shhh this is my cringe corner (currently stuck with otasune theyre all i think abt) my all time fav sun & moon BBKaz (MGSPW), Yorunix (Val), FrankMatt (Marvel)

comforting Serennedy (RE4), Chreon (RE), SamSteve (Marvel), ineffable husbands (GO), NaruMitsu (AA), Red Valentine/JillClaire (RE), StrangeBoss/Strangelove and The Boss (MG), Amacecile/Amanda and Cecile (MGSPW),, and i love all femslash ships <3 (if theyre not problematic)

now favorite VKaz (MGS), Otasune (MGS), KenCage (MK) theyre my silly married couples . . note: im pretty much fine with other ships if they arent problematic or sum, if you decided to make a scene bc of some fictional ships dont be near me

feb . 26th

Pub: 12 Mar 2023 08:54 UTC
Edit: 23 Sep 2023 18:03 UTC
Views: 476