Friday 7, 2023


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Welcome back pug petters!!! ‏‏‎ ‎
boxing buddies!

I'm finally back with another "journal" entry. I hope everyone has been doing good and has been taking care of themselves! If your struggling please understand you aren't alone. Taking care of yourself is hard, especially if you're going through depression, anxiety, or any other mental illness. If you are struggling please reach out to friends, family, or adults if they are supportive!

I've been enjoying these few weeks recently and have been getting into a lot of new and old hobbies like sewing, drawing, crafting, and decorating. It's really fun to find something you enjoy doing, I love getting into the flow of my hobbies because they help me get off bad memories or frightening topics. For my viewers who are seeing this I hope your finding your favorite hobbies and are pursuing them too! Sometimes for me, I kind of think I'm getting worse at a hobby if I find someone younger than me doing it better. When I feel like this I have to tell myself that "It's best to take your time, hobbies are for fun. Even if they are younger than me I'm going to enjoy doing the things I love instead of stopping." If you stop doing the things you love you'll never improve or understand your own way of doing it! Not how others do it!

Also, I'm really excited for school to be over with to be honest. I can't wait to hang out with my friends and do theater just to get exercise and meet new people! Meeting new people helps me tons with not having too much anxiety and being socially awkward. BUT... ik i'm gonn a be called emo by one of my friends in theater because I like metal.... it's because i'm transgender and gay i swear... sigh :eyeroll: /j


I just starting to create an art wall in my bedroom! I don't have a picture of it yet to post but if I do, I'll post it in the next "journal" entry. It's just a mashup of all of my art I made during school of my ocs, south park characters, or doodles. really fun!!!

Also, I just finished watching all of South Park and I'm still enjoying re-watching some of the episodes. My favorite funny episode has to be "Erection Day"! It's absolutely hilarious and I love giggling and kicking my feet to the episode. Some of my actual favorite episodes has to be "Spring Break" and "Buddha Box". I love the messages behind these episodes if you pay attention to the plot! (Quick character dump of all the characters I love from SP... Vampir/Michael Makowski, Craig Tucker, Scott Malkinson, Timmy Burch, Pip Pirrup, and few others....)

And.... This is the end of this entry! I hope you've enjoyed reading this one. :) It's way longer then my first one I've made but it was fun to create this one after awhile! Signing off.... -avery


go back?

Pub: 07 Apr 2023 19:43 UTC
Edit: 07 Apr 2023 19:44 UTC
Views: 150