!! BYF

🎧 I j0kingly say things like "kys" "stfu" (PLEASE LMK IF Y0U'RE UNCOMFY)

🎀 I d0 cuss and say the f-slur (I can reclaim it and I w0n't say it if y0u're unc0mfy)

🎧 I'm passive aggressive, m0stly when I'm jeal0us (BUT THAT'S N0T ALL THE TIME)

🎀 I'm trying my hardest t0 heal :')

🎧 I have ADHD, depressi0n, anxiety, maybe 0SDD, m0st likely chr0nic stress, and m0re 'fun' issues I suffer fr0m

🎀 I struggle with small talk with new pe0ple, I swear I’m n0t trying t0 gh0st y0u!

🎧 if I'm talking t0 s0me0ne new, s0metimes it’s easier t0 have s0me0ne else there

🎀 I use t0ne tags!


rainb0w drips

Pub: 31 Aug 2023 04:10 UTC
Edit: 15 May 2024 19:03 UTC
Views: 295