A Message Board
A Clover Guild Story
By Meowstic-anon

Minding my own business inside the Guild office
A certain Meowth kicks the door open
Shook me up
Walks up to me
Explains one of his business ideas
There will be a wooden board in the middle of town, not related to the mission or outlaw board
Instead, anyone can post anything on that board anonymously
It's up to them if they post it at broad daylight or at night
But everyone has to buy paper and ink from him to post there
Adds that they have to pay for a slot on that board for a set time
MFW confused
Thinks over it
Gives thumbs up
Happily leaves the office
Continues on what I'm doing, slightly worried I've unleashed Pandora's box
Decide to go on a stroll
Remembers Meowth's booth is around the corner
Curious, looks over
The board is packed with messages
"Miss V. is so cool with her fortune telling, marry me!!"
Weirded out
"New clover guild people are weird, but they're kinda cool!"
Reassured that this is not a bad idea
Continues on my stroll
Decide to go to the board again
"so i herd u liek mudkips"
MFW I see a meme from there
looks around
Townsfolks reading that are puzzled
Begins thinking of worse situations
Shrugs it off and is about to leave
Suddenly noticed at the corner of the board
MFW in horror but remembers I'm in public
Stays calm
Checks closely
Sighs in relief that it's written in English and not in Pokemon language.
Looks for Meowth
Sees him counting the coins
Walks up to him
Tells him about that message
He quickly brushes it off, claiming nobody can understand it
Business seems to be booming, with stacks of Poké behind him
Waits until night time
Indirectly mentions that message to the Guild
They're not taking it seriously
Brings out Itemizer Orb from the bag
Members around me try to calm me down
Found out who's behind it
Did nothing and let them go
We all go to sleep afterwards
That type of message is gone
Took notes on the rumors and gossip on the board
The fad on the message board died down a few days later
Meowth packs up and off to his next venture
Message board is abandoned
You reading this means you're a humon
Go to the Guild

Pub: 20 Mar 2023 17:48 UTC
Edit: 30 Mar 2023 23:51 UTC
Views: 286