This is now an archive copy please use CSP MATERIALS HUB
Name | Store Link | Thumbnail |
Eye Strain barrier | 1745733 | |
close and fill tool without gaps | 1759448 | |
Tool to remove without gaps | 1759450 | |
No gaps close and fill + for erasing tool reference layer | 1759451 | |
Erase along edge | 1800143 | |
Pen and Eraser to detect reference line | 1801748 | |
1px move | 1784755 |
Costs Clippy or Gold
- Personal top tier recommendations are the hatching ones from 苺あんこ
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Rain brush | 1744323 | DL | |
Sweat brush | 1790153 | DL | |
Scar brush | 1913968 | DL | |
Cum brushes | 1812155 | DL | |
Duotone pens | 1772325 | DL | |
CHARCOAL Pack | 1895565 | DL | |
Depth hatching pen | 1773193 | DL | |
The terrible hatch pen | 1852751 | DL | |
The terrible hatch pen(GOLD) | 1938898 | DL | |
solid pen with a terrible | 1916194 | DL | |
solid pen with an impossible | 1922222 | DL | |
Hoarse Betta eraser for Pandemonium | 1691265 | DL | |
This is a very deep hatch pen. | 1798846 | DL | |
A hatch pen with a heavy weight | 1894699 | DL | |
A hatch pen with a heavy weight(GOLD) | 1938902 | DL | |
Gauze pen with impossible weight | 1875808 | DL | |
Gauze pen with a deep depth | 1872642 | DL | |
All out for the pandemonium pen | 1820131 | DL | |
Crystal brush | 1788949 | DL | |
MAGUPEN | 1910059 | DL | |
Gel pen/color presets | 1738505 | DL | |
Write Brush 3set | 1907024 | DL | |
neon auto-action | 1921588 | DL | |
LeafPens(old ver) | 1765961 | DL | |
LeafPens (new ver) | 1911861 | DL | |
sunlight under a tree brush | 1844097 | DL | |
Byguma brush set (pt1) | 1843294 | DL | |
Byguma brush set (pt2) | 1843287 | DL | |
Naughty Pen | 1579600 | DL | |
hatching blassi | 1903157 | DL | |
Doodle G | 1860221 | DL | |
Maa Blur | 1722050 | DL | |
Filled with tiles (ちょい埋めタイル) | 1799762 | DL | |
Brush 2 Breaking up (崩すブラシ2) | 1874642 | DL | |
SAZANAMI_Lite | 1936839 | DL | |
10 kinds of frills laced ribbon brushes | 1904047 | DL | |
22 kinds of seam-like brush breaks | 1945465 | DL | |
Drew Kai | 1895073 | DL | |
Rain Line Brush Set | 1926651 | DL | |
pennnn | 1800628 | DL | |
Line Marker | 1704554 | DL | |
Coo Pen | 1788256 | DL | |
Crochet Border Pack 1.3 | 1915252 | DL | |
Lace Border Pack 1.1 | 914806 | DL | |
HiBipencil | 1764501 | DL | |
Turtle Graffiti Pen | 1967291 | DL | |
Explosion Brush | 1789216 | DL | |
Aマーカー Marker | 1926675 | DL | |
Fluffy Oysters Set | 1971710 | DL | |
Noa Coarse | 1863528 | DL | |
MorPEN | 1830782 | DL | |
The brush | 1881151 | DL | |
Print Brush Set | 1731995 | DL | |
Texture Ink Pen Kai | 1949936 | DL | |
Oil pen c | 1970099 | DL | |
Similar to the Mike Pen | 1967780 | DL | |
Boichi Pen | 1809677 | DL | |
Boichi Pen v2 | 1818179 | DL | |
Real Pencil | 1728880 | DL | |
Crossburash | 1860693 | DL | |
NEW Senpen | 1902116 | DL | |
Flat Pencil | 1929442 | DL | |
Nemonemmo | 1946684 | DL | |
Pencil Bush | 1729756 | DL | |
Acting Bush | 1731997 | DL | |
MALZA PEN 2 | 1735387 | DL | |
MALZA PEN 2.5 | 1735870 | DL | |
Sumpen | 1899211 | DL | |
Sasson Bushash | 1767443 | DL | |
Taxe 냔냔Pen | 1817874 | DL | |
Taxe Black Pencil | 1773170 | DL | |
Taxe Watercolor Brush | 1750471 | DL | |
Taxe Nameless Pencilset | 1754229 | DL | |
MokoMoko Set | 1971769 | DL | |
Decay pen | 1840666 | DL | |
Reed Pencils | 1796482 | DL | |
Reed Pencil EX | 1973305 | DL | |
Reed Rough Pen | 1973306 | DL | |
Retro processing filter | 1687209 | DL | |
RE Cartoon ink Pen (【RE】漫画インクペン) | 2000036 | DL | |
Cell Pen (세포펜) | 1940099 | DL | |
Pipi Naxer Pen (피피낙서펜) | 2000217 | DL | |
Similar SA Brushes (유사SA브러쉬) | 1997792 | DL | |
Meltea Brush | 1722147 | DL | |
REAGANS2 PEN | 1715553 | DL | |
Reagan-RG pen (Reagan-RG펜) | 1964554 | DL | |
JUJU Line【Addition】 (JUJU线【追加】) | 2004742 | DL | |
Starting and ending thick brush (入り抜き厚塗りブラシ) | 1787741 | DL | |
Watercolor Brushes (水彩っぽブラシ) | 1844080 | DL | |
Paraphen (낙디펜) | 1925636 | DL | |
105 flat brush, delicately painted and stretched (105平筆・繊細塗り伸ばし) | 1742303 | DL | |
GATAS PENCIL(S) | 1968429 | DL | |
MIEY Set | 1925691 | DL | |
■ Crayon Wind Brush Set □ (■クレヨン風ブラシセット□) | 1997853 | DL | |
Brush to automatically draw hair (Brush to automatically draw hair) | 1974490 | DL | |
Pressure brush set for weak people (re) (筆圧弱い人の厚塗りブラシセット(再)) | 1973299 | DL | |
2-in-1 Line and Paint pen | 1831377 | DL | |
Y2paint built in blur | 1975156 | DL | |
Twin pens for line drawings (線画用ツインペン) | 1912607 | DL | |
Oil painting Brush Set (油絵ブラシセット) | 1791623 | DL | |
Rugged Texture pen (ざらざら質感ペン) | 1937121 | DL | |
Better Sharpen | 1999216 | DL | |
Better Line Color | 2014174 | DL | |
【PRO version】Easy Manga Background | 2004145 | DL | |
Extract Line | 2005447 | DL | |
Better Glow Effect | 2015672 | DL | |
Grain & Vignetting | 2015276 | DL | |
Lines Thinner | 2010099 | DL | |
Reverse Fill | 2009905 | DL | |
add color on the terminator | 2011252 | DL | |
Better Pattern Blending | 2011445 | DL | |
add color on the shadow edge | 2011527 | DL | |
MONEY pen (BANI pen) | 2010261 | DL | |
Five hand-painted wind chain brushes | 1866295 | DL | |
Pressure and angle Change Hatching Blassi | 1876940 | DL | |
Embroidery atmosphere auto action ((ver.2) | 1984493 | DL | |
Wool-ify | 1987583 | DL | |
Shibori Texture Brush | 2001828 | DL | |
Add handwriting-style thickness (auto action) | 2002256 | DL | |
WINWIN Post-Process!♥︎ | 1935838 | DL | |
★Engelé Flat - 2SET★ | 1935638 | DL | |
PLOP Pencils★ | 1936785 | DL | |
PLOP! Paint★彡 | 1951870 | DL | |
Nov22★Brush Set | 1962302 | DL | |
sl33py✿brush | 1980638 | DL | |
Nardo! Pencil | 1983282 | DL | |
T00N! Line + Color | 1984291 | DL | |
♥︎ dotties pencil | 1998919 | DL | |
Andy ♥︎ Pencil | 2005653 | DL | |
・ d0ttie!tones brushes [v2] ・ | 2010200 | DL | |
Sunna - Charcoal | 1922141 | DL | |
Cyber Tetanus AutoAction | 1984908 | DL | |
☆ ACRYLIC PAINT EFFECT ☆ | 1991089 | DL | |
Cleanup Auto Action Ver.2 | 1996747 | DL | |
Pantyliner also a character creation kit | 1972326 | DL | |
Pandemonium Shambles Pen | 1778290 | DL | |
R Sketch (+Rスケッチ) | 1742653 | DL | |
tae's painting set | 1933206 | DL | |
Leaf Brush Set (葉っぱブラシセット) | 1773819 | DL | |
A Little dress brush (ちょっとした服飾ブラシ) | 1742090 | DL | |
Forjjol brush | 1712744 | DL | |
Melting Cloud Brushes (溶ける雲ブラシ) | 1748465 | DL | |
Bushes Groundwork Brushes (茂みの下地ブラシ) | 1756648 | DL | |
Nature Brush Pack | 1874837 | DL | |
Glitch Brushes 3 | 1892357 | DL | |
YN Painting Brush Set | 1943027 | DL | |
**** | DL | ||
**** | DL | ||
**** | DL | ||
**** | DL |
3D Assets
- create a canvas 2000x2000, put the 3d model there, save, ez
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
3D Indoor Pool (3D屋内プール) | 2013467 | DL | |
3D Chair 01 (3Dチェア01) | 1882609 | DL | |
3D Table 01 (3Dテーブル01) | 1882610 | DL | |
3D Office (3Dオフィス) | 1938658 | DL | |
3D Kitchen (3Dキッチン) | 1942717 | DL | |
3D Live Stage (3Dライブステージ) | 1945010 | DL | |
3D Nursing Room (3D療養室) | 1946642 | DL | |
3D Western Corridor 01 (3D洋風廊下01) | 1947560 | DL | |
3D Quill Pen (3D羽根ペン) | 1948338 | DL | |
3D Chandelier 03 (3Dシャンデリア03) | 1949563 | DL | |
3D Cafe Table Set 01 (3Dカフェテーブルセット01) | 1950018 | DL | |
3D Hotel Exterior (3Dホテル外観) | 1950479 | DL | |
3D sweetening Tea House (3D甘味茶屋) | 1951396 | DL | |
3D Cafe Appearance 01 (3Dカフェ外観01) | 1951783 | DL | |
3D Candle Stand (3Dキャンドルスタンド) | 1952475 | DL | |
3D fireplace (3D暖炉) | 1952704 | DL | |
3D bus (3D客車) | 1953039 | DL | |
3D birdcage (3D鳥籠) | 1953839 | DL | |
3D Laptop (3Dノートパソコン) | 1954425 | DL | |
3D Mansion 02 (3D洋館02) | 1956204 | DL | |
3D Chandelier 04 (3Dシャンデリア04) | 1957341 | DL | |
3D Cafe Table Set 02 (3Dカフェテーブルセット02) | 1957525 | DL | |
3D Hole Clock (3Dホールクロック) | 1957949 | DL | |
3D Western Castle (3D西洋の城) | 1959096 | DL | |
3D smartphones (3Dスマートフォン) | 1959427 | DL | |
3D Study (3D書斎) | 1960092 | DL | |
3D Showcase (3Dショーケース) | 1960495 | DL | |
3D Sofa Set 01 (3Dソファセット01) | 1961422 | DL | |
3D Western Corridor 02 (3D洋風廊下02) | 1962080 | DL | |
3D Bookshelf (3D本棚) | 1962815 | DL | |
3D Hotel Corridor (3Dホテルの廊下) | 1963788 | DL | |
3D Cafe Exterior 02 (3Dカフェ外観02) | 1964573 | DL | |
3D Sofa Set 02 (3Dソファセット02) | 1965124 | DL | |
3D Canopy Bed (3D天蓋ベッド) | 1965959 | DL | |
3D Cloister 01 (3D回廊01) | 1966456 | DL | |
3D Dining Table Set 01 (3Dダイニングテーブルセット01) | 1967370 | DL | |
3D Chair 03 (3Dチェア03) | 1967845 | DL | |
3D Cross-lined graveyard (3D十字架並ぶ墓場) | 1968548 | DL | |
3D Sofa Set 03 (3Dソファセット03) | 1969236 | DL | |
3D Storage Bed (3D収納ベッド) | 1969894 | DL | |
3D Cafe Counter Seats (3Dカフェカウンター席) | 1971540 | DL | |
3D Chair 04 (3Dチェア04) | 1972949 | DL | |
3D Dining Room (3Dダイニングルーム) | 1974420 | DL | |
3D Antique Phone (3Dアンティーク電話機) | 1977226 | DL | |
3D Outdoor Bath (3D露天風呂) | 1978716 | DL | |
3D Counter Chair (3Dカウンターチェア) | 1982302 | DL | |
3D Dresser (3Dドレッサー) | 1983050 | DL | |
3D Chandelier 06 (3Dシャンデリア06) | 1983857 | DL | |
3D Candle Light (3Dキャンドルライト) | 1984474 | DL | |
3D Bar Appearance (3Dバー外観) | 2003883 | DL | |
3D Umbrella Set (3D傘セット) | 2005163 | DL | |
3D Pagoda Umbrella (3Dパゴダ傘) | 2005169 | DL | |
3D Umbrella (3D和傘) | 2005171 | DL | |
3D Tee Set (3Dティーセット) | 2005418 | DL | |
3D Bar Introspection (3Dバー内観) | 2009064 | DL | |
3D Chandelier 02 (3Dシャンデリア02) | 2012002 | DL | |
3D Piece-Open door set (3D片開きドアセット) | 2012215 | DL | |
3D Cigarette Set (3D煙草セット) | 2012451 | DL | |
3D Mug & coffee cup set (3Dマグ&コーヒーカップセット) | 2012709 | DL | |
3D balcony (3Dバルコニー) | 2012820 | DL | |
3D Drink Cups (3Dドリンクカップ) | 2012838 | DL | |
3D spiral stage 01 (3D螺旋階段01) | 2012875 | DL | |
3D Elevator (3Dエレベーター) | 2013211 | DL | |
3D Hotel Room (3Dホテルルーム) | 2013986 | DL | |
3D Sofa 03 (3Dソファ03) | 2014221 | DL | |
3D spiral stage 02 (3D螺旋階段02) | 2014522 | DL | |
3D Spiral Phase 03 (3D螺旋階段03) | 1848896 | DL | |
3D House (3Dハウス) | 1878475 | DL | |
3D Register (3Dレジスター) | 1877274 | DL | |
3D Food Cart (3Dフードカート) | 1876196 | DL | |
3D groundwater path (3D地下水路) | 1869964 | DL | |
3D Western Class (3D洋風教室) | 1897970 | DL | |
3D bathroom (3Dバスルーム) | 1893625 | DL | |
3D Cute one room (3Dキュートなワンルーム) | 1889768 | DL | |
3D Cool Studio Room (3Dクールなワンルーム) | 1890120 | DL | |
3D Western Mansion (3D洋館) | 1887882 | DL | |
3D executive aircraft (3D執務机) | 1902580 | DL | |
3D Train (3D電車) | 1901552 | DL | |
3D Office Desk (3Dオフィスデスク) | 1930566 | DL | |
3D Beach Set (3Dビーチセット) | 1935755 | DL | |
3D Gazebo (3Dガゼボ) | 1927977 | DL |
Removed from Asset store
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Kidkyan Oil Brushes | 1700575 | DL | |
MoNyo Snowman Pen | 1967410 | DL | |
Casa G-pen | 1692200 | DL | |
New Casa Pens | 1915658 | DL | |
Water Pens | 1693883 | DL | |
Shark pencil | 1732997 | DL | |
Shark brush | 1730077 | DL | |
Magnolia Pen | 1763144 | DL | |
Natural Oil | 1840810 | DL | |
A Deli Pen (A델리펜) | 1743246 | DL | |
DAMI Pen 4 | 1742211 | DL | |
Canvas Brush Pack | 1740952 | DL | |
RKGK KasuKasu (落書きかすかす) | 1737162 | DL | |
Defunct Shuriken (気の抜けた手裏剣) | 1729220 | DL | |
Loosely Painted (ゆるつぶ塗り) | 1734728 | DL | |
Cellu Set (셀루세트) | 1750129 | DL | |
Loose Hair Pen (ゆる髪ペン) | 1731965 | DL | |
Picture-like Pen (絵チャっぽいペン) | 1727887 | DL | |
That was a pencil. (じゃららん鉛筆) | 1712066 | DL | |
Jemin (제민) | 1737883 | DL | |
Rough Pen For Yourself (自分用ラフガキペン) | 1757507 | DL | |
HiBiPen | 1763528 | DL | |
HiBiPencil ver.2 | 1775554 | DL | |
Sajapen (사쟈펜) | 1759663 | DL | |
Yuri Pen | 1785495 | DL | |
Gin puck-puck pen (진퍽퍽펜) | 1736852 | DL | |
Jin Fang-Fen (진팡펜) | 1740082 | DL | ![]() |
G3 pen (진G3펜) | 1763775 | DL | ![]() |
Square pencill & pen (제곱 펜슬 & 펜) | 1788889 | DL | |
Toncloud (톤구름) | 1789375 | DL | |
Bear Graffiti Pen (くまの落書きペン) | 1789384 | DL | |
Aficionado Pen (열혈펜) | 1753330 | DL | |
Cody Oil | 1812394 | DL | |
Cody Paint | 1812179 | DL | |
Look CO (みりねコピック) | 1703308 | DL | |
ms paint pencil | 1748232 | DL | |
Green Pen (그린펜) | 1791773 | DL | |
PopInk Paincil | 1793434 | DL | |
Moray 곰치펜 Pen (ウツボペン 곰치펜) | 1793431 | DL | |
Dorak Sink Brush (도락 수채 브러쉬) | 1756540 | DL | |
Punpun's Ported Sai Brushes | 1789453 | DL | |
ported sai brushes... 2!! | 1972619 | DL | |
Illustration Pack- (イラスト作成パック-水彩) | 1823148 | DL | |
Thick Coating (△厚塗り) | 1831491 | DL | |
Bread simple water to eat (먹는빵simple water) | 1737546 | DL | |
Lazy Pen (横着ペン) | 1829341 | DL | |
Flat Oil Brush | 1824643 | DL | |
Blurred Oil Painting (かすれ油彩 ■) | 1700599 | DL | |
Realphotoshop Brush | 1719580 | DL | |
In Kimagure (モソもこきまぐれ) | 1700349 | DL | |
日焼けしたフラットブラシ (Sunfy flat brush) | 2001368 | DL | |
[限時免費]FLAT OIL!!! | 1867813 | DL | |
soyo oil | 1796486 | DL | |
soyo oil 2 | 1796487 | DL | |
Johnnie's Puddle Brush | 1966621 | DL | |
[JOHNNIE] EN-G-TINTA PEN | 1877969 | DL | |
Softie Digi-Marker☆ | 1926103 | DL | |
ENJIE♥DigiBrush | 1914425 | DL | |
Prickly♥︎Pen | 1902626 | DL | |
My - concept - Sketcher | 1888534 | DL | |
[JOHNNIE] Nini Pencil | 1870056 | DL | |
slippery ink | 1978681 | DL | |
Bleeding milli pen (にじみミリペン) | 1552563 | DL | ![]() |
**** | DL | ||
**** | DL |
Dead DL Link
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
**** | DL |