Christianity and Communism


In theory, communism's basic idea is: everyone is equal, let's jointly work to share all the money equally (which implies sub-optimal resource allocation).

In practice, communism is a train wreck of abuse and systematic state-sponsored genocides, and low productivity.

Which means, it's bad in theory, and worse in practice.


In theory, Christianity is sex-level communism, as they ban polygamy, and only permit monogamy. Which means: "let's share all vaginas equally among men, so that all men are happy".

In practice:

  • In most nations, there less men than women. Which means, if every man marries a woman, there will be still some women left out unable to get married.
  • Even in the theoretical ideal case of 1-to-1 female-to-male ratio: many men are genetically worthless and don't deserve to have a woman reserved for them to use to make unfortunate kids that get 50% of their genes from their shit dad's.
  • Many studies show that the Pareto principle applies on human mating, too. Which is not surprising at all, as the principle is wide spread in nature, and spans many domains. Basically, 80% of women want the top 20% of men, anyway.

So, basically, Christianity's sex-level communism leads to:

  • More whoredom: Millions of women will have their womb left unutilized, at all. Instead, they will be wasted to adultery and whoredom (as most women are straight, and most of them agree that real penises are better than dildos).
  • More shit genes: Other millions of women will be wasted to marrying a shit bottom 60% man, and end up wasting their womb to make a baby that gets 50% of his/her genes from the shit man.
  • More divorce (and more whoredom [again]): Since 80% of women eye the top 20% men, they will be less likely to be content with their shit bottom 60% husband. Then this cascading effect of death happens:
    1. More women end up cheating their husbands on average.
    2. Which leads to increase in divorce, as some husbands figure out.
    3. Which means their lame kids which already have 50% of their genes from that shit dad, will end up even worse: depression and twice the suicide risk, as well as increased participation in crime, such as armed robberies.
    4. More single moms, which are known to suck 90% of the welfare fund in U.S.A.

Basically, Christianity leads to death, just like communism:

Summary: In practice, Christianity is a train wreck of abuse and systematic Church-sponsored genocides, and low productivity.

What Does Science Say?

If we have resources with differing values of "merit", and our goal is to maximize merit, then it necessarily follows that equal distribution of resource is sub-optimal. To maximize merit, resources with higher merit must get higher allocation periority.

Mating in species is just a special case of this gerneral optimization problem. Here is how:

  1. Not all men are equal to each other in merit.
  2. Not all women are equal to each other in merit.
  3. The female capacity to bear children is limted and is extremely expensive (e.g. permanent health risk, potential death, etc).

Therefore, it necessarily follows, even in ideal cases when there is 1:1 male:female ratio, that it is a huge waste to force a female to be impregnated by a low-merit male when there is a male with high merit whom hasn't reached the limit of 4 wives.

Unfortunately this is what the western societies do by banning regulated polygamy: they effectively force most women into one of these horrible options:

  • Get impregnated by a low-merit man. This is very unfair, as there are many high-merit men that have the capacity of building multiple families. This will result into having children with inferior genetic gifts, and lower quality cultures that are inherited by the low-merit father.
  • Get impregnated via adultery or fornication. This will mostly result into single mothers which are a risk factor (e.g. increased child depression, reduced school performance, etc). The statistics about single mothers, or even single parents, is well known and you may Google them.

In western cultures, only a few percentage women can have high-merit man as the father of their children (perhaps about 20%). The rest (perhaps 80%) has to suffer sub-optimal resource allocation that is against science and nature (which is why many resort to adultery or fornication; which has its own side effects).

What Does Biology Say?

  • Almost all mammals are polygamous, including humans throughout history.
  • Almost all birds who are called "monogamous" are actually only "socially monogamous", but "sexually polygamous".
  • The only birds that are "sexually monogamous" are those that are have a lifespan that is so short that they are dead before they are about to have another mating season.


What Does Practice Say in Western Cultures?

In the United States, over 40% of the total births that occur annually are considered illegitimate births.


Western cultures have banned polygamy, and -instead- got moved to adultery. It is a lie that western states are "monogamous". At best, all we can say is that they are only "socially mongamous" as they do have a high number of adultery and unlawful children.

So, really, what the Christian churches preach is just an impractical unscientific shenanigan that's ignored in general. It's just not working, like most bad ideas.

How to fix monogamy?

By regulated polygamy up to 4 maximum wives (to meet the Pareto distribution as 80/20 = 4, while -at the same time- not overly reduce the genetic diversity).

Regulated polygamy (up to 4 max) is also Islam's solution. I wonder, how did Mohammad know the "4" wife limit? Did he know of the Pareto distribution and the Tinder study? I dont' have any sensible explanation other than Islam is from the Creator of the Universe, Allah.

Quran 67:14:

Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?

Unregulated polygamy is bad (and is against Islam) as a king may have 100s of wives and henceforth reduce the genetic diversity too aggressively. Reducing the genetic diversity too aggressively is bad as it harms specie's survival.

Nothing is wrong with Regulated polygamy, and all evidence suggets that it is the best approach for humanity, including statistics shown above in this article.

Pub: 27 Jul 2019 22:38 UTC
Edit: 08 Jul 2020 01:18 UTC
Views: 491