the  undead  masquerade's
extended ,  thank  you  for
paying  a  visit  to  this  link .

 you can refer to us as estera
or codruţ but if you want to refer to us as
other names then you can check our pronoun page for
more names and pronouns.  
we are bodly a minor and we are natively romanian, but we
can also speak english fluently, we are learning russian
and we can speak and are patrially spanish.  ⟢  we suffer from hpd and psychosis we as well have add,
asd, dyslexia and we are hypersexual, other will not
be listed for our own comfort and privacy, our illines affect our behavior
and we'd like for people to state if we are doing anything that harms
them seriously(or make them uncomfy in general). we use vamp and
it pronouns, we are vampire gender, under the aromantic
specturm, ambiamorous happily(not /hvj) taken by our partnersystems
divine, no longer human and our queerplatonic angel's kisses  
our preferred terms collectively are neutural or nonhuman,
female and masc depend on the current fronter, although, some fronters
might mask as the host depending on how the criterian alter knows you.  ❀

 we have awful mood swings and we can
make alot of grammar mistakes, please do not
correct us or make fun of us as we cannot control it, we can correct
it ourselves if we feel the need to. we refer ourselves as in "we"
and "i" but mainly in "i" so i apologize if we confuse you
about anything.     refrain from making
fatherless jokes around us, we can get very upset by it. we will get
uncomfortable by disturbing or creepy images. a few of us use
typing quirks if you dislike that kindly don't interact if it's that much
of a deal for you  ⿻  we use slurs we can reclaim and we go nonverbal
under alot of stress or pressure, we can as well get overwhelmed very easily and
most of us lack empathy and sympathy. nor we can understand people
perfectly/their emotions. please try to iwc some of us can get sensitive
or are unstable depending on the current fronter.

 dni basic dni criteria, random drama, if you compare kinning to irls/fictkins
and DID/OSDD, under the age 13 bodly with exceptions if we are friends already.
if you compare introjects to their source, if you think irls are doubles of introjects
or introjects are doubles or irls or other introjects, if you fakeclaim systems
purely because of their body age or their source, above the age of 18 bodly, again with exceptions
non consensual reality checkers and fake claimers you can all fuck off not kindly.
fictkins and irls who make use of system terms, tulpa/endo/non-traumagenic 'systems'
israel supporters, dsmp stans. more will be added if needed.

Pub: 15 Jul 2024 23:31 UTC
Edit: 05 Sep 2024 13:24 UTC
Views: 202