A Snack

After a long day spent hanging out with his friends, Omori returned to White Space and crashed on the floor. Mewo’s currently preoccupied with licking herself to notice her master’s return so his hand hovered over her head and rubbed it gently, feeling the shape of her ears with his thumb. She gave him a soft purr in return as she nuzzled her head on his arm. Good girl.


Omori’s stomach just growled. Despite having dominion over the entirety of Headspace, not even he was exempt from its fundamental laws established by the Dreamer. He rummaged his pockets for something — three pieces of rice balls, his favorite.

“Meow?” The cat looked at him expectantly. He wanted it all for himself but how can Omori deny such an adorable creature? Fine, he’ll give her just one.

Mewo caught the rice ball he threw at her with her paws and began nibbling at it. Omori observed the two remaining rice balls in his hands. Though it wasn’t obvious at first glance, one ball was slightly larger than the other. This he knew by their weight, though there was only a very slight difference, probably not more than a couple dozen grains of rice. He put down the smaller ball to focus on its bigger brother. Omori’s mouth began to water as he gazed at it, that little ball of perfection in the palm of his hand. Against all odds, the Onigiri somehow managed to retain its perfect triangular shape despite being in his pocket for more than half the day. Each grain of rice was moist and glistening and the seaweed that held them all together looked beautiful. Indeed, it was one of the most beautiful things his eyes have seen.

With uncharacteristic eagerness, Omori mimicked Mewo and nibbled on the top. His eyes widened once his tongue made contact with the rice. So good! Such food deserves to be cherished. He took another bite and closed his eyes, letting the flavor of the Onigiri wash over his tongue. The subtle taste of salt complements the soft texture of rice very well. Though some would prefer their Onigiri with filling, Omori was perfectly content with just having salt sprinkled on it, that’s how it’s supposed to be anyway. He extended his tongue and licked the spot he had just bitten off. Delicious! Wanting to prolong his moment of ecstasy for as long as possible, Omori swirled his tongue all over the ball as saliva began trailing out of his mouth, breathing heavily. Nothing beats the taste of Onigiri! If given the option, he would certainly eat this all day, every day! When he was done, Omori chomped at the rice ball and took out more than half of it in an instant. He let the rice linger in his mouth for some time, sucking on each grains and bits of the seaweed, letting them tickle his taste buds. The boy was utterly lost in his fantasies as he munched on the ball, that he didn’t even notice the smaller rice ball vanishing right under his nose.

It was only after he had finished when he noticed that the other ball had disappeared.

The next thing he saw enraged him beyond imagination.

Mewo took the last piece and was just about done with it.


Omori whipped out his knife, his grip tight. His other fist shook in anger.

Mewo has been very, very bad.

Pub: 08 Jan 2022 15:14 UTC
Views: 618