

strawberry the goddess's titles, as prny is hard to manage ‒‒ ask to take inspo from ones marked with * !


border PiLLAR ribbon // only to be used by the goddess ONE most used divider The Goddess ◦ Her Highness ◦ The Lover ◦ The Creator ◦ The Universe ◦ Mother ◦ Earth ◦ Abomination ◦ Eldritch One ◦ Cosmic Horror ◦ Harbinger ◦ Herrscher ◦ The EGO ◦ Her Love ◦ The Doll ◦ The Marionette ◦ Fragile One* ◦ The Idol ◦ The Maiden ◦ The Princess ◦ The Main Character ◦ The Maid ◦ The Cutest ◦ She Who Weilds Cleavers / Axes / Scythes / Scissors / Flails* ◦ The [ Aforementioned ] Weilder ◦ The Healer ◦ The Grim Reaper ◦ The Temptress ◦ The Saintess ◦ Her Loveliness ◦ Her Lovestruckness ◦ The Killer In Love* ◦ Her Heavenly Blood* ◦ The Silly One ◦ Her Adoration ◦ The Abyss Princess ◦ Her Purity

PiLLAR mirror // only to be used by the goddess TWO divider The Jellyfish ◦ The Ascended One* ◦ She Who Ascends* ◦ The One In Pink* ◦ She Who Bathes The World In Light* ◦ The Wired ◦ The One Who Listens* ◦ The Heavenly One Above* ◦ Her Heavenliness ◦ She Who Has Been Reborn* ◦ She Who Creates ◦ She Who Loves* ◦ The Adored One ◦ The Kaiju ◦ She Who Was Banished* ◦ Her Virtue ◦ Big Sister ◦ Little Sister ◦ The Persocom ◦ The Heroine ◦ She Who Brings Light* ◦ She Who Tempts* ◦ The Eclipse ◦ The One Who Eclipses ◦ The Streamer ◦ The Psychologist ◦ Dearest One ◦ The Darling One ◦ The Baker ◦ The Mechanic ◦ She Who Cries Stars* ◦ The Plastic Surgeon ◦ The Love Interest ◦ The Sweetheart ◦ The Capture Target ◦ The Diclonius ◦ The Nurse ◦ The Healer ◦ She Who Changes Shapes ◦ The Vixen ◦ The Demoness ◦ The Ruler Of Heaven And Hell Alike* ◦ Her Sweetness ◦ The Manic Pixie Dream Girl ◦ The Lovesick One ◦ The Siren ◦ The White Pearl ◦ The Cute Girlfriend ◦ The Angel Next Door ◦ The Cute Pulsating Mass* ◦ Her Sweetness

The Songstress ◦ She Who Dances In The Moonlight* ◦ The Universal Darling* ◦ She Who Loves All* ◦ The Starling ◦ The Adored Abomination ◦ The Mew Mew ◦ The Perfect Pretty Girl ◦ The Moon Princess ◦ The Dissected Maiden ◦ The Maidendroid ◦ The Starry-Eyed Lover ◦ The World's Gift ◦ Super Duper Awesome Girl☆ ◦ The Bloody Rabbit ◦ Miss Pink Elf ◦ The Third ◦ The Thirteenth ◦ The Dove ◦ The White Comet ◦ The Divine Prayer* ◦ The Swallowtail ◦ The Stygian Nmyph ◦ Violet Executioner ◦ The Little Thing ◦ The Little Nun ◦ The World's Cutest Valkyrie ◦ The Madness ◦ Her Madness* ◦ Her Deadliness ◦ She With The Deadly Smile* ◦ The Super Pretty Cyber Girl* ◦ The World Eater ◦ She Who Embraces All* ◦ The Nameless ◦ The Mortal's Friend*

PiLLAR phone THREE divider The Zombie ◦ The One Who Lasts Forever* ◦ The Vampire ◦ The Vampiress ◦ The Apotheosized One* ◦ La Llorona ◦ She Who Cries* ◦ The Banshee ◦ Her Earthly Spirit* ◦ The Bomb ◦ The Fiend ◦ She Who Sees* ◦ She Who Waits* ◦ She Who Rests ◦ She Who Dreams* ◦ Her Stardust* ◦ The Outer Goddess ◦ The Beginning* ◦ Mother Of All* ◦ The Divinity ◦ She Who Is Divine ◦ She With The Sweet Voice* ◦ She With The Loving Arms* ◦ She Who Mirrors* ◦ The Immortal One ◦ She With The Stiched Mouth* ◦ She With The Slit Mouth* ◦ The Cutesy Horrifying One ◦ The Beloved Terror* ◦ Little Red Riding Hood ◦ The Sleeping Beauty ◦ She Who Escaped ◦ She Who Lied Dead In His Bed* ◦ She Who Sings A Perish Song* ◦ The Perish Songtress ◦ The One In Lace* ◦ She With The Covered Eyes* ◦ Her Blind Justice ◦ Her Blind Love* ◦ Her Unconditional Love* ◦ The Gift ◦ The Blessing ◦ The Blooming Wish ◦ The Demolisher ◦ The Starblessed ◦ She Who Kisses The Universe* ◦ She Who Bewares The Wolf ◦ ♡The Closest To Heaven* ◦ Her Adoring Embrace* ◦ Her Loving Kiss*

moon // only to be used by the goddess   all instances of pronouns can be replaced with neopronouns
chainsaw // only to be used by the goddess   " one " may be changed to any other title. most instances of " the " may also be removed / added. " the " may be changed to " my ", the goddess prefers " my "



Pub: 11 Sep 2022 08:50 UTC
Edit: 11 Feb 2025 15:01 UTC
Views: 4879