band meme

6th grade lunchroom where do i even begin with yall oh my god. we have been friends for like, almost 6 years now. from the early depts of 6th grade to us about to graduate in like two years. and holy fuck have we changed. and some of yall were late to join cow patrol but i love you all regardless. i love all the stupid funny moments we share, on the field, in class, in ellie's bedroom traumadumping, all of them. there is seriously not a better friend group i could ask for, like yall make going to school actually fun. Ellie, my longest friend like ever, you are my best friend, and there's no one else i'd rather have as my best friend. i love you so much, and i can't wait to be music majors with you. Wilberta, sorry i HAVE to use silly/code names, you have changed so much over the years and you have become an amazing person. i remember how quiet you used to be NOW LOOK AT YOU!! i'm so proud of how far you've come. Pao, yeah i'm shortening names this is the internet cmon yall internet safety, you are one of the most kindest and funniest people i know. you are one of the earliest members of cow patrol other than the og 3 and you need to be appreciated more. i love how you try to help people in any way you can, please never change, because i know you're gonna achieve amazing things and i'm gonna cheer you on so hard. Swonk, you joined us a little later but it's okay i forgive you because i know you're slow <3 JOKING!! you actually are really smart and i know i pick on you a lot but it's all affectionate and you are actually one of the sweetest people i know. you are also one of the most silliest people i know and hanging out with you is always a blast. and let me say i am so proud of how far you've come in band, you are amazing and you're gonna become even better i know it. Renee, or however you spell your stupid name (joke, it's actually really pretty), we met on...certain circumstances but honestly you are a very silly friend and we've known each other for 2 years now!! holy shit!! you have changed so much these past two years and i'm so happy to see the person you have become. last but not least, puto, culero, hijo de puta, i'm giving you nicknames because again this is the internet gotta keep yall safe. we haven't known each other for as long as we've known the others but you are genuinely so fucking funny and so fun to hang out with and i'm very happy to consider you a close friend. you are such an old man but it's okay because your little gayass is gonna do great things when you're out of highschool (lucky..), and you have also improved so much in band i'm so proud of you, continue being you please. i love you all so much i am so happy to be friends with yall <3

Pub: 21 Jun 2023 03:02 UTC
Edit: 21 Jun 2023 14:45 UTC
Views: 34