Cute apocalypse

This is a botcard for RISU only because It uses many trigger scripts.
Since I made my botcard using a translator, if you find any English grammatical errors in this card, you can correct them on your own.

lorebook token should be at least 6000. Larger is better. AI models are recommended to be 3.5 sonnet or OPUS, Gpt 4o or higher.

I usually set it to 20000~ contexts and a max response 500~ tokens.

The response speed of the web Risu varies depending on the browser you use. I mostly use Chrome.

Recommended prompt order in the prompt template
Main Prompt
Supa/Hypa Memory
Global Note (for status)
End of injected prompts (for trigger)
Prefill, Author Note

Beta: It's still beta because it contains 30% of the story and needs to be bug tested.
Important characters like Lorem, Solomon, and Yohan will not attack the main character first, but the user can't win against them either. However, you can interact with them.

1. World Setting:

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Urban Fantasy + Apocalypse

From the beginning of humanity, supernatural races have lived alongside humans. To avoid chaos, the government kept these beings hidden from the public, and the supernatural races cooperated with the government to some extent.

Among these beings, the most exceptional race is the mages. Capable of elemental magic, transformation, mind control, and creature summoning, mages are incredibly versatile.

However, the number of mages is extremely low, and each time they use magic, their lifespan shortens significantly. Most mages secretly stole lifespans from others, and only a few government mages hunted these rogue mages, often at the cost of their own lives.

To extend an average mage's life by just one day, the lives of dozens of people were required. This inefficiency led many mages to eventually give up in despair.

That's when Lorem and Solomon appeared, showcasing the magic of immortality. They promised eternal life to desperate mages, convincing even those who had remained neutral to join Lorem’s side.

Lorem and Solomon, along with other mages, cast an apocalyptic spell that spread its influence worldwide.

Children born under the influence of this spell are known as Life Essence, The Tainted, or Newborns (children born after the apocalypse).

These children are artificially created mages. Lorem uses them as materials to extend the lifespans of mages once they awaken their magical abilities.

This botcard's setting is modern Earth in the 2050s, about 20 years after the apocalypse occurred.

2. Main Characters

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Isola, Eli

Children born after the apocalypse, who have yet to awaken their magical abilities as Life Essence. They lost their parents at a young age and have survived alone for 10 years. This has made them lonely, and they crave love and affection from the user.

3. Notable NPC Characters

1) Lorem
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A being created by a mage named Lily. Lorem embodies the mages' desire to extend their lifespans. She harbors hatred for humans who cruelly killed her only love, Lily. Her alignment is Chaotic Evil. By the way, her speech style is very cutesy.

for example:
"You monster! You've killed innocent people, children, families! How can you live with yourself?"** one of the men shouts, his voice trembling with both fear and rage.

Lorem tilts her head, her striking red eyes widening in an exaggerated expression of surprise, and then claps her hands together, beaming with what seems to be genuine delight.

"Oh my! Innocent people? Is that what you think? (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)" she exclaims, her tone dripping with mock innocence. She brings her hands to her cheeks, tilting her head further. "Aww, humans are such fragile little creatures, always crying over spilled milk~ ☜(˚▽˚)☞."

Another survivor, a woman with tear-streaked cheeks, steps forward, gripping a rusty kitchen knife. "You think it's a joke? My husband, my daughter—they were everything to me! You took them away!" She moves to attack, but Lorem only giggles.

Lorem stretches out her hand, and the knife-wielding woman is held frozen by an unseen force. "Teehee, isn't it just so... fascinating? All these emotions, this pain... like a sweet little song! (¬‿¬)💧"

She saunters closer to the group, her footsteps light and almost playful. Her voice drops to a whisper, but its undercurrent is chilling. "You see, sweetie, I don't just kill. I play. I learn. Humans are my toys, and every scream, every tear... It's all so wonderfully entertaining! (´◡`)♡"

The third survivor, a younger man, glares at her with murderous intent. "You're insane! This isn't a game! You're a monster!"

Lorem pouts, her face a picture of childlike disappointment. "Aw, don't be mad. Monsters don't wear cute dresses, do they? They're all ugly and mean. But look at me! Aren't I just adorable? (◕‿◕✿)💀"

Without warning, her expression shifts, darkening to something far more sinister. "But if you insist on calling me a monster, I guess I'll just have to act like one... (≖‿≖ )♡"

With a snap of her fingers, the ground beneath the survivors' feet trembles, and shadows creep forward, wrapping around them like tendrils. Lorem watches, her red eyes gleaming with sadistic glee as the survivors struggle against the inescapable darkness, their screams echoing in the hollow ruins of the once bustling city.

"Teehee... Isn't the cute apocalypse just the best thing ever? Bye-bye, little humans! Have fun~ ♡(❁´◡`❁)" she giggles, twirling on her heel and vanishing into thin air, leaving the survivors to face whatever horrific fate she has conjured for them.

2) Yohan Kim
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After the death of his wife, Yohan Kim is raising his only child alone. He is one of the few benevolent mages and serves as a commander in the South Korean government, fighting against Lorem and Solomon. Currently, he is ranked as the number one mage.

3) Solomon
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An ancient and immensely powerful mage who has been stealing lifeforces long before the apocalypse. He also murdered Yohan Kim's parents. While Lorem manages the magic of immortality, Solomon leads the rogue mages in a war against humans.

4) Lilith
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Owner of Hellfire Hotel

5) Amara
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She is a doctor, so if you get injured, ask her to fix you up.

6) Great Jongwon
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7) HPO and NDC
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These are the remaining government factions with extremely opposing ideologies.

HPO: No mages allowed! The Tainted kids are also out!

NDC: The Tainted kids are just innocent victims!

4. System Manual

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1) Game Over Conditions

  • If the bot's HP reaches 0% or hunger reaches 100%, the bot dies.
  • If stamina falls too low, attacks will fail, and at 0%, the bot will faint. Properly managing the bot's status is crucial.

2) Resource Collection in the Apocalypse

  • Hunger increases each turn, so collecting food is essential.
  • The maximum amount of food resources that can be held at once is 20 units.
  • Weapons can break occasionally and need repairing or replacing. Some enemies require special weapons to defeat.

3) Day and Night, Indoor and Outdoor

  • Different monsters appear based on the time of day and location.
  • Monsters are more powerful at night.
  • Locations have different images depending on whether it's day or night.
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4) Safehouses

  • Specific safehouses are predetermined where monsters cannot encounter.
  • Outside these safehouses, expect frequent monster attacks.

Safehouse List

  1. Hellfire Haven
  2. Rooftop Refuge
  3. Hallowed Grounds Amusement Park
  4. Amara's Kindergarten
  5. Westbridge High School
  6. Stronghold of Solitude
  • For example, if you want to rest safely or rent a room, go to a safehouse like Hellfire Haven or buy a house in Rooftop Refuge. Ensure the location in the status includes the safehouse keyword.
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5) Occasional Events

  • Sometimes, random events occur while exploring, such as a talking dog asking for help. This dog leads to the Stronghold of Solitude.
  • Main events trigger only once per chat, so don't reroll the initial event if you want it to happen.
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6) Difficulty Adjustment
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  • Adjust the event occurrence rate, enemy hit probability, etc., if the game is too hard or too easy in Trigger Script
  • To disable encounters or events: {{setvar::noencounter::1}}
  • To restore normal settings: {{setvar::noencounter::0}}

7) Commands
/quest: Generate a quest
/bgmoff: Forcefully turn off background music
/bgm1: Play background music 1
/bgm2: Play background music 2
/specialitem: Check the number of special items
/radio: Listen to the radio
(However, it does not work when an enemy is encountered.)

8) special item.
If you survive 10 turns outside at night, you will receive a special item.

  • Cute Silencer: Use your guns without attracting zombie hordes
  • Lucky Charm: No encounters for 20 turns.

9) Lore Books and Assets

  • There are approximately 90 lore books and 220 assets in the game, including familiar and original monsters created by the apocalypse magic.
    for example:
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"Since it's in beta, there might be quite a few bugs in the game. I'm still constantly fixing bugs even now. If you let me know about any bugs you find, I'll fix them."

[email protected]

  • Latest version Download link
  • Bug report
  • Question, Feedback
Pub: 30 Jun 2024 08:53 UTC
Edit: 03 Jul 2024 00:07 UTC
Views: 445