you got mail! it looks a bit cheesy...
damien, we don't talk much since i've been busy
but thank you for all the time you've spent with me.
i don't think i would've made it through quarantine
without you and julver. i hold dear all the times we
spent with each other, all the jokes and laughs, thank you.
julver, you're there with me and damien through
times. you're the funniest person i know and i thank
you for introducing me to fandoms and communities
i still am into to this day. you'll always be the brave and
smart one in horror games, thank you for being me and
damien's bait.
high voltage, hello everyone. thank you for
putting up with me. there have been many times where
you prove my intrusive thoughts wrong and still stayed
to this day. there is not enough thanks i could say that
would convey how grateful i am to have you all as a
friend. so once again and again, thank you. very much.
stay in touch, okay?
blattodea breakdown, you all too, thank you. for
everything. you all bring me so much comfort and smiles
that i wish i could repay you in any way. i don't think i would
be going today if it weren't for you. i hope we can stay friends
for more days to come. you're all amazing, no matter what you
think. so, don't be afraid to tell people if something troubles you.
austin, you're a delight to be around. sitting in vcs
while hearing you talk about your ass teammates in salmon
run is very delightful. you're a nice person and i'm happy
to have you as a friend. you always get me in my atrocious
taste in men and i thank you for that. thank you for always
giving me attention, i miss you so much.
macabre, thanks for letting me rant and vent to you out
of nowhere, i'll start asking permission first. but thank you
for helping me figure stuff out and teaching me things about
myself that makes me feel more figured out. you're a cool
friend and i enjoy every talk we've had. i want to talk to you more.
unstable, thank you for talking to me and putting up with
my shit. everytime you tweeted about missing me it makes
me happy and comfortable. i cherish everything we've ever
done together and i hope you're doing well. i love you, i miss
you, dear pilot.
winters epilogue, while i have not talked much to anyone
besides sword and snowy, i think you all are amazing to
be around. i hope you all are doing alright, i hope we can
talk more. i love you all, have a great life. your friends
are here for you. stay safe.
rook, HI! we don't talk much but you're also really ill.
i need you to explode. you're really nice and is so fun to be
around. everytime i see you i can see a new illness you
picked up and i can't wait to see you ramble about it in
your twitter circle.
cqw, thank you for talking to me and asking me how i am
and just being nice to me. it might not look like it but you have
helped me feel better in rough times. love you cqw, let's talk more.
i enjoy every conversations we had. you're a delight to talk to. every
one of you.
sysfort, thank you for that one time you told me you
enjoyed hearing me talk about my towers and my tower
defensing. that stuck with me i think. i wish i could talk to
you guys more, you're all very fun to talk to.
seeker, we also also don't talk much. i think i talked to you the least
but i still think you're really cool. your drawings are lovely and from
what i've seen, you're also a delight to be around. you're funny and if
i have the balls, i would love to talk to you.