system info angy

wee bod. wasian + 4teen ★☆ yaya host. 6teen ++ prns ++ irl+fictive ++ taken bow col. Most of us will respond to the names Kai, Norton, or Tate. We collectively use he/she + neos. nd + schizo ★☆♫

!! system boundaries

dni boohoo
endos, stans, any weirdos, -14 +30, doubles, fakeclaimers, therians, furries, weird kinnies, basics

byi ?!
host is passive aggressive + does not get along well with most people, interact at your own risk.

extra spin

freq. fronters hamper kai (host) ozzy (little) winter (cohost) meave colby haruhi

watchlist (iwc) !! kai andre lux adri/undertaker ally apollo bella chloe dabi dazai gary lemon midori sou yul

Pub: 30 Nov 2022 05:09 UTC
Views: 57