for everyone :3 this is one of the only 100% genuine links so itll be corny

hai...yes...corny i know but i dont feel like spending all of my money as a thank you gift so you guys get THIS!!!! i cant thank every single one of u enough for giving me a reason to wake up in the morning and take care of myself instead of isolating myself like i so want to , no matter if i dont talk 2 you or not or if we dont talk on most days, anything rly, u all equally contribute to how i feel . even if its just being stupid like always ..for multiple yrs now is sucha MILESTONE snort snort :nerd: i don't know where i would be without all and i dont even know if i wud be alive now, so u get a long BORING rentry as a thank you letter bc ur all through screens :< not all of u but u get it~ yeas i know every day i tell at least one of u to go die but i'll nevar ever ever mean it :p despite the many lost from our group we r still together and im so glad u guys chose to not leave just yet , ive known some of u longer than others (mainly ena and angie) but we've all been friends for def over a year, maybe even 2. which is quite long for an online friendship . . and yk those shits r supposed to last for like idk 5 months at max. + considering the fact that lucys with me even if we fought! n' how long has it been ??? 3-4 years for both ena and lucy its CRAZY 'gain... nother corny thank you for keeping me alive and being understanding bc idk WHERE i wud be without you all :P I heart you all /P

thanx : nora testy jex ikaros sammy yumi jasper mustard & hannah (i dont talk 2 the last two at all but u guys being here is cool)

Pub: 08 Dec 2022 03:36 UTC
Views: 90