a gentle hand through your hair, taking a moment to savor the sensation with a sigh. "Oooh... Mama needs more of you... Let's take this to my room."
"Mmmm. I agree." Lenore says with a lusty smile.

In a twirl of shuffling and kissing, Candy and Lenore slowly guide you out of the spinning room. You eventually find yourself in a very spacious and comfortable bedroom, decorated and lit in the same gothic style as the rest of Candy's shop.
You don't have much time to appreciate the decorations through, as Candy and Lenore quickly guide you in their embrace to the red silk sheets of the bed.
"He's all yours, darling." Lenore says to Candy.
"Oh, I know he is." Candy says with a smirk, easily flipping you over and pinning you down on the bed.
You find yourself staring at the headboard as Candy climbs on top of you, grinding her body into yours. Her fur rubs against your chest and face as she continues to grind, showering your neck in little wet kisses.
Lenore sits down on the bed beside the two of you as Candy works, gently stroking your arm and admiring her work on the robe you're wearing while Candy continues to grind against you and kiss your neck.
"You're so sexy when you wear my clothes, darling." Lenore says.
"Mmmm... he looks even sexier when they're off." Candy says, taking a moment to pull herself off of your neck. "Mama would hate to get your lovely new robe all messy... Why don't we work on getting that off of you?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Lenore says with a smile.
Candy goes back to kissing your neck while Lenore begins to work on your robe. Lenore takes a moment to kiss your chest once she's uncovered it, making you sigh and close your eyes.
Lenore slowly works on your ribbon, before eventually undoing it and pulling the robe open. She smiles as she looks at your underwear-clad body, running a hand along your chest and stomach while Candy continues to grind against you.
"Oooh... What a prize..." Lenore muses as she runs her hands along your torso. "Your taste is impeccable, Candy."
You feel Candy's lips curl into a smile against your neck. "Mmm... Mama knew he was a keeper."
Lenore takes hold of your underwear and begins to slide it down your legs, before you feel her pull away.
"My turn." She says to Candy.
You feel hands on your hips, then the sensation of your underwear being pulled off your legs. You hear them both giggle as they toss it aside, before two pairs of hands begin to run along your lower body.
"Just when I thought it couldn't get better..." You hear Lenore whisper.

Candy giggles, before a soft index finger runs along your length. "That's why Mama loves him so much..."
Candy slides back up next to you, gently placing her hands on the sides of your head with a little rub. "Mama loves her little boy... Loves him to bits..."
Candy draws you into another deep tongue kiss, as Lenore straddles your body. Candy's fur brushes along your chest as she moves her lips to your neck, lovingly licking and sucking on it as she runs her hands through your hair.
"Mmm... Mama will always be here for you..." She whispers in your ear, before kissing the side of your face.
You feel a hand grab at your wrist, and you look over to see Candy holding your hand out to Lenore. Lenore grabs hold and starts to move her hand along with Candy, moving yours as well. The two of them begin to pump your hand up and down as they lean in to kiss each other.
You watch as their tongues intertwine, before Lenore turns back to you. She leans in and kisses you on the lips, pressing her body against yours as she does so. You feel her breasts push up against your chest as she grinds her hips against yours. She breaks the kiss, staring into your eyes with a smile as she moves her face next to your ear.
"Do you like that?" She whispers.
You nod your head eagerly in response, and she giggles. "I'll take that as a yes..."

She slides her body down yours, gently kissing your chest as she moves further and further down. Her inky black fur rubs against your skin as she shuffles down your body, like a fuzzy blanket being drawn against your body.
Candy takes the chance to ravish your neck with more gentle kisses as Lenore keeps working her way down your torso.
"Such a good boy... Our good little boy..." Candy purrs as she licks and sucks your neck, a hand idly petting the back of your head as she does to.
"Mmmm... He tastes good, Candy..." Lenore says as she takes your manhood into her hands and begins to stroke it gently.
Lenore leans in and takes you into her mouth, gently sucking as she twirls her tongue around your head. Her black wings expand as she moves one hand up to cup your balls, massaging them gently. She begins to move faster and faster, going deeper and deeper until her nose is pressed up against your body.
You let out a moan of pleasure as Lenore deepthroats you, but you're quickly silenced by another deep kiss from Candy. You hands find their way to her large ass, which you eagerly begin to grope as you thrust your tongue into her mouth.
Candy breaks the kiss with a wet pop, and leans back to watch Lenore work. You look down to see Lenore's head bouncing up and down as she sucks you off, a string of saliva linking your dick to her mouth as it bobs in and out of her lips.
You start to moan again, before Candy presses a finger to your lips.
"Shhh... Just let us work, my sweet little boy... Let us make you feel good..." She says as she runs her hands through your hair again. She seems to really enjoy that.

"Mmmm... He's all hard and wet for me, Candy..." Lenore says as she removes her mouth from your dick.
"Good... Good, my sweet little boy... You like mommy's friend, don't you?"
"Yes..." You say softly.
"That's right, you do... You like her mouth, don't you? You'd like it if she went down on you all day long, wouldn't you?"
"That's what mommy thought... Now, you come over here and sit between mommy and her friend."
Lenore releases your cock, and you find yourself obeying her without hesitation. You crawl over to where Candy's sitting, finding her legs on one side and Lenore's on the other.
"Good boy... Now, let's get our clothes off... It's no fun if you're the only one naked..."
Their legs pressed against the front and back of your torso, Candy and Lenore start to undo their robes as well. To your left, and hugging against your side, is Lenore, who you can now see is naked under her robe. Her black fur runs across her skin in waves, and from what you can tell, her body is nicely developed.
To your right, and squeezing your abs and back between her thighs, is Candy. Her fur is tan, and you can't help but notice her impressively large chest as she presses it against your ribs.

"Undo my bra, sweetie... Mommy needs your help with it..." You hear from beside you.
You turn your head, and find yourself staring at a very thoroughly aroused Candy, her breasts straining against a black lace bra.
"Be a good boy and help mommy..." Candy says between heavy breaths.
You reach to the side, fumbling clumsily with the clasp of her bra. You manage to undo it after a moment, freeing Candy's bosom. You lift your hands as she brings her breasts together, squeezing them against your chest.
"Good boy... Such a good boy..." You hear from your other side.
Your eyes turn towards Lenore, and you find her similarly aroused, her black fur matted against her chest and her crimson vortex-patterened wings quivering.
"Mommy needs your help with her panties, honey..."
You turn to see Candy holding her hand out to you.
You take her hand, and she brings it down to her panties. You slide your hand under her panties, feeling her warm, wet lips.
"Oh... Yes... That's a good boy..." You hear from in front of you.
You look up to see Lenore, her eyes half lidded and her wings fluttering.
"I want you inside me..." You hear from your other side.
You turn your head, and find Candy hugging against your side tightly. Her breasts squish against you, and her wings are furled tightly behind her.

"I want you inside me..." She says again, turning her head and kissing your cheek.
"I need you..." You hear from your other side. You turn your head again, to find Lenore with her lips against your ear, her hair falling around you as her wings start to flutter more intensely.
As her wings start to flap with more force and arousal, you notice Lenore's velvet wing fur starting to emit a fine shimmering red dust.
Love powder.
You feel it start to work into the air, and into your system. Candy seems to feel it too, and drives your hand against her lower lips with a bit of force. You feel Candy slip two of your fingers inside of her as Lenore begins to grind against your left side more intensely.
You feel your head starting to spin as you imagine yourself pinned between two large sets of wings, both thrusting and fluttering all around you. You feel your head go light and floaty as you imagine the feeling of being covered in warm, soft fur.
"Oh... Oh yes... Yes..." You hear from all around you, along with pleas for more.
Candy takes her free hand and pulls your face to her ample chest.
You're driven into the soft, waiting embrace of her breasts, Candy lets out lengthy moan. She pulls your hand against her crotch even more forcefully, and you curl your fingers reflexively. With another heavy moan, Candy finally unfurls her wings, releasing a heavy shower of glittery pink love dust across the three of you.
You take a deep breath, and find yourself inhaling the dust, and you can feel it getting to work almost immediately.

Your head starts to swim as you feel your worries and concerns slip away from you, leaving you in a blissful state of calmness. The feeling is beyond anything you've ever felt before. Your mind is clear and empty, yet full of happiness and joy. You feel like you could stay here forever.
"Oh, please... Don't stop..." You hear Lenore say in a low, sultry voice.
You look over at Lenore, who is now kneeling on the bed in front of you. Her eyes are half-lidded, and she's looking at you with intense desire.
Candy shuffles against you, pulling your two fingers out of her as she moves around behind you. You don't even have time to figure out what she's up to before Candy wraps her legs around your midsection and sinks your head backwards into her chest. She uses her legs to pull your back snug against her warm body, as your head is softly cradled by her hands and between her breasts.
Candy purrs with satisfaction as she tilts your head back to gaze into your eyes. "Such a good boy... Now relax... Mommy's going to take good care of you while Lenore enjoys herself..."
Candy starts to flutter her wings, bringing about more lazy curls of her love dust. Candy's pink dust mixes with Lenore's red to produce a deep magenta haze that seems to color the room.
"Now breathe... Breathe deep for mommy..." Candy coos as she rocks you back and forth against her.
You can't help but obey the sultry mothgirl. You take a deep breath in, and hold it, as your vision starts to blur.
"That's it... That's my boy..."
You release a deep breath, shuddering as you feel your body relax. The feeling is unlike anything you've ever felt before. You feel like you're floating, and your mind feels empty, yet sharp and focused at the same time.

Candy giggles softly as she nuzzles your cheek with her cheek. "See? I'll always take care of you..."
You can't help but purr as you feel the warmth of Candy's breasts against your head and her fur against your back.
Candy turns her attention to Lenore, who is lying before you on all fours. "Now, Lenore... help me make my little boy feel very, very good..."
Lenore's eyes are glazed over, and her tongue hangs from the side of her mouth as she slowly rocks her hips back and forth. Lenore's long pink tongue snakes out from her mouth to gently lap at the head of your dick, making you gasp.
Candy responds with a soothing hand on your scalp, softy cooing as she squishes you between her tits. "Shhh... There, there... Lenore is going to make you feel very good... Just relax... Breathe for mommy..."
You can't even reply. You just moan in ecstasy as you feel Lenore's long pink tongue slowly trace your shaft, upwards from the base to the tip, before her warm saliva drips onto your dick from her mouth.
Lenore slowly begins to take you inside her mouth, gently sucking as she goes. Her saliva drips onto your lap as she sucks, and her large red eyes stare up at you.
You feel like you're going to pass out from pleasure, but the sheer quantity of love powder being pumped into the air by Candy and Lenore's wings fluttering back and forth as they work on you is keeping your brain just grounded enough to stay conscious.
You moan in ecstasy as you feel Lenore's long tongue slowly massage the underside of your dick, curling around it and rubbing it up and down.

"Oohhh... You're so big... So tasty..." Lenore moans in between her motions.
You feel like your brain is about to melt from how good this feels.
Lenore begins to pick up the pace, her head moving faster as her tongue and mouth work in tandem.
"Oh, fuck... I'm ....!" You groan.
Lenore's eyes widen, and she immediately stops sucking. "Wait! Not yet! Please!" She begs.
You take a deep breath and calm yourself down. You've never had a girl stop before.
"I'm sorry, baby... But I need you inside me... Please... Fuck me..." Lenore says, looking up at you with eyes filled with lust and love.
You quickly nod in agreement as Lenore slowly crawls up your body, and plants a kiss on your lips. Candy rocks you back and forth in her embrace as Lenore makes herself comfortable on the front of your body.
"Mmmm... Be nice to Lenore for mommy... Let her make you feel good... So she can feel good too..." Candy says as she tilts your head back for a kiss.
Your mouth waters as Candy's tongue invades your orifice, and you eagerly accept. Her hands gently rub her shoulders as she swirls her tongue in your mouth. You feel Candy squeeze her legs around your waist as she draws your back deeper against her, and the throbbing heat of her pussy spreads across the small of your back.

"I want him to fill me up when he cums! I want his hot sticky seed deep inside!" Lenore moans as she moves forward, lowering herself onto your cock while Candy continues to kiss you.
Lenore's pussy squeezes your dick as it slides deep inside her. She begins to slowly grind her hips, moving her body in a slow and rhythmic motion. You feel her soft flesh jiggle against your hips as she begins to moan in pleasure, her wings flaring wide in response to the sensations. A brand-new wave of red love powder comes peeling off Lenore's wings as she starts to grind her hips a little faster.
"Oh, yes! Yes! That feels so good!" She moans.
Candy continues to kiss you while running her hands through your hair. Her hips begin to rock as she grinds her pussy against your back, moaning into your mouth. Lenore starts to pick up the pace, rocking her hips back and forth as your dick goes in and out of her. Her moans get louder and more intense as you start to moan as well, your mouth opening slightly to let out a breathy sigh.
"Oh, yes! That's it! I need your cum inside me! I need your hot sticky seed deep inside!" Lenore cries out.
Candy's breath gets ragged as she runs her hands down your chest and starts to rub your stomach, making it twist in knots as Lenore begins to moan even louder.
"Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Give me every inch of you!"
You feel your dick throb as you get closer to orgasm.
"Oh, fuck! I'm going to...I'm going to..." you start to moan.
"Cum! Give me your cum!" Lenore cries, her pussy tightening as she starts to orgasm.

You grab Lenore's hips and thrust into her as hard as you can with a loud moan, your release finally answering her pleasing cries.
"Oh, yes! Cum inside! Flood me with your cum!"
You thrust a few more times before you feel your balls tighten as you start to ejaculate, your dick pulsating as it shoots a thick load into Lenore. You thrust a few more times, making sure to squeeze out every drop as Lenore's cries slowly turn into satisfied moans.
Candy grinds herself against your back a bit harder as she finally breaks her kiss with you, taking a moment to tilt her head back and let out a lengthy moan.
Lenore seizes her chance, leaning forward and drawing you into a kiss as she wraps her hands around your back, squeezing them between your spine and Candy's tummy.
Lenore grinds her hips on your pelvis again ever so slightly, sending aftershocks of pleasure through you as your member is still buried deep inside her.
Lenore's wings open up as she wraps them around you and Candy, pulling you all into an embrace as she starts to moan into the kiss.
The three of you lie there for a moment, savoring the sensations of one another as you all hold each other close.
"That was wonderful," Lenore coos.
"Mm-hmm," Candy hums in agreement, kissing your cheek. "He's such a good boy. Always works so hard to make us feel good..."

You smile, and gently reach your hand out to stroke Lenore's hair, as she presses herself against you a little harder.
"Now I can see why you like him so much," Lenore says with a smile as her bright red eyes lock with yours. "Did you like that too?"
You can offer little else but a shuddering sigh and a weak nod of your head. The ability to form words seems far away under the influence of this much pleasure.
"Mmm... of course you did. What a good little boytoy..." Lenore coos as she pulls you in for another kiss.
"That's why he's my favorite. He always knows what Mama needs..." Candy says as she continues to rub herself against your back.
You can feel her getting incredibly aroused as she grinds her most sensitive spot against your skin, a small patch of her wetness accumulating in the small of your back as Candy keeps going. Pressed against her chest like this, you can feel how labored her breathing is, her breasts heaving up and down around your head as she uses her arms to keep you up against her, fighting Lenore's hug in the opposite direction.
Lenore doesn't seem to care very much about that though, as she's busy probing every inch of your mouth with her tongue.
Candy, very much in need of something to focus her mouth on, brings one of your hands off of Lenore's back and up to her mouth, sucking on two of your fingers with vigor. You can feel both their hands wandering across your body, Candy's pussy still sliding up and down your back as Lenore frisks your chest. After what feels like an eternity of having your tongue wrestled with, Lenore breaks the kiss with a wet moan.
"You've been working so hard, sweetie," Lenore says. "You need to just relax and let us take care of you..."

Lenore spasms her wings against Candy's, causing their love powder to mix and cascade across the three of you in fresh a cloud of glittering magenta.
"Breathe... Just breathe for us..." Lenore whispers softly as she starts to suck on your neck.
You find yourself getting dizzy from the scent and taste of Lenore's lust, breathing in the sweet pheromones as you feel her hot body grind up against yours.
"Mmmm... You taste amazing..." Lenore coos, nibbling on your ear.
Candy is still grinding against your back, but now she's brought both her hands around to grope at your chest.
"Lenore, he's all yours," she says. "Mama wants to keep him like this for a while."
Lenore breaks from kissing your neck to look at Candy, and the two of them immediately start making out. You watch as they intertwine their tongues, and you can see the lust burning in both their eyes.
The fresh wave of love powder, the sensations of them sandwiching you with their bodies, the warmth of their fur and skin against you, it's intense. Strong enough that you feel your dick starting to sir again, at which point you realize Lenore still has it inside her.
Lenore pulls back from kissing Candy with a sharp inhale, which quickly melts into a moan of deep pleasure.
"Haaah... Ooohhh... There you are..." She says with drawn out breaths. Her eyes roll back slightly at the sensation of you filling out her insides again. "So big... So warm..."

Candy giggles in a honey-soaked tone as she continues to grind her body against yours. Her eyes are filled with lust, and she's making no effort to hide her desires.
"Mama loves you, baby..." She whispers in your ear, nibbling on it slightly.
The two of them start to move in unison, their bodies grinding together as they both push against you. You feel yourself sliding between them as their slick bodies rub against you in all the right ways.
Lenore's eyes are closed and her mouth is open, moaning in ecstasy as she feels your manhood moving inside her. You can't see Candy's face since it's buried in your neck, but you can hear the sounds of wet squishing noises as your shaft plunges in and out of Lenore's body.
"F-fuck! I can feel you... Inside... My womb!" Lenore cries out, her wings spreading wide as she arches her back, her breasts jiggling as you thrust.
You place your hands on Lenore's hips and start to pick up the pace, thrusting into her deeply as she lets out a quivering moan. The wet sounds of flesh pounding against flesh are starting to fill the room as Candy grinds against you, and Lenore bounces up and down on you.
"L-Lenore! I'm close...!" You say.
Lenore looks at you with a lustful gaze, her eyes half lidded. She opens her mouth to speak, but instead begins to moan as she arches her back, pressing her large breasts against you. The wings on her back gently flutter as she moves.
Candy's body trembles against yours as her rubbing gets faster and faster, her own arousal pushed higher by the juicy noises of your copulation with Lenore.
"C-Cum inside me...!" Lenore says. "I'm going to..."

Lenore's eyes roll up as her back goes stiff, and she lets out a loud yelp, her wings flapping as she goes into orgasm. You release deep inside her as she clenches around you, and you groan as you feel your own orgasm arrive.
You moan as you shoot rope after rope of your hot sticky seed deep into Lenore's womb, filling her up as she continues to beat her wings, going in and out of her own orgasm. This is the final straw for Candy, who's been building up her own orgasm since you started with Lenore. You feel Candy's entire body quiver behind your as she flexes her legs, drawing your back tight against her crotch and chest. The sound of both Candy and Lenore's primal moaning fills your senses as each of them shudder and spasm against every inch of your body in absolute bliss.
"Oooh! Fuck! Mommy's cumming!" You hear Candy yelp as a fresh wave of pleasure racks her body.
You can feel her grind against your back even harder as she squeezes her legs around your waist for dear life. Meanwhile, Lenore is still on the tail end of her own climax, tongue hanging limply out of her mouth as she pants and moans from the afterglow.
"So good! So good!" Candy cries as you feel a rush of heat and moisture against your back. With sudden force, Candy tilts your head back and pulls you into a deep kiss, barreling her tongue into your mouth as she lets out another wave of intense moans.
You can feel her flex and clench around you as she rides out her orgasm, and Lenore collapses against your chest as she finishes savoring her own climax. Candy breaks your heavy kiss with a sloppy sucking noise, throwing her head back as she enjoys the final peak of her orgasm.

"Ah! Ah! Mama feels so good! So good..." Her breathing finally settles down into something more measured as you feel her body weaken behind you. Her legs slowly let go of your waist as she collapses back against the bed.
"You're amazing, baby." Lenore says, her voice still tinged with lust.
"You're pretty great yourself." You remark with a smile.
Lenore crawls forward on the bed to wrap her arms around you and kiss you passionately on the lips, her large bosom squishing into your chest. Her hands slide down your body as she squeezes your arms, and her wings start to beat again with anticipation. More magenta love powder starts to fill the room, and you can feel the effects immediately. You're quickly being primed up for more.
"You ready for another round?" She asks.
"You know it." You say, smiling.
"Mmmh... Good... It's Mama's turn." You hear behind you.
You're quickly grabbed by the shoulders and spun around into the arms of a incredibly lusty Candy. Despite having been intimate with her multiple times before, you've never seen her this full of desire. She's salivating so heavily that there's a few thin lines of drool coming off her mouth, her wings are quaking feverishly, and her entire body is coated in a thin layer of sweet-smelling sweat. Her eyes are wild with lust as she looks you up and down, her hands moving to grope your chest.
"Mama needs you... She needs you now." She says, almost growling.

Candy's eyes flutter as she leans in to kiss you. You meet her lips with your own, and the taste of her saliva enters your mouth. She tastes like honey and nectar, a mix that you find strangely intoxicating. Her hands slide up to the back of your head as she forces you deeper into the kiss, making your lips smack loudly. You can feel her large bosom squishing into your chest as her tongue starts to snake its way into your mouth.
The sight of Candy's raw, sexual aggression seems to put Lenore back into a stir as well. You can feel her hands and soft fur wandering across your sides and back as Candy start to work her tongue around in your mouth. You can hear her starting to make little quivering sounds as she pulls you closer. The two of them start to push you back towards the center of bed, Lenore's hands quickly finding their way to your waist.
Candy and Lenore's tongues wrestle around in your mouth, as their hands roam across your body. Lenore's fur feels incredibly soft and smooth against your skin, while Candy's feels warm and wet. You feel like you're drowning in a sea of lust.

As the two of them guide you down onto the bed, Lenore's hands slowly work their way across your sides and onto your back. Between Lenore and Candy squeezing you with their hands, you're getting a full body and very fluffy massage. It would be more relaxing, but your relaxation is quickly being burned into arousal as Candy continues to twirl her tongue around yours. Her sweet and stick saliva flows like a river between your lips, with each little parting creating viscous strings of her nectar.
The pair of them have you pinned down, as they both continue to taste and caress every part of your body. You can't move an inch, and you don't want to either.
Candy moves her mouth from your lips down to your neck, kissing and licking it softly. Her hands continue to caress your chest and stomach while Lenore's move down to your thighs.
As Candy moves down to your neck, her long purple hair starts to hang over your face, creating a blanket blocking your view. Her fur lightly brushing against your skin as her warm lips press against your neck, her tongue leaving a wet trail down your neck and towards your chest.
Lenore's hands slowly move up your thighs towards your crotch, lightly running along your inner thighs. Your member starts to swell in response to the two mothgirls pleasuring you.
Lenore's hands slowly cup your balls, squeezing them gently. She starts to softly rub them as they begin to swell with blood, moving her fingers up and down your shaft. The pleasure builds up and you let out a heavy sigh as your member starts to get harder.

Candy's mouth moves from your chest towards your stomach, making small kisses along your muscles. Her long tongue darts out and licks your abs, slowly moving downwards towards your eager member.
"Mmmh... Finally... Mama's been waiting for this..." Candy says with an extremely satisfied tone in her voice.
Candy's mouth moves over your tip as her tongue starts to flick against it. It slides along your underside and you shudder in pleasure. Her lips move over your member as they slowly slide down the shaft, her tongue moving underneath and sending chills of ecstasy through your body.
The mothgirl's lips start to move faster as her hands grip your ass, her long fingers curling under and squeezing as she tastes every inch of your dick. Your hands move to her hair and you grab it, giving a slight moan of pleasure.
Your balls start to tighten as you feel yourself getting close to release. You take a deep breath and try to hold on, but Lenore's hands start to stimulate the rest of your torso, and your body begins to shudder in pleasure.
Lenore brings her lips against your ear in a whisper. "Mama needs lots of your love... Be a good boy, okay? Be a good boy and feed her plenty..."
Lenore's words send you over the edge as you gasp in pleasure, your body shuddering as you release into Candy's mouth.

The mothgirl's eyes roll back into her head as she moans in ecstasy, drinking every last drop of your seed. She keeps your tip in her mouth for a moment, sucking it dry before letting it pop out.
"Mmmmmm... Mama loves how you taste..." Candy says, licking her lips.
Lenore's hands start to rub your chest as she giggles. "That's not all she needs..."
Candy's lips move towards yours and the two of you engage in a steamy kiss, your tongue sliding into her mouth and tasting your own flavor mixed with her nectar. Your hands move down to her huge, soft breasts and you give them a nice squeeze.
The mothgirl moans in pleasure as her hands grab yours, moving them further down her body.
Candy now has you right between her legs, a juicy thigh squishing against your waist on either side as she straddles you. As you tip backwards a bit in response Candy's advance, you feel Lenore's chest squish up against your back. You're sandwiched between them. Again.
Candy's wings flare out to the sides and she wraps them around the both of you, enveloping the three of you in a soft cocoon.
The mothgirl starts to grind up against you as her lips find yours again in another deep kiss. Her wings begin to flap slowly, releasing plumes of shimmering pink love powder that drift down onto your bodies. Lenore giggles as she presses up against you, noticing Candy releasing more dust, and shimmies her wings to do the same.
The red and pink powder from each of them mixes together before your eyes again, like it has so many times before. Soon enough you find yourself breathing in a thick magenta haze once again, the air filled to the brim with aphrodisiac thanks to Candy's winged embrace preventing it from dissipating.

You take notice of a familiar tingling warmth spreading out from your loins, and you know that you're going to need to be inside one of them soon, or else you might just explode.
Candy's lips find yours again, and she begins to kiss you as her hands run along your body. One hand grabs at your chest while the other moves down between your legs. Lenore's hands move to your chest, and she begins to kiss up and down the back of your neck as the mothgirl's ministrations to your most sensitive areas leave you a panting, quivering mess.
Candy breaks the kiss with a smile and moves her lips down to your neck, where she begins to suck and nibble at your soft, tender skin.
"Good boy... Good boy..." Candy says while heavily panting and leaving plenty of sticky slobber on your neck. "Such a good little boy... So hard... So willing..."
Lenore giggles and bites down on your ear, flicking her tongue against it before she speaks.
"Do you want to cum? Please, can you cum for us? I need you to cum... We need you to cum..." Lenore says, moving her hands from your chest to under your waist, pressing her fingers against your skin. She shuffles her hands along your waist as she looks to Candy, who nods in return.

Lenore firmly grasps your cock, causing you to let out a gasp. She begins to jerk your cock while Candy slides off of you and brings her face to your crotch. Once she's right next to Lenore's hand, Candy kisses up and down the length of your shaft.
"It's so hot... So hard... I want it in my mouth..." Lenore says, looking up at you with a dirty smile.
Candy looks up at you from between your legs, her lips already sticky with your pre-cum.
"Please... Please let me suck on it... Let me taste your sweet nectar..."
Candy sticks out her tongue and slowly, gently begins to lick the underside of your cock, from the base to the head. She licks up the sticky fluids that seep from your tip, her tongue working like an elastic band as it wraps around your head and snaps back against your skin.
Lenore keeps jerking you off while Candy licks at your cock.
The pleasure is absolutely mind-blowing, only made more intense by the effects of the love powder still swirling around in the air. Your body is hot, sensitive, and absolute putty in the hands of Candy and Lenore. And they know it.
Candy stops licking your cock and sits up, returning to her straddled position on you. Lenore moves her tongue to Candy's mouth, while her hand slides down to her crotch. Her fingers start to move quickly, rubbing her clit as she begins to moan into Candy's mouth.

You can feel the heat of Lenore's fingers as they move along her wet pussy.
Candy breaks the kiss with Lenore, letting out a low moan.
"Ooohh... Mama feels so good... But she needs more..." Candy says with a moan as she arches her back, pressing her chest against yours.
Lenore looks at you with a playful smile, before shuffling behind you to support your back with her body.
"Mommy needs it... She can't wait any longer..." Candy says breathlessly as she stares at you, drool dripping from her mouth as the heat of her breath cascades across your face.
"I'm going to make you feel so, so good... Let mommy taste your sweetness..."
Candy leans in and wraps her lips around your mouth, kissing you softly as she moves her hips forward.
Your cock, still wet from Candy's drool and Lenore's hands, slides along the length of her pussy, her wetness acting as a lube as it rubs against your skin.
Candy begins to gently grind her hips forward, rubbing her pussy along your cock. She lets out a long, low moan as she rocks her hips back and forth. Her pussy is slick with her juices, lubing up both of your genitals as they slide against each other.

You let out a quiet moan as you feel the head of your cock pressed tightly against her lips, being spread apart by the pressure.
"Oh! Oh! There it is! Yes!" Candy moans as she breaks your kiss and tosses her head back.
Lenore holds you tightly by the shoulders as she sucks on your neck, waiting to join in on the fun.
Candy lets out a long, low moan as she arches her back, her wings pumping as she grinds her hips against your length.
"Fuwah... Ah... Haah... That's it... Give Mommy your length! Give her all of it!"
You nod your head as you lean forward, taking Candy's right nipple into your mouth and starting to suck on it. She immediately reacts with a spasm of pleasure, suddenly absorbing another inch of your cock into her from the strength of the reaction. This only compounds her state of carnal bliss, and it's not long before she has your head pressed against her breast with both her hands running through your hair as you suckle on her.
"Oh! I love you, baby! Mommy loves you so much! Mmmm... Give me more... I need more of you!"
You place your hands on her thighs and slowly slide them up, causing her to moan as she feels your hands nearing her hips. You slowly trace them across her soft, silken skin, until you finally reach their destination. With a gentle downward push of your hands, Candy finally takes you all the way to the base. You reward her accomplishment with plenty of finger work against her clitoris.

"Aaahhh! Ooooooooohhhh, baby! That's it! Work Mommy's clit just like that! More! More! Ooooh!"
You start to thrust in and out of her with long, slow movements. Unable to bear the sensation of an empty mouth, Candy pulls you off of her chest and quickly brings you to her lips for another sloppy kiss. Her gooey, sweet saliva floods your mouth as she punches her tongue past your lips, furiously embracing you with everything she has.
You continue to thrust in and out of her as she keeps her legs wrapped around your waist. Her back is arched and her lips are firmly locked against yours as she moans with ecstasy. You can feel the pressure of her internal muscles tightening around your cock, and you know she's getting close.
"Aaahhh! Ooooooooohhhh, baby! I'm almost there! Don't stop! Don't stop!"
You feel Lenore move her attention off your neck and up to your ear as she traces her tongue around it.
"You're doing so good... Good boy... Keep going... Make Mommy feel good..." She whispers as she sucks on your earlobe. "You like fucking us, don't you? You like her tight, wet pussy sliding up and down on your big cock? You like it when I kiss you? When I touch you?"
You can do little else but moan in response as Candy continues to weave her tongue across yours, her sickly-sweet drool dripping between the two of you as her hips loudly smack against yours. Candy's moaning is furious, vibrating your mouth as she continues to thrust up and down on you, but the only sound you can seem to focus on is Lenore's melty voice in your ear.

"That's good... That's good... You're mine... You're ours... Our little boytoy... You like that, don't you? Letting us fuck your brains out? We get to please you, we get to love you... You can't resist us... Just give in... Give in... Give us everything..."
Lenore's voice is all you can focus on as she whispers into your ear. You can feel yourself about to release, every muscle in your body tenses and you grit your teeth.
"That's it. Cum for Mommy. Cum for Mommy. Cum inside Mommy. Give it all to Mommy."
You feel Lenore swirl her tongue your earlobe before she takes the entire thing inside her hot, wet mouth. Her own moans of debaucherous pleasure ring through your skull alongside Candy's as her kiss reaches fever pitch. Candy's slamming up and down on you with the force of a wild animal, your climaxes quickly approaching each other.
"I-I'm gonna..."
"Cum inside me! Cum inside her, baby! Give her your love... Give us everything!"
Lenore's dirty talk pushes you over the edge as you release deep inside of Candy. You thrust your head back, your entire body tensing up as your release explodes out of your loins. Your vision goes blurry as you shut your eyes, feeling every muscle in your body release at the same time. The tilt of your head separates your lips from Candy's with a loud sucking noise, quickly overshadowed by her own incredibly loud orgasmic moaning as she tosses her head back as well.

Candy's body begins to shudder as she hugs you tightly, continuing to thrust herself on you. You can feel your semen being pushed out of you as her tightness grips at your sensitive skin, her muscles milking every ounce of pleasure out of you as she holds you close.
Lenore rubs her soft, fuzzy body up and down your back as she continues sucking on your ear. She wants to make sure Candy gets every last bit of orgasmic force out of your body.
"Come on, baby! Give it all to her!"
You feel Lenore's large breasts rub against your back as she hugs you tightly. She begins sucking and licking the back of your neck as she reaches around to grope your chest. Her long tongue wraps around the bottom of your ear and plays with the top, as she lets out a sexy giggle.
"Mmmm... You're so good, baby."
Candy's body begins to shudder as she hugs you tightly, her orgasm beginning to release inside of her.
"Oh... Oh! Yes! Yes! I'm... I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"
Candy's walls begin to tense up around your member, gripping it tightly as she moans out. Her wings flap wildly as she holds you close. You feel every inch of your cock being squeezed by Candy's body as she rides the waves of intense pleasure. Her head still tilted back, Candy lets out another series of lengthy moans as she runs her hands through your hair.
"Oh! Cumming! Good boy! Mommy loves you so much! So good!" She says between frantic panting and moaning as her hips continue to buck against you.

The combination of her tightness and the intense waves of pleasure from her orgasm, you're close to the edge again with remarkable speed. You desperately try and hold back, before Lenore curls her fingers against your chest and sucks as hard as she can on your neck's most sensitive spot. It's too much.
"Ah! I'm... I'm cumming!" You groan.
Candy's body continues to milk every ounce of seed from you as your hips thrust one last time into her. You release everything into her as she holds you close, panting in ecstasy. Lenore continues to suck on the side of your neck as you squirm.
"Oh...!" You moan softly as your body finally stops convulsing.
Lenore finally lets go of your neck, licking her lips as she smiles.
"Mmmmh... I could get used to this..." She says as she rubs her breasts against your back some more.
"Haaah... Haaah..." Candy's vocal panting overshadows Lenore's musings as she winds down.
Candy lets out a small squeak of satisfaction, before peppering your face with wet kisses.
"Mwah! Mwah! Oooh... What a good little boy you've been! You always work so hard for Mommy..."
Candy takes a moment to stop kissing your face, instead turning to look at Lenore with a sort of knowing glance. "So? What do you think of Ryan?"

Lenore smiles, giving you a quick peck on the cheek as she does so. "He's quite the catch."
"He is indeed," Candy smiles, running her hand through your hair, "I'm glad you're here. I've been so horny lately, and with the both of us working so much, we haven't had a chance to be together... So, do you want to stay for a little while?"
"I think I'll have to..." You say with exhaustion in your voice. "If you don't mind, that is..."
"Of course not! We're all friends here!" Candy smiles.
Lenore brings herself around, and the three of you engage in a three-way kiss as the two of them fondle your body.
"Mmmm..." You moan softly, as you enjoy this moment of intimacy with these two beautiful girls.
Candy's the first one to start heading south, parting your legs and bringing herself down there. She lets out a pleasured gasp as she brings her mouth to your genitals, taking your member into her mouth and beginning to suck on it.
"Ah...!" You let out softly.
Lenore rubs herself up against your body, pressing her breasts against your chest as she brings her lips to yours for a kiss.
She begins to grind her genitals against your leg, moaning softly as she does so.
You reach your hands up and begin to grope at Lenore's breasts, as she lets out a cute little giggle before kissing you again.

While this is happening, Candy continues to fellate you. She expertly maneuvers her tongue all around your member, turning you on greatly.
"Ah...! Ah...! Oh...!" You softly moan. You thought you were absolutely spent with the force of your last climax. But with Candy's mouth working you like this, you can feel yourself quickly regaining your hardness.
"Mmmm...! Mmmm...!" Candy moans, as she brings her hands up to assist her mouth in working on you. You can feel yourself reaching your limit, and you're going to release it all into Candy's mouth.
"C-Candy...!" You say.
Candy looks up at you with a smile, and that's when you release.
"Ah...! Ah..." You moan loudly as you release into her mouth.
Candy begins to eagerly swallow it all down, not wanting a drop to go to waste. She swallows it all, and licks her lips afterward.
"Mmmm...! Oh, that was yummy!" She says with a smile.
Lenore is still grinding herself against your leg, and she's so wet, her fluids are dripping down your leg.
"P-please..." Lenore begs.
She then starts licking your ear and kissing on it as you moan in ecstasy.

"Mmmm...!" Lenore moans as she tastes your ear. "Please..." She breathes against your ear, the heat of her arousal carried on her breath as it warms the residual saliva left from her mouth.
"P-please...!" She begs, kissing and licking down your cheek.
"Please...!" She begs, nipping at your neck with her teeth.
"P-please...!" She begs, kissing you on the lips.
Lenore then begins to kiss her way down your body, stopping to suck and nibble on your nipples for a moment, before she reaches your waist.
You feel Candy run her hands along your back, before squishing herself into your side in a warm embrace. "Mmmm... Looks like Lenore needs you pretty badly, baby..."
You look down your body, and see Lenore in all her naked glory. Her black fur shines in the dim lighting of the bedroom, and her dark red wings are spread out on either side of you. She begins to stroke your manhood slowly, before leaning in to kiss the tip.
"Mmmm...!" Lenore moans as she kisses the tip. "Mmmm...! Please...!"
She begins to lick the tip, running her tongue along your shaft and slurping on it. She begins to run her tongue all over the head before she puts the whole thing in her mouth, sucking on it gently.

"Ah...!" You moan.
Lenore begins to move faster and faster, sucking harder and harder as she goes on.
"Mmmm... Mmmm...! Mmmm..." Lenore moans as she sucks.
"Ah...! Aaahh...!" You moan.
Candy begins to kiss and nibble on your ear, adding another sensation to the pleasure you're feeling.
Lenore suddenly stops sucking, and begins to move down your body, kissing every inch of it as she goes. She then reaches your legs, and spreads them before beginning to kiss the inside of your thighs.
"Mmmm... So tasty...!" Lenore moans.
You feel Lenore's tongue run along the bottom of your shaft, and you shudder in ecstasy. You then feel her hair graze your thighs as her head bobs up and down, faster and faster while she runs her tongue around the head every now and then.
At this point your dick is quite erect once more, easily brought back to life by Lenore's skilled mouth work. After a bit more sucking and plenty of your twitching, Lenore releases her mouth from your dick with a satisfied pop.
"Oh... There we go..." She quickly shifts up your body, wrapping her wings around your back as she positions herself over your length. You can already feel her arousal dripping onto your crotch as she hovers her hips above you.
"P-Please... Please..." Lenore breathes as she takes your head in her hands.
"S-Say it..." You say, teasing Lenore.
"P-Please... Put your thick cock inside me...!" Lenore begs.

You grip your length and position yourself at her entrance. With a light push, you slowly you start to enter her.
"Mmmm... O-Oh please...!" Lenore moans as her pussy lips spread open a bit to let the head inside.
You push further, and Lenore's pussy lips spread even more to accommodate your girth.
"Ah... Ah..." Lenore moans as her lips stretch to the limit.
You then thrust forward, burying yourself inside her tight pussy.
"Huwah!" Lenore lets out a cry of ecstasy.
Lenore's pussy is incredibly slick, gripping you just right as you move. Moisture leaks out, as you slowly start to pull out. With a sudden push, you bury yourself inside her again.
"Ah! ah! AHH!" Lenore cries as your thick dick pushes deep inside her, making her butt bounce with each thrust.
You grab her hips and start to pick up the pace, as she quickly wraps her legs around your waist.
"A-AHH! YES! YES!" Lenore cries as you thrust in and out.
You feel Candy's warm hands on your back as she hugs you, whispering sweets words into your ear as Lenore is driven absolutely wild.
"You like having your pussy filled with his big cock? Tell him how much you like it." Candy says.

"I-I love it! I love it so much!" Lenore cries out, as you start to thrust faster.
Lenore's is bouncing up and down as your hips slap against her wet pussy.
"Say his name." Candy says, gently nibbling on your ear.
"R-Ryan! I lo-..." Lenore starts to say, before you thrust deep and hold it there.
"Ah! I love you, Ryan!" Lenore cries as her eyes roll up, her back bows, and she lets out a shuddering moan as an orgasm crashes over her.
You release inside of her, as your dick twitches and spasms. You keep yourself in her for a moment, just savoring the feeling of your mutual climax before you slowly pull out.
You collapse backwards on the bed, panting as you stare up at the ceiling, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body.
Lenore collapses onto her back, her legs spread and pussy leaking your semen.
Candy crawls over to you, and gently presses her lips to yours as she straddles your hips. She reaches down, grabbing your rapidly hardening dick, and slowly guides it into her hot, wet pussy as she moans into your mouth.
"C-Candy!" You cry out at the sudden advance. "H-How?"
"Mama's secret." Candy says as she slowly lowers herself onto your cock.
Candy starts bouncing up and down on your dick, her large breasts jiggling as she does so.
"H-Holy fuck! Ah!" You cry out as she starts moving. You were totally unprepared to be taken again this quickly.

"Mama needs to ravish you for all your hard work... She wants to make you feel good over and over... Don't you want that, baby?" Candy whispers with a lick against your ear as she continues pumping up and down on you.
"Y-Yes!" You stammer as the sensations of her folds wrapped around you only grow more intense.
"Good... Oooohh... That's it... Get into it... Give Mama a good pounding..." Candy says, her voice dripping with satisfaction.
"I don’t- don’t think I can- hold… out…” You say as you begin thrusting into her faster.
"Mmmmh! Do it... I want your hot, thick baby batter deep inside of my belly...!"
You groan as you quickly approach your limit.
"Ah! Mama's going to... Fuck!"
Candy suddenly moans in ecstasy as she grinds against you feverishly.
"C-Candy!" You call out as you release a torrent of semen into her depths.
"Oooohhh! There it is... So hot! So deep! Fill Mama up!"
You groan as the last bits of your seed flow into her, and she collapses onto your chest, panting heavily.
"Lenore, lick his dick clean..."

You lay there, your body still shaking with the aftereffects of your orgasm as Lenore eagerly complies.
"Mmmm... So tasty... I wish I could keep you all to myself..." Candy says as she lazily grinds against you.
"Candy!" Lenore cries out. "I want to ride him next! You had your turn! That's not fair!"
"You'll get your turn, darling. Mama needs to rest after all that exertion..."
"But I want to ride his big dick now!"
"Don't worry, darling, you will. After Mama and her little boy have rested, we can all go again. We'll take turns with him all night long."
"All night?" You ask with a slight tinge of worry in your voice.
"Oh, yes. It's breeding season, darling. You have plenty of energy to give all of us lots and lots of babies tonight."
Candy says, smiling.
"Now you just relax and let Lenore clean you off with her mouth."
Lenore happily complies, taking your flaccid dick into her mouth and sucking the mixture of your semen and her love juice off of it.

"Mmmm... So tasty..." Lenore says as she licks her lips. "So rich..."
"Candy..." You say weakly.
"Mhm?" She hums back.
"I-I don't know how much more I have in me..." You confess.
"Aww, don't worry, darling. Mama will give you a few moments to recover while Lenore entertains herself."
Candy begins to stroke your hair, leaning down and kissing you on the top of your head.
"You're such a sweet child, doing this for me..." She says in a motherly tone. "Making us so happy... Giving us so much your lovely self... You're a blessing from the world of pleasure."
"Th-thank you..." You say meekly.
You kiss her on the lips, and she eagerly grabs your head and pushes it into her large breasts, smothering you.
"Mmmm... Yes... Suckle from my bosom, little one... Mama's milk is the best for you..."
You begin to suckle from her bosom, drinking the sweet, addictive milk.
"Ah... Yes... That's it..." She moans.
Candy begins to rub your chest and stomach, cooing softly as you drink. As Lenore finishes cleaning off your cock, you can feel it starting to harden again. It’s a little terrifying how good they are at doing that.

"Mmmm... My little baby is ready to play again."
"C-Candy..." You say, looking up at her.
"Hush, darling. Mama's here to take care of you."
Candy leans down and kisses you on the lips, her other hand moving towards your cock. She begins to stroke it softly and lovingly, kissing your forehead as she does so. She moves her lips towards your ear and begins to nibble on it gently.
"Does my sweet baby like that?" She asks.
"Yes..." You moan.
Candy begins to stroke your cock faster, leaning in and kissing you on the lips. Her long tongue extends and goes into your mouth, rubbing against your own. She breaks the kiss and moves down towards your neck, kissing and licking it. She then begins to move down towards your chest, kissing and licking it as she makes her way down. Eventually, she reaches your stomach and takes your entire cock into her mouth, moving her lips forward and backward.

Lenore seizes the opportunity to move back in and ravish your upper body with her love, while Candy works on your lower body.
Lenore kisses and licks your lips, your cheeks, your chin, and everywhere in between while simultaneously massaging your chest. Meanwhile, Candy sucks on your cock and begins to massage your hips.
"Ah... Ah..." You moan.
Candy's other hand moves up to massage your chest while Lenore kisses it. Lenore then begins to kiss down towards your crotch, moving past your stomach. She then begins to move further down, kissing your thighs. She looks up at you and moves her tongue towards your dick. Before you know it, Candy and Lenore are engaged in a competitive blowjob, fighting for oral dominance of your dick, which is stirring to life once again.
"Mmmm... Mmmm..." Lenore moans as she sucks your dick.
Each of them favors heavy tongue work, with half of your dick pressed against Lenore's tongue, and half against Candy's. Their noses touch for a brief moment, just above the tip of your dick, before Lenore pushes forward and takes your length in her mouth. Candy giggles with surprise, moving to attend to the base of your dick as Lenore starts to greedily work you into her throat.
After a few minutes, your dick is completely inside Lenore's mouth, being sucked from the back of her throat. You can hear a deep, guttural gulping sound, as if she's trying to suck your soul through your dick. You can even see her eyes roll back slightly, as if she's savoring the taste of your dick through her nose.
"Mmmm... Mmmm..." She moans.

Candy looks up at you, her eyes shining with excitement. Her long purple hair falling over her face as she moves her head back and forth, sliding her tongue against your balls and the base of your dick.
You reach down to caress her cheek, and she looks up at you with a smile before turning back to your dick.
"Ah... You're good at this..." You say.
She giggles, and you feel her mouth slowly move across your skin as she continues to give your groin more attention.
Lenore begins to moan as she presses forward, trying to get your dick into her throat. Her eyes start to water as she gags slightly, and then pulls back with a gasp.
"Lenore, slow down, you're going to make him cum if you keep using your throat like that." Candy says.
"Oooh... That would be a real shame, now wouldn't it?" Lenore replies with a playful smile.
"No, not yet. I've waited too long for this moment."
Lenore giggles as Candy turns to you and begins to kiss your inner thigh, slowly moving closer to your balls with her tongue. As she does this, Lenore repositions herself so she's sitting across your lap, and starts to grind her hips into yours.
You place your hands on her hips and squeeze gently, causing her to let out a pleasured sigh as she continues to grind against your dick.

Candy moves her tongue to the side of your balls, pressing it against your taint in little circles. As she does this, Lenore begins to bounce up and down in your lap, rubbing her pussy against your abs as she rocks back and forth.
"Mmmm... Mmmmmm...." She moans.
Lenore takes your head in her hands, rubbing gentle circles along your temples with her thumbs as she stares deeply into your eyes. "I want you to fill me up." She says.
Her legs wrap around your waist as she begins to bounce faster and faster, forcing her large breasts to bounce with her as she grinds her hips into yours.
"Ohhh... Ohhh, yes! I need it! I need you to fuck me!" She moans.
You feel Candy stop her mouth work on your lower half as she sits up. In a single smooth motion, she guides a hand against your dick so that it effortlessly slips inside Lenore on her next down stroke of grinding.
Lenore lets out a gasp of pleasure that rapidly melts into a primal moan as she maintains her frantic pace, not missing a beat. She quickly adapts her frantic grinding into a savage dicking as she bucks her hips against you with force.

"Gotcha." Candy giggles as she kisses the side of Lenore's neck. This succeeds in driving Lenore even deeper into the throes of pleasure, as she's reduced to jiggling, squirming, moaning mess against you. You can feel her fingers curling around your skull as she holds on for dear life, eyes rolled into the back of her head as Candy sucks on her neck.
"Mmmm... Mmmm...." Lenore's moans are almost constant now.
Candy moves her attention across Lenore's body, sucking at different points on her skin and making sure to brush her hands along every sensitive spot she can.
"Oh God! Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna fucking cum!" Lenore screams.
"Mmmh... Good... Let it all out..." Candy purrs to Lenore as her pace hits a new peak.
Lenore's body begins to spasm as she lets out a moan that makes her whole body rumble. You can feel her inner walls clamping down on your dick as she rides you to the point where you're almost in pain.
"Ohhh fuck! Fuck!" You groan, feeling your balls tightening.
"Give it to Lenore! Do it, my sweet little boy! Fill her with your love!" Candy moans, sending you over the edge.
You spurt a wave of hot semen deep inside Lenore's womb. You can feel your dick pulsating as it shoots out rope after rope, the sensation sending you into a haze.
"Ohh... Fuuuuuck...." You moan as you finish up.
Lenore slowly stops her bucking and collapses against you, her body going limp against yours. She pants heavily as she lets out a long groan, her head rolling back.

"Ohh... My head feels so weird right now..." She says as she slowly opens her eyes, looking up at the ceiling.
"Mine does too." You say with a fuzzy smile.
"Mmmm... That's so good... I'm just going to lay here and let it drip out of me." Lenore says.
"Oh, don't worry. You'll be doing a lot more than that." Candy says.
"Ohh, I think I'm going to like this idea." Lenore says, a hungry look in her eyes.
Candy leans in and kisses you on the lips before turning to kiss Lenore.
"All right, my little slut. Time to prove yourself to Mama."
Lenore eagerly accepts Candy's kiss, and soon the two of them are making out in front of you. You watch as their tongues twist and their heads roll, and soon enough they're fondling each other's bodies.
Candy breaks the kiss and leans in to begin sucking on Lenore's breasts, which are a little smaller than her own. Lenore lets out a yelp of surprise, then a moan as she holds the back of Candy's head.
Candy slides her hand down from Lenore's breast, slowly moving it in a southward direction. Soon, she's rubbing Lenore's pussy, which is being absorbed by her own.
Lenore lets out a long gasp as her eyes roll back into her head.
"Ohh, Mama... You know what you're doing..."

Candy smiles as she leans in and begins kissing Lenore's neck. She begins rubbing her hand harder, making Lenore moan in response.
"A-ahh! Mama... Please...!"
You've never seen two mothgirls go at it before, but it's definitely a spectacle. Their wings flutter and shake as Candy and Lenore continue to pleasure each other, coating their bodies in love dust and driving their lust further.
Candy's hand goes even lower, rubbing Lenore's pussy lips and clit. Lenore shakes her head back and forth as her wings flap quickly.
"Ohh! Ohhh! Ohhh!" Lenore cries as she begins to cum.
Lenore's love juices squirt out onto both of their bodies, with Candy happily receiving the taste. She rubs herself against Lenore, smearing her body with the love juice.
Candy's body begins to shake as her own orgasm approaches. Lenore's rubbing and licking of her breasts are enough to send her over the edge.
"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" she cries as Lenore holds her close, kissing her deeply.
Candy's body shakes as she releases, squirting her love juice onto Lenore's hand. Her body goes limp as Lenore continues to rub her, sending waves of pleasure through her body.
Lenore happily licks up the rest of the love juice that squirts out. She smiles as she licks her fingers clean, then kisses Candy deeply once more.
The two of them snuggle together as they lie on the bed, their naked bodies pressed against one another.

For once, you're thankful you're not included. It's a small blessing to have them working on each other for a moment and letting you breathe. Your moment of thanks is quickly cut short as both Candy and Lenore raise their heads to take a look at you.
"I think this cuddle is missing somebody." Lenore says with a playful smile.
"Mama agrees..." Candy says, a similar expression on her face.
You groan as the two of them close the distance, resigned to your fate.
Before you know it, you're sandwiched between their sweaty, slicked up fuzzy bodies again. Candy pressed against your right side, and Lenore against your left, their wings meet on both sides of you as they guide you down on the bed into a snuggle position.
Their hot, musky bodies so close to yours is overwhelming. You feel like you're going to pass out from the smell and the heat they're giving off.
"Mmmm, Mama just made me so wet..." Lenore says, grinding herself against you.
"I think somebody is ready to go," Candy says.
"I am, I am!" Lenore says.
The two of them begin kissing and licking all over your body, working their way from your lips down to your chest. They lick and suck on your nipples, causing you to shiver in ecstasy before moving further down.
Lenore goes right while Candy goes left, both of them taking their time as they move down your body. Soon enough, they're at your throbbing manhood.

The two mothgirls take their time, lavishing your dick with attention. They kiss and lick it all over, running their tongue along every inch they can reach. They bathe it in their saliva, making sure it's nice and wet before they move on to the next step.
Lenore takes your dick into her mouth, gently sucking on it as she twirls her tongue around the tip, while Candy works her hands up and down the shaft.
The two of them work together to stroke and suck your dick, moving in tandem. Lenore bobs her head up and down the top half of your dick while Candy works on the bottom. Then, they switch off, giving you the same amazing treatment with their hands and mouths.
This process repeats several times, as the two of them provide an excellent double team effort.
"Mmmm... Does baby like?" Lenore asks.
"Y-Yeah..." You sputter. "I like that a lot..."
Lenore and Candy smile at each other, and redouble their efforts. Lenore goes back to sucking your tip while Candy starts working her hands and mouth further down your shaft, until her nose is touching Lenore's. The two of them bob their heads up and down in unison, moving along your dick at the same pace. The feeling is absolutely amazing, and you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum..." You groan.
Lenore and Candy redouble their efforts, moving even faster as they suck your dick. It's too much stimulation, and you can't hold on any longer.
"I'm gonna... Ah... Oh!" You groan as the two mothgirls continue sucking.

You release your load into Lenore's mouth, who immediately starts to swallow it. Meanwhile, Candy tastes your semen as well, licking the tip of your dick to get every drop.
"Mmmm... So delicious!" Lenore smiles, as she and Candy press their faces together and lick each other's faces.
"Mmm... you're right. But his dick is even more delicious!" Candy giggles.
The two mothgirls take their time cleaning off your entire crotch, as well as each other, with their tongues, before Candy and Lenore finally slide back up on either side of you with satisfied looks on their faces.
Lenore snuggles against your right side, nuzzling her face into your shoulder with a sight of pleasure as her fuzzy body curls up. "Ooooh... That was goood... You picked a fine boy, Candy."
"Mmmm, Mama's little boy never disappoints." Candy purrs, snuggling up against your left side and rubbing her furry body against yours.
"Did you enjoy us?" Lenore asks as she looks up at you with an expectant stare.
"You have no idea..." you groan, "I'm amazed I have the strength to form words."

"Awww...." Lenore pouts, snuggling up against you some more.
The three of you snuggle for a while. You feel completely at ease with the two mothgirls all over you. It's almost as if you're their pet, but you don't really mind.
"I think I'm going to sleep a little now..." You say softly.
"Well, you've had a long day." Lenore says, "We'll let you sleep. Mama and I will be here when you wake up."
And with that, the two mothgirls curl up around you and gently press their bodies against yours. You can feel their hearts beating, and they slowly begin to lull you to sleep.
You fall into a deep sleep as the last thing you hear is Lenore and Candy saying "I love you..." in unison.

You stir awake some time later, both mothgirls still curled up around you. Their gentle breathing pushes their chests against your body as they sleep, their wings lazily draped around you in a peaceful embrace. You feel warm and comfortable in their arms.
"Mmmm, you're awake." Lenore says, noticing that you're stirring.
"How long was I asleep?" You ask as Lenore and Candy stir from your sides.
"I'm not too sure, but it's been a little while." Lenore answers.
You notice a bit of a daylight streaming in from behind the red curtains at the edge of the room, and conclude you slept through the rest of the night.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Candy stirring against you as well, placing a warm and gentle kiss on your cheek. "Mmmh... Good morning my precious little boy..." She purrs as she rubs her fur against you.
Lenore moves closer to you and snuggles up against your chest, nuzzling her head against your body.
"Mmmm... can we stay with you a little longer?" Lenore asks in a sleepy tone.
"Sure." You answer.

Lenore and Candy both snuggle up against you, wrapping their arms around you as they hold each other. You can feel the warmth of their bodies as you gently rub their backs and wings, soothing them.
"You're so sweet." Lenore says.
"You're the best." Candy adds with a giggle.
The three of you continue to snuggle for quite some time, the mothgirls rubbing their warm bodies against yours as their arousal intensifies.
"I'm so wet right now." Lenore admits.
"Me too." Candy says.
The two of them continue to rub their bodies against yours, their arousal building up as they press their breasts and crotches against you.
Lenore and Candy giggle as they begin kissing each other, right in front of your eyes.
You're a little terrified they're going to bring you in for a fresh round of fucking, but as they separate from their kiss and return their attention you, it seems like they're just getting off on cuddling you. The two of them wrap their arms around your body, hugging you tightly as they grind up against you.

"You're so warm..." Lenore says, breathing heavily.
"Mmmm... I'm gonna have so much fun with you today..." Candy says, trailing a hand down your chest as she continues to rub against you.
The two of them continue to rub their warm bodies against yours, as you find yourself intoxicated by the attention.
"Oooh... Humans are always so much fun to cuddle with... You're so smooth and warm..." Lenore says as she presses her soaking pussy against your thigh.
"Mama's favorite part of spending time with him is the cuddles." Candy says with a smile as she grinds herself against your other thigh in a very similar manner.
"Mothgirls are very affectionate creatures. We love cuddling with our... mates." Lenore says, trailing a hand down your chest as she stares into your eyes.
"We also love rubbing our pussies against them." Candy giggles.
You feel the two of them begin to rub their warm, wet crotches against you, as their hands roam over your body.

"These girls are insatiable." You think as you feel their hands roam over your body. You're starting to get hard as their warm bodies rub against you, and their hands explore you.
"Ohh... I want to taste you..." Lenore says as she begins to slide down your body.
"I want to suck on his nipples." Candy says, sliding down your body as well.
You let out a pleasured sigh as you feel warm, wet tongues begin to slide across your body. You feel your dick slide into a warm, wet mouth, as the two mothgirls begin to suck on you.
"Mmmm... You taste good..." Lenore moans as she begins to suck on your cock.
"Mmmm... He smells so nice..." Candy says as she takes one of your nipples into her mouth and gently sucks on it.
You let out a contented sigh as the two mothgirls begin to pleasure you. You feel a warmth all over your body as Lenore focuses on your cock, while Candy focuses on your chest.
"Ah... Ah..." You say, stifling a moan.
"Do you like being cuddled?" Lenore asks.
"Do my warm palms feel good on your stomach?" Candy asks.
"Ah...! Y-yes!" You manage to answer.

"He's so cute when he's talking like that." Lenore remarks.
"I want to taste more of him..." Candy says, trailing her tongue up your chest and to your neck.
"Mmmm... He smells so good..." Candy says, pressing her nose against your stomach, and inhaling.
At this point you feel like you might just float away from how good you feel. You're starting to get overwhelmed by all the sensations.
Candy and Lenore both let out cute sighs as they slide back up your body.
"Did we do good?" Lenore asks.
"H-Holy shit... Yeah... Absolutely." You say as you nod your head enthusiastically.
"We should do this more often." Lenore says.
"Yeah! This is great!" You say.
"Mmm... We'll definitely be doing this more often. Now that Mama can have you for a whole day, we're going to have lots of fun!" Candy says with smile.
The two mothgirls smile as they lean in and kiss each other on the lips, before slowly making their way down your body and continuing what they were doing.

You look up at the ceiling, stifling a moan as you feel warm, wet tongues sliding across your body. The warmth you're feeling is almost unbearable, but it's a good kind of unbearable.
"Ah...! Hey... Lenore... Could you...?" You begin to ask.
Lenore looks at you with her bright red eyes, as she moves her head up towards your own.
"What is it, hon?" She asks.
"Could you maybe... Let down your hair?" You ask nervously.
Lenore smiles as she begins to slowly undo the silk ribbon around her hair. The long black hair that had been tied up loosens and flows down her back. The ribbon becomes a necklace as Lenore puts it around her neck.
"There. Is this what you wanted?" Lenore asks.
You nod your head eagerly, which causes Lenore to giggle.
Lenore leans in and embraces you, bringing her lips up to your ear.
"I'll make it even easier for you." She whispers.
She begins to slowly move her fingers through your hair, scratching your scalp gently with her nails. You let out a pleasured sigh as you feel yourself almost being put into a trance.

"Lenore...! That feels so good..." You say.
"Just focus on the feeling, darling." Lenore says.
The warmth of her fingers running through your hair and the scratching of her nails on your scalp is almost enough to put you into a trance. Her long black hair gently swishes along your face and neck as Lenore keeps her bright red eyes locked with yours.
Lenore's bright red eyes stare into yours as she watches you with a smile. Her fingers keep moving through your hair as she leans in and kisses your forehead gently.
"Mmmm... Good boy." Lenore says.
You feel yourself almost blushing at the warmth of her praise.
Candy gives a long, drawn out moan as she moves her head up towards your own. You feel yourself shivering in ecstasy as her long tongue slowly parts your lips and enters your mouth. Candy's tongue is large and slimy, but it feels so good as it moves around inside your mouth. Lenore simply watches with a satisfied smile as she continues to massage your scalp with her fingers, while Candy sets to work on your mouth.

Candy's long, sticky tongue wraps around your own as she begins to passionately French kiss you. You can feel her long tongue wrapping around yours, and it occurs to you that this must be what it feels like to have a longer than normal tongue.
Lenore's fingers slowly stop massaging your scalp and instead return to gently scratching as she runs them through your hair. The feeling makes you shudder and release a soft moan into Candy's mouth.
Candy's long, sticky tongue begins to move in and out of your mouth as she starts to kiss you more passionately. You can feel the slimy muscle rubbing all over the inside of your mouth, exploring every part of it. The amount of savory sensations running through your body right now is almost mind-melting.
The warm embrace of two mothgirl's soft and fuzzy bodies, Candy's hands wandering across your torso as she fills your mouth with her tongue, and Lenore's hands running through your hair with gentle scratches as her soft black hair drapes across your bodies like a curtain of love. You're the singular object of Lenore and Candy's maternal affection, and it feels amazing.
Candy's long, sticky tongue begins to massage the inside of your mouth in a rhythmic motion. Her tongue wraps all around yours, rubbing against it with a gentle thrusting motion.

The feeling is unlike anything you've ever experienced. The pleasure is so great that it's almost like torture. You don't know how you're able to withstand such a feeling, but you don't want Candy to stop what she's doing. You just want her to continue doing it forever.
You can feel the slick muscle massaging all the inside of your mouth, sliding back and forth against your tongue, over and over. You can't help but let out a pleasured moan as she continues her work. Her tongue wraps all around yours, rubbing against it in gentle thrusting motions.
The feeling is unlike anything you've ever experienced. You can't help but start to moan a little louder as all the sensory input across your body just keeps escalating.
"Shhh... You're doing great, baby... Such a good boy... Keep going for us..." Lenore purrs as she continues to work her hands through your hair.
Candy's wings are flapping gently, creating a draft that sends chills through your body. Her wings are like an aphrodisiac in of themselves.
Meanwhile, Lenore begins planting wet kisses all over your face. She starts with your forehead, moving down to your cheeks, and finally planting a long, wet kiss between your lips and Candy's. Your face is flushed as she breaks the kiss.

"You've been such a good boy, you know that? Working so hard to keep us satisfied... We're greedy girls, you know..." Lenore whispers as he moves her tongue to your ear, increasing the rubbing of her fingers against your scalp.
"Very greedy girls... There's never been a human that's kept up with both of us before... But you... You're special... We've never had this much fun with a boy before."
The feeling is unlike anything you've ever experienced before. You can feel your legs starting to quiver as the pleasure just keeps escalating.
"We're going to have so much fun with you... So, so much fun... Mmmm... You're going to be our personal stud... No one else gets to have you... You're all ours..."
Candy's wings flap harder, creating a draft that makes your head feel light as air. Your body starts to tingle as your legs start to shake. She's releasing love powder again.
Candy pulls her face back, looking into your eyes with a smile. "Aww.... Look how much our little boy is shaking, Lenore... He's about to lose control..."
Lenore giggles, moving her face back to yours for another kiss.
Your head is filled with the scent of her perfume and your vision is filled with her eyes.
Lenore breaks the kiss, looking into your eyes with a smile. "That's good... That's what a good boy does for his mommies..."

Her fingers begin to work even faster, stroking your head in a gentle caress.
"You like this, don't you? Say it for mommy, say you like it..."
Candy's other hand moves from your scalp down your neck, tracing it's way down your body. Her fingers linger on your chest, gently rubbing in circles around your nipples before slowly moving down to your stomach.
She traces her fingers along your hip bones, moving her hand over your member.
"I- I love it!" You cry out weakly.
Candy's love dust has you in a serious funk, your entire body feels warm and weightless.
Her hand moves along your member, slowly stroking it.
"Do you want me to make you feel good?"
She begins to stroke it faster, her eyes looking into yours with a smile.
You can't even speak, you can only nod your head as you try to say "Yes..."
She giggles, kissing the tip of your member.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you~"
"P-Please!" You yelp, before Lenore silences you with a deep kiss of her own.

Lenore quickly straddles you, running her hips down your body until she's quite close to Candy and her mouth work.
"Mmmm... You want me to make you feel good?" She asks, before kissing you again.
You nod your head vigorously.
"Beg me..." She whispers in your ear, as her hot breath tickles your skin.
"Please, mommy..."
"What was that?"
"Please mommy, make me feel good!" You say louder.
"Hmm... I think you need a little more practice..." Lenore says with a smile. "Candy, can you help me out here?"
Candy nods, sitting up and crawling over to your left side she begins to kiss your neck and fondle your chest.
"Ah! God!" You yelp in surprise.
"Shh, shh... It's okay, baby," Lenore says, "Just relax."

Lenore sticks her tongue in your ear, as you moan in ecstasy.
"You're such a cutie... Do you like that?" Lenore asks.
You can only moan in response as she gently nibbles on your ear and teases your nipples.
"I'll take that as a yes..."
Candy moves her lips to your neck and begins to suck on it gently.
"Mmmm... You taste so good," Lenore says, "I need to taste more."
Lenore kisses her way down your chest and begins to suck on your right nipple.
"Ah!" You moan.
Candy grins and moves her mouth to the left side of your neck, kissing and nibbling at it gently while Lenore moves to suck on the right side.
"Shit... Ah!" You moan.
The two mothgirls take turns kissing, licking and sucking on your neck as your hands run through their hair.
"Ah! Shit! Please!" You moan.

Lenore and Candy continue sucking on your neck, before kissing and licking the rest of your upper body. You feel Lenore start to shift the weight of her hips further down.
"Just relax..." Lenore whispers, pressing the tip of your member against her entrance.
You let out a moan as she eases herself down, sliding your member inside her and beginning to bounce up and down.
"Ah! Shit!" You moan.
Lenore's pussy is tight and warm, and you feel yourself quickly approaching the edge.
"Candy, he's about to cum!" Lenore says.
"Me too," Candy pants, "Mama needs some."
Lenore smirks and rolls off of your cock.
You let out a small moan of protest as Lenore slides off of you, but she's quickly replaced as Candy straddles your body.
"Oooh... Mommy's ready..." She says in a honeyed voice, lowering herself onto your cock.
You slide into her easily as she begins to bounce up and down slowly.
"Ah! Fuck!" You moan.

Candy's pussy is hot, tight and wet, and you let out a long, low moan as she begins riding you faster. Lenore leans you back on the bed, before positioning herself in front of your face.
"Come on, baby... Eat Mama out..." She says in a low tone.
You look up and see her wet pussy just inches from your face. You reach up, touching her labia with your fingers before sliding them inside her. Lenore moans softly, before closing her eyes and tossing her head back.
"Mmmm... Yes... That's it..." She moans.
You slide your tongue out, touching her clit and flicking it softly. Lenore lets out a pleasured sigh as she begins grinding herself into your face. You slide your tongue up and down her slit, tasting her sweet nectar. Her juices run down your chin as you lap eagerly, eager to please.
"Ah! Fuck! Yes! Lick mommy up!" Lenore moans.
Lenore's ministrations seem to have driven Candy into a bit of a frenzy, and you can feel her increasing the pace of her hips as she works you in and out of her.
"Oh! Yes! Yes! Give it to Mommy! Give it to her good!" She moans.
You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge as you eat out Lenore and fuck Candy. The three of you move together as one, creating a perfect union of sex and lust.
"I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." You say, not finishing your sentence.

"Do it! Give her your love!" Lenore says, her tongue hanging out slightly from her panting. She's practically burying your face in her pussy at this point, grinding against your mouth with ferocity.
You moan with pleasure as you feel Lenore's pussy tighten and quiver around your tongue.
Candy throws her head back, letting out a long, low moan as she tightens around your cock. You release deep inside of her as you both climax together. You gasp for breath, as you slowly begin to come down from the high of your orgasm.
You lie there, panting for breath as the three of you embrace. You let out a satisfied sigh as you run your hands along each of their wings.
"You girls certainly are demanding." You remark with a chuckle.
Lenore giggles.
"You're just saying that because you love it." She says.
"You know it!" You reply.
You lie in bed with the two mothgirls as they curl up next to you. You rest your hands on their soft, warm wings as you feel yourself drifting off slightly. You let out a small yawn, before finally moving get up and off the bed.

Pub: 04 Oct 2020 17:57 UTC
Views: 258