my lgbtq labels
&& its meanings
main directs
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- Diamoric is generally considered an umbrella term referring to the attractions experienced by non-binary individuals that cannot be described as "same gender" or "other gender", "straight" or "gay". As an identity word for non-binary people, it can be used to describe their sexual or romantic orientations, rather than being a specific orientation term of its own, or used to describe their relationships.
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- As terms for specific identities, aromantic refers to someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction and asexual means someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction. Aromantic asexual people may or may not feel other forms of attraction that are neither romantic nor sexual. Some aromantic, asexual, or aromantic asexual people may also feel romantic or sexual attraction for others, but don't feel a need to act on their attraction. They may also only see this attraction as fantasy, which is why some don't feel a need to act on it.
- An aego aroace, or aegorose, is an individual who is both aegoromantic and aegosexual. An aego aroace person likes the idea of romantic/sexual relationships but there is a disconnection between them and the relationship. They may have sexual/romantic fantasies, view porn/romance novels/movies/etc. They generally feel little to no sexual attraction and romantic attraction and typically do not desire to have sex or a romantic relationship with another person.
- It describes romantic attraction without the desire for reciprocation. Simply put, you may like someone, but don't want them to show romantic feelings back or be romantic to you and may lose interest or feelings for them if they do so.
- Bxy (pronuncied x-boy or boy-x) is a gender identity in which one experiences male and agender genders simultaneously, or is fluid between the two.
- A common way to describe this gender is the 'bowl and soup method.' Those who have a gender may have soup in their pot with contents that makes up their gender, whilst those who are gendervoid may feel there is no soup in the pot, as in there is nothing where their gender should be.
- Bisexual, also abbreviated as bi, is a sexual orientation encompassing attraction to multiple genders and/or sexes, with the attraction being sexual, romantic, and/or emotional. Bisexuality is not limited to the gender binary, but it is often misunderstood as that.
- Intersex is an umbrella term for people who are born with or develop sex characteristics that differ from the binary notions of a "male" or "female" body. The dissimilarities between individuals in terms of their hormones, chromosomes, external and internal reproductive organs, or secondary sex characteristics are commonly referred to as variations.
- Demiromantic describes people who do not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone.
- Ambiamory is defined as the ability to enjoy both monoamory and polyamory with little to no preference between the two. This is not a type of relationship, but rather a specific feeling one may have towards relationships. Everyone has to be aware that their partner has other partners, and they also have to express that they are okay with it, otherwise it's simply cheating.
- Fictosexual or fictoromantic is an identity for someone who mostly is attracted to fictional characters. Fictosexuality is an umbrella term for anyone who experiences sexual or romantic attraction toward fictional characters, a general type of fictional characters, or whose sexuality is influenced by fictional characters. This fictional character could be from any media.
- Objectum also known as Objectum Sexuality, Objectum Romanticism, OS/OR, or Pygmaliosexual is the attraction to inanimate objects. This attraction can be sexual, romantic, or both, it can also be a form of tertiary attraction.
- Xenogender is a gender identity that is beyond traditional male/female binary, influenced by things like objects and concepts, and often expressed through unconventional pronouns and labels. ( xeno hoard here )