i'm already up..

but lift me higher..

as much as i wanted to stall this, i think i need to talk about this..sooner.
much much sooner.
as important as this page is to me, you'd think i'd make it overly pretty..right?
not exactly, uh..
i figured i would focus on the wording of this, since uhh..
im kinda rushing myself to finish this before you wake up, pff..

you've been there, ever since you found out i formed.
ive been right there, ever since you payed attention to me..

damnit i got so attached to you. so fast.
it's not difficult to get attached to someone as caring as you, poppy.
..you might wanna try to relax that a bit?
im terrified of you getting hurt from how nice you are.. how amazingly you can deal with almost any situation with.. hugs and glitter?
it doesnt make any sense.. but yknow what? you dont make any sense.
it just fits you, i guess./pf
im glad you're queen, even if none of your tactics make sense to me, they always turn out well in the end./af

you genuinely care about me, and it shows... a lot, really..
..and i wish i was able to uhh.. not show how much i care about you.
...because its a bit..little bit....teeeeensy bit.. much./ff

..yknow, just-
let me cut to the chase.
i've been stalling telling you this for a week..

i was planning on telling you by making a digital scrapbook using carrd and doing it that way but.. carrd stopped working again, and i couldnt get the art to look right when i was working on it.. so i gave up on that idea..
at least you have the rentry from me?/ff
oh wait i didnt even tell you about that yet- here, whoops/ff

back on topic.

i know this is probably the most.. random? unofficial?.. lame?- i dont know-
..weirdest way?
to ask this question-
and.. extremely awkward..
but. it wont leave my mind, and..im just.. too afraid to ask in conversation, yknow?..

what im trying to ask you is just..
will you-.. be my girlfriend?-

there's- no pressure, i mean- you can- take your time, yknow?- i mean- i dont- expect a proper answer- or.. any answer at all-
just- its.. there? its- said?- i dont- hhhhh i dont know-
just- yeah-
thats it-

yeaaaaah im embarrassed now

Pub: 24 Dec 2023 03:19 UTC
Edit: 24 Dec 2023 03:25 UTC
Views: 713