graphic is mine!! free to use with credit!!!! hello!!!!! you might know me. you might not.
either way, it's nice to meet you!! this is a rentry
dedicated to my girlfriend! if you got redirected
here on accident/you aren't her, GO AWAY!!! for
legal reasons, that was a joke. (haha.) you can
stay if you like. i don't care. just keep in mind
i'm going to be very silly ^_^ proceed with caution!
thank you... now onto my super amazing lovable
girlfriend in the whole wide world!

hi camden!! hi darling hihi hello haiii!! i wrote you
another letter .. :3 yes ik its not a holiday but its a
special day for me!! and you too!!! why? because march
(21st? i think) marks our ONE YEAR of knowing each
other!! yippee!! wahoo yay yay yay!!!!

i already wrote you a letter of our one month, one
for fun, and one for valentines day!! ( and they pretty
much all said the same thing .... ) but this time, i wanna
write one about our friendship before we got together
and how that still meant a lot to me! :3 ( and also how i
started to like you .. chehehehehehe .. ily )

but even i recognize the love letters are getting to
be a bit too much, so i'll keep this one a little short, okay?

i remember feb - april 2023, i was at my lowest point
in my life tbh. i was kind of done with everything, and i
genuinely saw no appeal in living anymore. i kept
attempting and attempting and it didn't work, so i was
pretty much really miserable. then i met you. at first, you
kind of intimidated me .. ^_^;;

i dont know .. maybe it was your typing style at first?
i just remember being sort of like "woah. this person on
discord really freaks me out. but in a good way." like. i was
intimidated, but i wanted to be friends? i don't know how to
describe it sorry haha .. i think you were just really cool at the
time to me and i get easily intimidated by people i think are
better than me in a way :P

anyways! when we first started talking, at first you were just
someone i could share my art and story ideas with, someone i
could joke around with before i went to sleep. i still was a little
anxious around you, but i thought of you as really funny and
easy to talk to. you didn't judge me about my song interpretations
and you always listened patiently and complimented me.

we got closer, and i started to tell you about my family,
and how i really wanted to give up, and how i was done with
being last place. and do you know what you said? you said,
"i'm going to stay with you until you decide to go."

okay .. so maybe thats not exactly what you said.
you probably said something different. but still. whatever
you said, it made me want to stay alive for a little longer.
so i said one week. and then two. and three, and four, and
a month, and it was april... and life still sucked, but we were
still friends, and that was all that mattered to me, so i was
happy. i liked being your friend.

i remember liking you really early in our friendship, but
i wasn't even sure if it was in a romantic way or a really
clingy platonic way. so i confessed. and you rejected me.
so i was like. "okay. uh. cool person rejected me, but she
still wants to be my friend? fine." and then i realized it wasn't
really romantic after all. and it didn't make you hate me, so
i thought that was the end of that.

but i started liking you romantically in the summer, i think.
i think it was the day you vented to me? and you were really
upset, so i just. i wanted to protect you? in a way? (that sounds
so wrong. help me) like... i wanted to keep you happy. i wanted
to make you as happy as you make me :3

then you confessed to me in november!! best day of my life!!
i still have every single message we sent to each other on that day
downloaded in my brain .. chehehehe <3

honestly? i know ive said this before, but id replay every single
conversation weve had together if it meant i could spend time with
you. i really, really, love you. and id do anything, i promise, if it
meant you could be happy. but. unfortunately, that is not how the
world works. so i give you this instead ;

you may think of yourself as unforgivable. unlovable. you may
think of yourself as broken and worthless and disgusting and awful.
but darling? it's all about perception. i haven't seen those sides of
you, so therefore, you cannot be unforgivable, unlovable, broken,
worthless, disgusting, and awful to me unless proven otherwise.

and ;

i live by the rule that all humans have strengths and weaknesses.
you can argue with me all you want (/lh) but it's true. and all humans
have good (and bad) sides to them. the only thing is how we choose
to look at it. i also believe no human is inherently bad from birth.
so yes, hitler may have been evil and had a whole nazi operation
and started the holocaust and a genocide that killed millions of
jews and other people. but. i bet he still opened the door for other
people. i bet he still spoke nicely to his friends/children (did he have
kids?). and i bet he still had people he cared about, people he still
had in the back of his mind.

the thing is ; humans are a strange race. some get up and take
guns and shoot innocent people. some get up and do horrible
things to children. some get up and plot the downfall of others.
but even those "evil" people are just as confused as we are, you
know? they're struggling in this maze called "life" too. nobody
can be completely horrible, because at the end of the day, all
anybody wants is somebody to feel happy around.

and i know you might think of yourself as unforgivable. but
have you caused a genocide? have you destroyed an entire
country? no? okay. so that's a checkmark! you have a lot of
positives. you're smart, funny, kind, interesting, and
understanding. yes, you have negatives ; every human has
them. but how will you look at them? is the question here.
will you allow them to drag you down? or will you accept
them, and learn to live with them, and be happy?

you're not alone, you know. not everyone has it figured
out. even the people we consider "social leaders" are secretly
going through something. i think if everyone got together
and put their strengths together, we'd be even better, you
know? yes. you may be awful. but you have positives. and
even if all else fails, just remember ; every human is able to
care. every human has a soft spot.

rapists, pedos, stalkers, scammers, they all have something
in common, no matter their empathy level. they are able to
feel something for other humans. whether that's a platonic
connection or a romantic connection or a sexual connection,
they all have someone they care about. caring about someone
is a good thing! it means you're human.

i care about a lot of people, but i care about you the most!!
(seriously. i cant shut up about you.) and if you're with me, then
that means you care about me enough to stay. which is good.
it means you're not completely evil still!

i know you probably still don't believe me. but listen. i'm
proud of you, okay? i'm proud of you for getting this far, i'm
proud of you for staying alive. you've made it 16 years, thats
a lot!!!! you can make it, i promise. and i'm here for you! i'll
always be here if things get tough. you can talk to me. you
don't have to hold it in and act fine if you really don't feel
fine. that's a promise i can keep!!

of course .. you might not want to talk to me, and i
respect that choice too. i can't force you to tell me when
you feel unhappy. but i don't want you to be in pain alone
or feel like nobody pays attention to you, okay? i can give
you all the attention in the world. you don't have to talk to
me, but you can at least know that i'm your biggest fan,
so i'll help in any way i can, honest!

i want to repay you for all youve done for me, okay?
i want to make you feel like the best girl on earth! (which
you are, so it works out!) you're my silly pretty princess
and i wouldn't have it any other way!! and i know you
don't believe in wishes, but since it's one year, for good
luck i'm wishing we have another happy year together.

i can't tell the future, but i know the past and the present.
and in the past, i love you, the present, i love you, so logically,
the future must be full of love too, right? i don't think anything
could change my mind about that :3

i super duper love you!! (/lyr) happy one year of knowing
each other!! let's hope for another silly, happy, funny, year
together. i love you!!! <3<3

ー from the silliest of sillies , tora !!! ♡

p.s. ; it got a bit long, sorry .. ^_^;; ( i told you i couldn't shut my mouth around you lmao :'3 )
anyways, i hope you liked it!! i really like writing love letters. maybe its cuz i can say whatever i want
without worry of being judged? who knows ... chehehe anyways i love you!! you're the silliest femboy
(/ref) everrrrrr and you mean so so SO much to me okay bye !!!

Pub: 17 Feb 2024 05:20 UTC
Edit: 17 Feb 2024 19:45 UTC
Views: 185