Hiii my name is Azza, 25 years old, and this acc is practically where I talk/share mostly about my favourite anime/manga/games/tv shows <3

A few things about me that may be important:

  • My pronouns are she/her;
  • I live in the netherlands, but my ethnicity is half moroccan, half sudanese. I'm also black;
  • As said before, I basically post about a lot of any anime/manga/games/tv shows in general, but the things I'm currently the most interested in are One Piece, IWTV, and Doctor Who;
  • I tend to be shy and not start convos most of the time (sorry sjdjdjs) but please dont be afraid to hit my dms if we are mutuals!! I would love to get closer to more of my moots so~

Also, you can follow me if you are under 18 years old since I am not a NSFW acc or whatever, but please keep in mind that I feel most comfortable being mutuals with adults only and therefore only follow back those that are 18 years or older :]

dni: terfs, proshippers, homophobic/queerphobic

Pub: 19 Nov 2023 23:43 UTC
Edit: 03 Jul 2024 18:58 UTC
Views: 4469