this is for my girlfriend i'll be updating this everyday i remember

april 24:
hi cam cam (^^)♡ its our anniversary tomorrow but since i'm broke and a baby and we can't meet up in person i can't give u anything very nice ....... so i'm doing the only thing i'm good at .................. which is writing ................... haha sorry ....................... i love u though

i can't believe it's almost been 5 months with you tbh ... and it's even crazier we've been friends for just about a year ... i keep telling you this story but i remember when i met you i honestly didn't think very highly of you except for the fact you kind of freaked me out you just came off really condescending to me and it scared the crap of out me (or maybe i'm just very sensitive LMAO) but i still talked to you to be polite ... but then i kind of just started noticing little things about you that i like ... and then i confessed ... and you kinda rejected me ... and then i almost died ... but we stayed friends ... and we got here ... and i know you always insult yourself and say you don't understand why i'm with someone like you but i feel like the luckiest person in the world when i'm with you cuz you make me so so so so so so so insanely happy ... like i literally kick my feet and blush into my pillow and stuff I DIDN'R EVEN KNOW I WAS CAPABLE OF BLUSHING ??? like ive been with people before but you're different i can't really explain it ... i love your personality and even if you're shy and awkward at time that doesn't change the fact i talk to you like ALL THE TIME you're the only person i even really enjoy talking to ... you're so funny you have the best jokes like have you read back our chats ??? i'm always laughing over something you said you make me genuinely laugh more than i have in so long i've never met someone like you before (thats a good thing) ... i'm supposed to be in math right now vut i'm not paying attention cuz you're in class and i wanna write this i don't want to forget ... in fact i'm probably gonna write this all day until tomorrow evening i'll write whatever that comes to mind ... i wanna spell everything right so it's easy for you to read ... i love you i love you i love you i love you so much i can't stop talking about you ... i like calling you ... you have a really cute voice i like it because it makes me kind of sleepy and its super soft and i don't even mind if i have to ask you to repeat things 100 times it doesn't bother me ... you're so cute when you're being childish around me like how is someone even capable of BEING THIS CUTE you're such a cute little baby and i love it i love you i love youuu hehehehehehe i reealy love you ... my battery is at 14 and the teacher is looking at me and people in this class is kind of loud but i don't care i want to get a lot in here ... i wonder if rentry has a character limit ... uou're perfect to me and you help me and you worry about me ... i know i tell you not to worry but in reality i rreally really appreciate it ... it's nice to know someone cares about me and stuff ... but you still shouldnt worry i want you to spend your time being happy ... you make me feel really safe and really loved and you don't mind when i'm clingy ... its gotten to the point where even when you have to go do something i get bored and stuff just because i want you to return so i can talk to you and i actually get pissed when other people try to talk to me because THEY ARENR YOU and you're so much more perfect than them so i don't want to talk to them ...... not a single day is boring or dull without you ... i can't wait until you come see me ... you're so so so amazing so so cute and i know you think of yourself as ugly and worthless but i wish you could see what i see ... i admire you and look up to you a lot you're like an idol ..... you're my princess and i really really reeeallllyyyyy like it when you say you love me (that sounds so entitled sorru) but it makes me so giddy and happy ... yoou help me calm down and you dont stop trying to help me even when i spiral ... i don't mean half of the things i sa y or do when i'm upset i'm sorry for saying all those mean things .. you slways try to understand me and even when you don't get it you don't judge me and you don't hurt me and even when you do you lways apologize and i really really like your hair It looks really pettable and stuff and really softand i wouldnt mind pulling it ... (okay tora that was really weird okay.......) you're the mafuyu to my kanade ............... or is it the other way around ........ wahtever ............. you listen to me ramble and talk about the stupidest things and you're patient on call and you understand about my parents ........ you don't get upset even when i apologize so much ..... honestly that day when you confessed to me i know i kind of acted really chill about it but in reality i almost had to pinch myself to make sure it wasnt a dream because it made me so so so happy ... ny battery is now at 6 but i don't care ... you always help me with my work when i ask and i think you are Really Really Really smart or at least way smarter than me ...... you always wait for me and talk to me even when ive lost it .... you support me in every decision i make and tbh you make things 1000x more fun its boring without you're so sweet mshdjsbshshsbsh just like candy !!!! and you know i really really really like candy ... and i thinka bout you All The Time and what i can do to make you smile ... uts like you see right through me ... you understand me and know much more about me and ive told you so many more things than ive told anyone else ... have you noticed i even ACT different around you ??? i can be myself around you ... i don't have to mask or nything .../. idk what id do without you i;d probably be dead ... this isnt very neat anymore i;m sorruy .... you dont mind my 100 typos or when i dont word things correctly or when i'm overall just really all over the place ... i just don/t get why youre with little old me like ME??? ME????????? im nothing compared to you honestly i'm not even like a Good Person ... but you chose me and i'm really glad you did and i love you i love you uuwuauauauau i love youuuuu i miss you ... my girlfie ... my cam cat ,,, i love calling yiu nicknames ... my battery is at 3 i dont care i wanna cuddle you i wanna be yours forever and ever and id do whatever you wanted me to do even if it was really bad id do it if it made you happy ... you deserve the entire world......youre my dream person i cant imagine anyone better i just cant believe youre mine .... i love roleplaying with you and i really really love wjhen you ask me for things and i wish you would ask me for help more ... i wanna help you ... i enjoy even being in the same area as you like even if we arent talking just you being online make me feel comfortable ............. i wish you could be here ........... i want yooooou ... i want you to come here ........ please visit me please promise we'll be together forever i wanna be together forever ..... i'm selfish and a baby loser butb i want us to never be apart ... hug hug hug hug hug i wanna kiss youuu i think you're reaally pretty ... i knwo you dont think the same but i think youtr wonderful adn i keep repeating things vut i love hou .... im so tired .... im alwaays tired .... sorryu ... i really really look up to you and i like when you say youre proud of me i hope i;m making you proud a lot ... i don't eant you to be disappointed in me ..... whatever you hate about yourself i'll lobve it for you now and forever i really really love you i'm hopelessly stupidly in love with you darling ........ i wanna marry you don't ever let me forget it we're going to get married youll be my bride and we'll share your dog and have lots of cute cats (but none of them will be as cute as uoy <3) and i jsut ooouaushhshddiuieuusuuajsususuiKjdjfjgkoisjdj i lobe you!!!! i want to listen to music with you snd cuddle you and the teacher is really mad i have to go but ill continue writing later ... you're super cool i really really like you ............ i hope you know you can always talkl to me even if it's something really really bad i'll do ny best to support you ... i never want you to be upset or lonely or feel as if nobody care about you because i'll listen and i hope to support you as much as you support me ..... i really wanna see you ... and i know you hsvereally bad days and you lash out and stuff and i'm really sorry ...... i'd sacrifice the whole world to make you happy and stuff ...... and i want you to talk about yourself more and ramble about things and because its cute and i want to get to know you and understand you even better ............ i love you i wub uou im so cringey but i loev love love you

i'm back its still 4/24 by the way if you even care ......... uou're offline again so i'm writing because i miss you and everyone is borinf .......... i cant believe weve known each other for a year and weve been dating for 5 months i mean youre dating me???? ME?????? you know im not a good person ... but yuo stayed with me ... i love you i'm so happy to have you i want to play with you and share blankets adn things with you and match bracelets and necklaces and talk to you i really like you .......... i wish i could put you in a blender and drink you if that even makes sense like youre so perfect i just i really really wanrt you and you keep saying you odnt deserve me but i thikn its the other way around and i thibk you're super super super super super kind and I hate when you put yourself down and it hurts because i know that you're super super super wrong but i dont know how to make you believe me ...... i wanna play gartic phone and watch togethers and play games with you ... i'm gonna try and get roblox again and we can play regretavator (its fun i promise) and we can just do whatever you want i wish you could stay up past 10pm ... i like when you compliment me snd call me cute like it automatically makes my feet kick out and i laugh and stuff like i'm 5 years old again .... and i hehhehhreururueuheh i love you i love you youre veryvvery fun to be around and i think everyone who makes fun of you are idiots ... and i know you dont think of yourself as a real girl but i think you're the realest girl ive ever seen ...... and i like talking in how not to answer with you even if youre not on much anymore and i like when you oof react me or say "skill issue" to everything i do and i want you to know i appreciate you and even when i'm sad thinking about yuo automatically brightens up my day ... sorry i'm such a wimp and i'm not able to help or protect you vut i hope you know you mean the world to me and ive been kind of in denial about this but youre definitely my favorite person Lol (look it up (bpd meaning)) not able to do anything without you and i want to know so so so so so so so much more about you and i know you hate grass. and pollen. and sunlight and going out in general but uts okay because we can do fun things inside too ... and i know you dont like your birthday very much but i still want it to be a special day since its your first birthday since we got together ... i'm sorry im so broke id buy you something cute and send it but idk if id be able to do that without my parents finding out ... sigh ... sorry i'm like this ... i really love you ... thank you for accepting my dumb quirks and not getting mad when i'm slow to understand stuff i jusrt akksjsakiiiuuouuhshahahaha i love uou i love you why aretn there enough words to explain how much i lobe you i wish you would understand ho w blindly in love i am and im sorry im not spellign anything right anymore ... its dark in my room im so sleeppu i wish uyou would come back it hurtswhen youre not around cam cam my cute camdy i loev you

you're offline again and its almost time for when you go to sleep .... i wish we could talk past 11 and spend all our time tohgether i wanna fly our and see you but ive never flown before so id be really scared but itd be worth it if id get to see you ... but uou know i cant i'm relaly sorry ... i know you think of me as some angel but really, i'm not, i'm just a huge baby ... i cantgive you whqat you need and want and im pretty bad at expressing myself properly .... but i;m glad you see something in me ........ it doesnt matter what anyone else says or thinks as long as i'm special to you then im good enough for something in the worl d .... im so sleepy i dont know why im so sleepy nowadays camdy i dont deserbe you and i think youre an amazing person i really wish you could see that darling .... its 11:08 so you just left but i think uou're the best thing since portable heaters and bento boxes ... speaking of bentos i htink itd be cute to share bentos .... and im almost falling over os ill continue this tomorrow on our ANNIVERSARY

april 25:
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY this is so cringe bro i feel like an idiot for this :sob x450: vut TOFAY IS OUR ANNIVERDSARY IT HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN 5 MONTHS SINCE WEVE BEEN TOGETHER n youre on yoyure way to school rn .................. sigh ..................... ;( i have stupid history work to doooo i wish we could talk more durinf schoollllllllll hey cam cam did you knowwww i think you are a really cool person in the world and that i really really like when you talk about mizuki (you should do it more often) adn ill alwqys love u even if u harass me for meowing videos or react watermelon to all my messages or send me catgirl gifs or say "skill issue" to things or promote "femboy friday" (im still not participating in that btw. i lobe u but i have pride........) or have silly roleplay with ai behind my back ..... no matter what i will always always ALWAYS love u forever and ever and ever :silly_excited: also i think ur bullet train lore is REEAALLLLYYYYY FUNNY sometimes i wish i was in that server so i could participate in it ..... sigh ......... that probably wouldny go well though .................. i think youre really good at telling stories and youre really creative ...... did you know this summer (assuming i actually have to go upstate) my aunt has a laptop ??? like a macbook i think and its super new too ...... i could ask her to use it and we could still talk maybe ?? and we could play minecraft and place our minecraft beds next to each other ..... (/j) (unless..........) anyways i actually got into neurosama because of you ....... and thank you for watching and looking into everything i send you and thank you for giving me so many song recs (sukisukisukisukisukisukisukisukisuki isnt even that bad of a song tbh) and for not judging my "my girl" playlists .................................. sorry about that ........................................ ahahahaha ................. and ummmmmm you mean the entire world to me, yk that/? like actusllly youre all i talk about to anyone ....... i cannot shut up about or around you ........... its problematic at this point .......... and i love you iw ish youand your flaws mean NOTHING to me because you are a perfuct human in my eyes everyone else SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! and i cant type anymore but ill continue this later okay I LOVE YOu SO SO SO MUCH <333333333333 hug hug huggggggggggg insert anime lesbian hugging gif here

now that i think about it you actually are kind of a kanade .... sorry for that day where i snapped at u about it i am very very very gatekeepy over her because she means a lot to me ...... but i guess it makes sense you guys are really reaally alike ......... and it works out because kanade is a precious character ot me and you are precious to me as well!!! ^_^ snd i guess im a mizuki then ......... i dont really like mizukana theyre not very exciting ............... but its okay because i love you more than a fictional ship anyways .......... i was so wrong that day LMAO ..... or maybe we're not a fictional ship i don't know why i'm so obsessed with that shit anyways ...... we're just ourself!! we're our own dynamic we're our own thing we're wayyyy too cool to be represented in media ...... also i think the catgirlboypersonplantattackjetthing IS FUCKING HILARIOUS petition to add that as a new gender assigned at birth (/j) and i also think its really unfair you wont let me be attracted to worms ....... and that u wouldnt love me if i was a worm either .......... :( but its okay cuz id love u no matter what u are!!! even if ur a flower :3

hi camdy <3 its our anniversary i cant believe it is ouR ANNIVERSARY????????????? like holy shit its been 5 months ...... it feels like so much longer. ... i can t believe youre with me and im with you. somwtimes i actually wonder if my life is imaginary in some other kids mind and im actually just a dream ghey have every night ... vut even if this is just some fntasy then its one fucking epic one vecause whoever is dreaming about US must have a nice life frfr ... and camdy cane cam cat cam cam you could maybe play bandori with me .... its fun 10000% trust ... i have a feeling youll really like morfonica/roselia (theyre bands) :33 and then we could watch shitty yt videos together anf maybe we could actually set up that mizuki dating simulato we were talking about on scratch (/j) (this is a joke) (i do not condone dating mizuki /silly) and maybe we can troll ai len together .... or maybe just sit and talk with each other ... i dont mind the silence either... and im sorry for accusing you of ignoring me sometimes or getting mad when you forget to respond im a huge hypocrite i dont mean it :((( and i just realloy really really really like uou .... and if we get a house together we should make it PINK !!!!!!! because you like pink and i like pink :D and we should also make it kuromi and my melody themed ... necause yoiu know i like kuromi and my melody ..... OHHH TRHAT REMINDS ME we could watch hello kitty togetehr!!! i have a feeling youd really like itttt aybe we should do it th e next time we call i wish we could call one more time before the school year is ober ......we could do a watch rogether im sure theres free episodes on yt ... or MAYBE WE SHOULD WATCH A SILENT GOICE A SILENT VOIUCE A SILENT VOICE ASV ASV ASV youve never seen it right????? (shame..... /j) so we could watch it together!!!! i have a feelinf youll like that one tooooooo its such a good movie i cried during it .... ik u dont like crying in general but this is a good typing of crying youll really like it

hi cam cam :3 i just wanted to say today wasnt the best day for you and im sorry uou werent happy much :(( i really tried to make you feel better ... but im happy you cheered up anyways because seeing you sad just about breaks my heart yk .. but at the end of the day who cares about dumb anniversary dates cuz ...... if youre not happy on any day thrn it doesnt even matter if its CHRISTMAS it still means a lot that you smile :3!!! anyways i really wish we could be irl yk youre kind of like my Dream Person^tm and if we were with each other irl id basically be glued to you like id physically cling to you all day ... like i kind of just wanna be as close to you as possible like im really really attached to you and i wanna cuddle you and give u forehead kisses wahhhh nd i really really lobe you and i just cant believe its five months???? like i keep having to reread the message we got together to make sure i am in fact not making this up??? im not very good at talking about my feelings n stuff but i hope you know im insanely happy... thats part of the reason i shove you away sometimes cuz i dont really know how toexpress myself without breaking down so i thijk its better to leave them unsaid ... but i want you to know u hsouldnt feel like that okay? you can tell me whatever whenever because ill always love you i promise forever and ever and ever and i will do my best to support you always no matter what for as long as we're together and i hope youll never get tired of me and ... sorry this is incoherent auuughhhghghghhghgh i feel like a dummy im just i love u sm im tearign up thinkinf about you ... i love you darling ... happy 5 months i hope we have lots more together

april 29:
i forgot the last few days nnnahsak im sorryu ...... i;m such a huge dummy :^ thank you for yesterdya btw. for calming me down and stuff ... i reallhy needed that. im still a little scared about yk. quitting and everything. ny head hurts like hell and i was 99% sure i was gonna die yesterday,. and also general anxiety. but if yoiull be with me then i dont mind it as much. ill try for you, i promise ... i really really reaaaaaalllyyyyy miss you i want to see youu i wish we could be together forever and ever andv ever ... flirting in thd gc was SO FUNNY YESTERDAY i think seoul and juan hate us now though ... but i dont care because i was blushing so hard and kicking my feet and giggling i wish we could have been on call that would have been even more hilarious ... i really do wanna call one of these days i miss your voice ...sorry im scared of likeeVERYTHING and sorry you always have to be my support systen but im glad youre staying with me even though im a lot to handle somemtimes ... i just wanna be yours forever and ever and eeverrrrrr id do whateverrrr you wanted me to do id literally. travel the worlddddd to see youuuuuuu i will never get enough of you every single day ... im such a pain in the ass auuuuoughhghsjjshhf but im so glad youre patient with me ... my head really hurts and stuff and i wish you were online so i could talk 2 youuu this class is so boriggngnnggngnngnnnnngggggggg sorry this entry is short i will write more when i get the time. i love you camdy

I JUS T HAD THE BEST IDEA EVER ??????? we should meet up and go on cute little dates ?!?!??!?! not frolicking in the grass because you apparently HATE grass sigh ... but maybe something else ... like umm ... a cafe ... cat cafe ... because u like catgirls ... (this is a joke. i htink) or maybe we could just i dont know play super mario indoors ... with the blinds closed because you like the dark and hate the sun ,... except i owuldnt be able to concentrate on playign id just umm. keep looking at your Reaally Really pretty face. and then hug u and cuddle u and make you lose teehee. i dont know where im goign with this. um. i wishn i could repay you for the nitro uuuuughhhhhhhhh why do i have to be broke all the time :(((((((((((( i know u said u dont need it but i wanna give u smthn special please please please please PLEASE let me do it fo you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or at leasrt let me get yuou SOME KIND OF GIFT you cant spend all this time and devotion on me for me to do nothing back :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( anyways ic ant wait until we get married. because. then i can tell people "look at my cute amazing spectacular special wife" and "i lobe my wife" and "gotta go, my wife is calling" just because ur my wife. and i adore you :silly_excited: and i love u so so os sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh and ohhh happy MIKU MONDAY YAY YAY YAY my head hurts too badly i should not be giggling this much :^ okay bye again

april 30:
hi camden. waves in your face excitedly. i uust wanted to say thta i know you dont think of yourself as a real girl. because dysphoria and stuff. but iw anted to tell you that i think ur the realest girl like in the world ever :3!! and even if people dont accept you when you come out or they dont understand, who cares about tehm? like yeah. it sucks. but it doesnt mean ur the one in the wrong. iy just means. they're the stupid ones not you. and one day when you grow up (n and i will help you save money like i promised) you can transition to whatever you want to look like!!! sort of like afresh start at life .. just 2 more years 4 u :3 and then nobody can call you a "fake" girl then because you'll look and sound the part!!!! (not that you werent before. but you get my point right). and i know i cant do anything to change your dysphoria but bottling it all up wont make it any better yk it'll just make you even more miserable right .. im not saying everytime you have a minor inconvenience you should run to me vut if you want to talk to me, DONT HESITATE!!!!!! because i will always listen no matter how busy i am (even if im in school or something ill make time 4 u) and try to comfort you the same way you comfort me!!!! and crying isnt bad either. if you have to cry you can just. let it out yk? i wont be mad at you for being human. we all need to cry sometimes. you dont have to feel ashamed about that either. id rather you cry in front of me than cry in private and act like youre fine and refuse to at least tell me you cried. even if i cant help, i want to know about it so i can brainstorm a way to help next time ^_^!!!!! i promise on my ever-growing anime watchlist. ok. bye. i love u :3

may 1:
i'm backkkkk!! (灬´ ᗜ `灬)♡ i just wanted to say thank you for last night and yesterday in general ... yesterdsy i had just about lost it cuz i was having a bad day (which you already know) but im really grateful you were there to calm me down and to tell me that you love me. i really admire you yk ... uoure so confident and you know jusr what to say to calm me down and eeven when youre scared you try to hide it for me so i can feel better ... but you really dont have to like i said yk ... im sorry you always have to comfort me and pick up my messes btw. but im glad you do for me anyways. because tbh i dont know where id be without you. i think you're really brave ... a lot braver than you think you are yk ...and i think you're really strong too. i know you probably dont believe me (and thats okay. cuz i believe enough that it covers your belief and mine) but i think it's true. and you know just want to say to cheer me up and even when we fight you always forgive me even when i started it ... you're really too kind at times i think ... and you know everything about me ... its kind of like you see through me in a way, you know just what i'm thinking and stuff. you were right. (have u noticed i keep admitting ur right about things.) we think alike and act alike. a lot. and i really really hope forever exists because if it does i want to spend forever with you ... i know you said youd find a way to make it happen but i'm still so scared yk ... that maybe im not doing enough or ill mess it up or youll get tired of waiting ormy parents wouldnt let me. (have u noticed im scared of lots of things nowadays.) bu its okay i think ... cuz if youre with me its still scary. but at least im not alone so ... i trust you. and when we're together forever we can have lots of pokemon too!! and the cats like i said ... and your dog ... and that baby mouse and the parakeet and all the other pets!!! i lovr you cotton camdy (NEW NICKNAME ALERT!!!!) i love you so so so muchhhh!!!! i hope you know that even though i suck dogshit at expressing myself sorru ... gotta go eekkk ... ilysm yippee!!!

may 2:
heyyyyy cam. did you know that... there's only 19 days until your birthday ?? i know you hate it (which i dont get :(((( its the day uou were born!! how can you hate it.) but i'm still determined to make it super duper special for you!!! we can call maybe... and i'll draw for you... and we can play roblox maybe i don't know i still need to get my tablet. and i'll tell you i love you 10000000 million times. and youll be 17... youre so old... i hate being younger grrrr... but my birthday is in august so it doesnt matter :3 ill be 16!!! and you might be taller than me... and older than me... but that doesn't change the fact i'm probably waaaayyyy better at sports than you and i'm probably waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy stronger too. but who cares. you're probably way better at pjsk than me... um this is off topic. anyways. i really really really miss you when you're not at school. and when you're not online. and basically anytime i'm not in contact with you. did you know i Cannot Function Without You... like i think of you way too much like all the time ... uyou're basically a shelf in my brain. that is filled with memories of you. if that even makes sense LOL. i like when you're not being serious... it helps me calm down... like when i say "i'll do anything to make it up for you" and you reply with "meowing video" its the dumbest thing ever but it really just kind of shocks me out of my upset ... it brings me back to life??? help i donr really know what im writing, um. i love you... my sweet kind caring patient understanding helpful amazing spectacular beautiful pretty cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute CUTE girlfie ... i love you so much. i could say it 1000000000 times. it wouldnt encompass how much i love you. but it doesnt matter because ill say it so many times youll be able to FEEL the love from miles and miles away!!! i promise :3

thank you so much btw. for supporting me endlessly. and always trying to understand things for me. and for being brave for me. i know you say you aren't really brave but it's okay because uou make me feel a lot better anyways. i know our 5 month anniversary is technicallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over now but. everyday is an anniversary for me!! cuz everyday is a day with you so everyday is automatically the Best Day Of My Life^tm. i love you so so so so so much. ive said that like 400000000 times now. but its cuz its true. and ik you said you wanted to write me letters in return. but you really really really really really really really really really really really dont have to yk... cuz this is just the way i get my thoughts out. im dont really need any gifts or anything buuuutttt if you really want to give me something....... pictures of maui would be nice...................... (/silly) HES CUTE OKAY like my heart actually jumps (in a good way) when you send me photos of him. hes like a doggy cat.... tearing up his dog toys....... I EVEN REMEMBER THE BREED HE IS??? WHEN YOU TOLD ME LIKE MONTHS AGO hes a bernese mini doodle right. (i hope i spelled it right LOL) i wanna pet him so bad ... he looks really fluffy. when we live together forever ill give him all the headpats in the world!!! or maybe if you wanna give me something you could GET BACK ON HOW NOT TO ANSWER NOW!!!! grrr prettyyyyy pleeeeeaseeeeeeeeee its boring without you :((( i know you said you dont really use tspace anymore but like..... your answers are funny............ and i like doing stuff with you................................... so please get on 4 me.................................................................... :3

may 3:
ONLY 18 MORE DAYS UNTIL YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! yay yayayayayayayay .... im so excited yippee!! i was thinking about what you said last night and YES!!! i really want to call and play silly games and have silly dates. i just dont know when my parents would be gone long enough for us to. i would say summertime since ideally we'd have all day everyday to call/. but erm. you know the situation for my summer. so maybe not. but i really wanna call before school ends. its seriously so annoying your mom gets home at the same time as you ... like why cant she come at least an hour later or something :v but its okay. we'll find a way around it i think!! and i also almost forgot about the chain necklace lackeys/shirtless shirtmen stuff OH MY GODDDD dude ... i know you dont talk about it much but whenever you do it automatically makes me fuckign burst into laughter. its just so fucking ridiculous??? but in a really endearing way. still not too sure about the dm'ing random server members thing though. :P and talking about madoka magica (even if it was for only 5 minutes) (i get distracted easily sigh) was REALLY fun too!! it reminded me i kind of need to rewatch it like i saidsince i mostly forgot the plot since i watched it last summer. and ill make sure to watch the movies too like you said. if you want more magical girl anime recommendations i can give them to you ?!?!?! only if you want though. i have a feeling youd like cardcaptor sakura. (if youve seen it before that is). i also think youll like nekopara maybe?? since its an anime about like catgirls and stuff. when we live together we'll watch all the magical girl and catgirl anime and every girl anime in between. and just anime in general. because you know animanga is my spinterest. and. theres this manga series called "magical boy me" i think thats its english name ... its basically a trans boy who was given magical girl powers i htink. i know thats not really your situation buuuuuttttt... you could read it!! i really liked it i read it last october :3 and we could read/watch watamote and komi can't communicate and toradora and aaaallllll my favorites. we could have sort of like a watchnight marathon thing!!! like at sleepovers. (im really cringe LOL). anyways. did you know i kind of think "magical girl and chocolate" kind of fits madoka magica? like madoka specifically i think. just. look at the lyrics. and youll know im right. (because im right about everything /silly) AND I JUST REMEMBERED when i first met you and i told you i liked pinochhiop you were like "wjats ur fave pinochhiop song?" and i was like "magical girl and chocolate" because at the time i was playing it on loop nonstop. and you were like "i like that song too. it seems you have great taste in music." and my first initial reaction was "woah......... someone on thinks i have good music taste........ woah...................." BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. its kind of depressing you dont use spotify i really wanna listen to music with you using hte "listen along" feature thing ... but its alright. anyways thanks to you deco*27 will always be my forever favorite vocaloid producer and I'M his biggest fan!!!! you can be pinochhiop's biggest fan. which makes sense yk... they collaborated together... (not) a devil. you know i really like that song right. i had it on loop all of last summer LMFAOOOO. which... makes sense yk. you're kind of like the demon to my angel? but sometimes its the other way around. it doesnt really matter anyways. cuz as long as uoure with me then i dont reeally care what you are.

i'm really glad you feel better today btw. or at least somewhat better than this morning. i'm even happier i was able to cheer you up :] i wanna do what you do for me!!! which is making me feel better 24/7. but dont worry. when we live together, we'll always be stuck to each other, so we'll never have bad days. and we'll try new foods and play dumb video games together. and i really am working on something for your birthday. you saw the letter way too early so. i cant give you anything in that department (-_-") but i will definitely draw you something!!! and you cant "no you dont have to" me this time!!!!!! it's your BIRTHDAY camden!!!!!! use and abuse!!!!!!!!!! it only comes once a year!!!!!!!!!!!! ill also try to see if i can get you a like. um. gift card? cheap gift ik... but maybe like an apple playstore one or something. I DONT KNOW OKAY but i really wanna give you somrthing you can like ACTUALLY USE not just a drawing to look at uauuuauauuuughhhhhhh. but i promise whatever happens, MAY 21 WILL BE A GOOD DAY FOR YOU!!!! trust.

Pub: 24 Apr 2024 18:57 UTC
Edit: 03 May 2024 19:55 UTC
Views: 371