Contact Stance Emoji Codes
- Do you believe healthy, romantic relationships with animals are possible?
- Yes - YRA - 🐾❤️🆗️
- No - NRA - 🐾❤️🆖️
- It depends | Sometimes - URA - 🐾❤️💭
- Only if the animals are headmates, alters, therians, or similar - PRA - 🐾❤️🫥
- Do you believe sexual activities between those inhabiting human bodies and animals can be healthy and consensual?
- Yes - YCA - 🐾♨️🆗️
- No - NCA - 🐾♨️🆖️
- It depends | Sometimes - UCA - 🐾♨️💭
- Only if the animals are headmates, alters, or therians inhabiting human bodies - PCA - 🐾♨️🫥
- Do you believe healthy, romantic relationships between those over the age of consent where they live and those under the age of consent where they live are possible?
- Yes - YRK - 🚸❤️🆗️
- No - NRK - 🚸❤️🆖️
- It depends | Sometimes - URK - 🚸❤️💭
- Only if Romeo & Juliet laws would apply - RRK - 🚸❤️⚖️
- Only if the younger party or parties are headmates, alters, or transage beings inhabiting chronologically adult bodies - PRK - 🚸❤️🫥
- Only if Romeo & Juliet laws would apply and/or if the younger party or parties are headmates, alters, or transage beings inhabiting chronologically adult bodies - RPRK - 🚸❤️⚖️🫥
- Do you believe sexual activities between those inhabiting a body over the legal age of consent where they live and those inhabiting a body under the legal age where they live can be healthy and consensual?
- Yes - YCK - 🚸♨️🆗️
- No - NCK - 🚸♨️🆖️
- It depends | Sometimes - UCK - 🚸♨️💭
- Only if Romeo & Juliet laws would apply - RCK - 🚸♨️⚖️
- Only if the younger party or parties are headmates, alters, or transage beings inhabiting chronologically adult bodies - PCK - 🚸♨️🫥
- Only if Romeo & Juliet laws would apply and/or if the younger party or parties are headmates, alters, or transage beings inhabiting chronologically adult bodies - RPCK - 🚸♨️⚖️🫥
- Do you believe healthy, romantic relationships between the deceased and the living are possible?
- Yes - YRD - ⚰️❤️🆗️
- No - NRD - ⚰️❤️🆖️
- It depends | Sometimes - URD - ⚰️❤️💭
- Only if the deceased has given consent prior to their death - CRD - ⚰️❤️✅️
- Only if the deceased are headmates, alters, ghosts, or otherwise disconnected from a corpse - PRD - ⚰️❤️🫥
- Only if the deceased has given consent prior to their death and/or if the deceased are headmates, alters, ghosts, or otherwise disconnected from a corpse - PCRD - ⚰️❤️✅️🫥
- Do you believe sexual activities between the deceased and the living can be healthy and consensual?
- Yes - YCD - ⚰️♨️🆗️
- No - NCD - ⚰️♨️🆖️
- It depends | Sometimes ‐ UCD - ⚰️♨️💭
- Only if the deceased has given consent prior to their death - CCD - ⚰️♨️✅️
- Only if the deceased are headmates, alters, ghosts, or otherwise disconnected from a corpse - PCD - ⚰️♨️🫥
- Only if the deceased has given consent prior to their death and/or if the deceased are headmates, alters, ghosts, or otherwise disconnected from a corpse - PCCD - ⚰️♨️✅️🫥
- Can "big three" paraphiles be entrusted with the care of those which they are attracted to? For example, a zoophile having a pet, or a necrophile being a mortician?
- Yes - YJF - 🧰🆗️
- No - NJF - 🧰🆖️
- It depends | Sometimes - UJF - 🧰💭
Example of using the codes
- 🐾❤️🫥 | 🐾♨️🫥 | 🚸❤️⚖️🫥 | 🚸♨️⚖️🫥 | ⚰️❤️✅️🫥 | ⚰️♨️✅️🫥 | 🧰💭