𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ hai hallo !! we are pupitskiz ou the puppy pile ! we collectively also go by harmony ,, kenne1 ,, iris && yuki ! our collective names vary a lot ,, especially between subsystems && layers . we always appreciate people asking about our names && checking our pronouns page ou our pronouns.cc .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we use a lot of different pronouns collectively but primarily use he . hym(n) . his && pup . wauf . cure . idol . wan . lucky . && many ,, many more ! we only use they . them . she . hyr . shi . hir . when referring to specific subsystems . we don't use any fem ou neu pronouns as a collective so please only use them when asked / specified .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we are sixteen && our birthday is november 12th !! keep in mind we are still bodily a minor when interacting . please only interact one on one if you're 13 ~ 19 unless we have interacted within a server / group first ou we interact first .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we have sc-DID ,, autism ,, cluster b ,, tourettes ,, POTs ,, && multiple chronic illnesses . we have a few other disorders / chronic issues ,, but these affect us the most . we have difficulty replying to others as we obsess over the way to word things so please be patient when waiting for a reply . interact gently with care && caution at all times . we are bad with confrontation and criticism so please word messages kidnly .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we don't have much social media , we primarily use @ pupitskiz ou @ angeldevilx on social media platforms ,, but we can be found on neospring as @ bandori ,,⠀@ kaimonteago ,,⠀@ idolprecure && @ fuyumehanamura on simply plural . if you see our coined names / terms ou our graphics / decor somewhere that we don't have linked here , it's most likely this creepy stalker who likes to steal from us and pretend to be us . . (╥﹏╥)
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we are very self absorbed && struggle to accept fault at times . we have been doing our best to not make excuses && accept when we make mistakes . almost all of us have some sort of warped sense of empathy && sympathy ,, so please understand if it takes more effort for us to be sympathetic && apologize properly . we've gotten better with this && we work hard to be more understanding of peoples emotions !
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we have synthetic complex DID which we often shorten to sc-did . sc-did is a revised term of heavily complex DID . we have been professionally diagnosed with DID && have had a professional confirm our RAMCOA trauma . we will not interact with people who self diagnose with RAMCOA trauma .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ our headcount as of january 2025 was roughly 3,000+ alters && 9 primary layers / subsystems with ~32 sublayers . our headcount changes frequently as we split && find alters often . a lot of our headcount is fragments ,, inners ,, && semi-formed alters so only a 1/5 of us are logged on simply plural . a lot of us are privated && our sp is generally a huge wip ,,,
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we usually communicate quite well but our communication can still be pretty poor at times . . . we also have extremely bad amnesia and forget things regularly . we may need to be reminded of who people are ,, names ,, pronouns ,, relations && plans that have been made . we have notes in system && out of system but can forget to check them ou write less significant things in them all together .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we are all heavily dependant on our higher ups ,, especially our thornes & virtues . our higher ups give us reminders && do work behind the scenes so we can function smoothly . we struggle a lot more with our amnesia && basic functioning when they're busy && unable to help . we talk about them a lot and we are super greatful for all our higher ups :33
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we talk a lot more about what's happening in our inner world rather than the outer world . we tend to be less invested in things going on in the outer world if they aren't about our interests ,, our system ou our cinnapups . we may come off as living under a rock because we don't keep up with things that don't pique our interest .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we no longer use the term main system and instead use the terms primary system && center system . what would be our ' main ' system changes frequently && the term itself doesn't really feel all that accurate . our center system is antipupitskiz which is what most people would recognize as our main system . location wise its in the center of everything && is the system that is most developed . our primary system is the system that has alters fronting most often at that time which changes frequently for us . our current primary system is the dollhouse && our sub-primady is emiruri .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we are bodily intersex and identify as transmasculine boyflux along with a big hoard of xenogenders !! we primarily identify as accessadoric ,, angelthing ,, puphoarder ,, dollhoarder && holyangelhoarder . we coin a lot of xenos for ourselves like accessadoric && holyangelhoarder .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we are achillean ,, hyperromantic ,, bpdasexual && aroflux . we lean towards monogamous relationships but are not completely against poly relationships either . we are single but aren't exactly looking for romantic relations . . . sorry ladies :// we are platonically married to our THREE AMAZING SPOUSES toast ,, spencer && ciel :3 hai wives and husband !
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we collectively identify as therians && otherkins . our collective identities are canines ,, dolls ,, angels && vampires . we do not all share the same kintypes && we all have different connections to our kintypes && what kinning means to each of us ,,,
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we have a lot of fiction kins && we can be especially possessive over our higher kins . as a collective we mostly identify as / relate to angel devil ,, cherie ,, kaveh ,, kai ,, mika ,, tsukasa ,, fuyume ,, raika && ranpo . we have a kin rentry that is a huge wip that you can look at here !
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we are very protective over our cinnapups && fanclub ! we love all our friends and we won't listen to be talk poorly about any of our friends . we love all of them sososooo much and hold all our silly pups close to our heart !! if you dislike any of our friends ,, do not interact ^_^
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we can be super dependant on our doudous ou favorite people && our mood can change pretty drastically depending on how things are going with them . we talk about our fps a lot and struggle to not take them into consideration when deciding almost anything ,,,
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we have . . so many interests BUT our current main ones are : idol & wonderful precure ,, bandori ,, project sekai ,, enstars ,, webtoons / tapas ,, hoyoverse unfortunately ,, alien stage ,, magical boys && girls ,, p:eg ,, shtdn ,, sanrio ,, csm ,, bsd && final act along with more listed here . we LOVE hearing about other peoples interests && getting suggestions so feel free to tell us yours !!
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ we avoid a lot of topics for our own safety && comfort . please don't mention these please && thank you ! we may answer some questions about these topics but be understanding if we do not answer for our own comfort / safety . RAMCOA ,, politics ,, in depth stalking ,, sexual assualt ,, YBC ,, hazbin hotel ,, helluva boss ,, proship ,, AAMAP communities ,, nex ,, june ,, lyric / star vinyl system ,, hellish dolls .
𓈒 ◞◟ ͜ ⠀ took partial inspo from the silliest rentry makers ,, the slumber bash on accident OOPS . . . everyone give those sillies all of the views on wans rentries ,, sekai is the rentry master ever !! THANK U SILLIES FOR BEING SO KIND ND SILLY !!