1/3/24 update, im finally working on this again medkit spawnday post hit me like a truck sorry
1/18/24 update, ROCKET SPAWNDAY VIDEO KILLED ME IM DEAD IN THE STREETS. Working on this soon. I'm serious this time, 100% rn.
url is not for trade or sale
inspiration credit: (list wip)
☆⠀rentry . co⠀/⠀coil
a url dedicted to coil
from roblox phighting.
contact⠀ links
I also own /rebel, hi
•⠀Coil is a Phighter from the Playground faction, he stands at around 5'8 (173cm), his spawn day is August 7th, and he's canonly 20 years old. Being released on September 8th of 2024 in V0.9.0, not much is known about him. However, his design is inspired off the Coil Series of gears and much of his design inspiration was taken from the Street Fighter franchise, and his Fusion Mode is based on the Fusion Coil, a fanmade gear that combines the effects of the three main coils seen.
Battle Overview
•⠀Coil is a support fighter who thrives in close-quarters combat, making him a formidable brawler. With an impressive array of moves and exceptional mobility, he possesses the versatility to adapt to any situation he encounters no matter the match-up and is a must have in majority of team compositions and a vital support unit, especially when paired with subspace, banhammer, medkit or any phigher who needs support.