
Cyclura is three people sharing a life and a body. This makes us plural. We are:

  • 🪴enyo (they/he)
  • 👾Arini (it/its)
  • 🧱Brick (he/him)

What do those emojis mean?

They're just a way to specify which one of us sent a message or made a post, if that information is relevant. We don't always specify because it isn't always necessary or relevant. If we don't specify, don't worry about it.

So what do I call you?

If you know who's fronting, you can use that name. If you don't, then just Cyclura is fine. That name is almost always a safe bet (and if it isn't, then you're already someone who knows when not to use it, so this guide is not for you).

They, he, or it pronouns work fine to pair with the name Cyclura. enyo and Brick are more flexible with this array of pronouns. Arini is firmly an it/its pronoun user. If you know for sure that you're talking with/about Arini then use it/its.

We each relate to each other as selves, though we'll also accept "alters" or "headmates." Please do not call us fragments, personalities, facets, or parts.

You might hear us refer to ourself as "I" or "we" interchangeably. Please do not fuss about whether or not to use singular or plural pronouns with us. In most cases, singular is fine.

I'm with you IRL and I don't know which one of you I'm talking to!

Don't worry about it. If you need to know because of what you want to say/discuss, you can ask (politely).

Can I ask to talk to (insert one of our names)?

If there's something you want to say to one of us specifically, we'd prefer a, "can you let me know when (insert one of our names) is here?"

If someone talks to one of you, will the others be aware of the conversation?

Yup. "Don't tell so-and-so" is not possible.

Can I ask you a question about being plural?

We like questions. We also may not answer all questions. Some questions are quite personal or can come off as unkind.

Consider the time, place, and people around. Consider the current topic of conversation. How would you feel if you were asked a question of a similar nature in this setting? Pause and consider before asking. Metacommunication -- "hey, can I ask you about..." is also helpful.

I ran into you out in the wild and you're with someone I don't recognize. Hi! Can I mention that you're plural?

No! Wait for me to mention it first, if at all. Use the same conduct as you would if you'd run into someone you met at a support group, or better yet, the local dungeon.

Why does Arini talk like that?

Languaging has many moving parts. Arini would rather do this in its own way.

Why does Arini use text to speech?

Because speech the normal way has much difficulty for it.

How come it can verbalize some things in some situations but not in others?

It uses echolalia as some speeching shortcuts, and also to connect with another by using the same words as another.

Why does Arini make weird noises?

For the same reasons as you: express some feeling.

Can Arini talk normal to make me feel more comfortable?


Pub: 10 Sep 2024 02:39 UTC
Edit: 30 Sep 2024 02:41 UTC
Views: 136