
bowbowbowbowbowbowbowbow ppppppppp yaoicouple


hey two...... leans on fancy shiny new expensive car.....puts rose in mouth....... h rose i just wanna let u know that .............
i love you so much oh my god you dont understand how much you mean to me
i love talking to you i love seeing you near i love your entire existence i love YOU
i love listening to you talk
i love watching you play games or write stuff
i love hearing stuff about you
i love it when i make you smile or laugh
i love taking naps with you
i love being around you
youre literally the sweetest person ever you literally deserve the world
i literally wish i could give you all the stuff you want but sadly i cant :((
and oh my god everytime you arent here ill miss you SO much
i even DREAM about you
like you seriously never leave my mind at all
and ill always wait (not so very patiently ^^') for you to come back and once you do i get so excited omg
aAAAGHH even the wORDS i love you cant even describe how much you mean to me
i love you sO muChg
km so sorry this is so corny and im sorry i cant express my love to you in the right way but i seriously love you so so so SO much oh my god i could write so muych stuff abour you
i lobve you i love you i LOVE YOU <3333
heart i just wish i could give you the biggest smooch ever oh my goodness i loveyouy somichj
ily o


bowbowbowbowbowbowbowbow ppppppppp

Pub: 18 Jan 2024 18:55 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2024 22:26 UTC
Views: 175