cred: @lavendergalactic on tumblr

♪ . will not be followed back ︵︵ !

homo/transphobes.  zionists. (die)  racists.ableist.  hardcore antis.  exclusive. (die)anti xenos. (die) anti-para.  pro-contact. (kys)age regression sexualisers. (die)  radfems. (die)cluster b demonisers.  "slurs are just words tbh"

if you compare the trauma of real children to a drawing, then fuck you and kill yourself. what we went through will never be a piece of fiction.  

just dont be stupid, and respect people its not that hard.

we block freely anyway

 O1    O2    O3 



Pub: 04 Jun 2024 10:13 UTC
Edit: 03 Sep 2024 23:18 UTC
Views: 96