About provided by @the-icey-blue-prince on tumblr

This blog is very similar to a "Poorly drawn (media/character)" blog,
however there is no set media or character.
I draw only my interests, and all art here is intended to be experimental.
I think it'll help me improve my style.
Effort in art and posting frequency will vary.

Requests/asks will be open but when I will draw them if at all is not certain. (Please don't get your hopes up, this is a personal project after all.)

Oh, and if it isn't obvious, no nsfw, follow my dni, you know the deal.


Current focus: Vocaloid/Vocal Synthesizers Project Sekai One Punch man


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Pub: 03 Jul 2022 16:17 UTC
Edit: 14 Sep 2022 23:05 UTC
Views: 171