get his ass

BYF (1) i have self diagnosed autism + other disorders i don't feel like sharing lol, they've all been thoroughly researched i just can't get prof dx'd right now (2) i can tag almost anything, but if u need one of my spins/hyperfixs tagged, it might be better for u to not follow. no hard feelings but yknow (3) masc or neu terms only please im begging on my knees rn (4) i reclaim faggot but i dont like call ppl it out of nowhere or anything lol (5) dm me if im following someone weird dont just tag me on the tl

DNI (1) basic dni stuff dont be a bigot or something (2) under 13 (3) proshipper or "anti anti" (4) dsmp or any of those adjacent guys watcher (5) you hate my interests idk just be normal please!!!


Pub: 07 Jul 2022 00:13 UTC
Edit: 09 May 2024 16:03 UTC
Views: 618