name : Aniline
nicknames :None don’t create any
pronouns : she/her

gender : aromantic
sexuality : asexual
age : 17-23

primary role : Caregiver
secondary role : holder
age role : age slider

positive triggers :Medical terminology, psychology terminology, a lot of terminology
neutral triggers : Rain, grass, space, stars
negative triggers : the color orange, sexual talk or acts and items driving, big crowds, the season winter
height : 5’11”
clothing style : calming/comfortable

likes : Quiet spaces, quiet people

dislikes :PDA, screaming, DRIVING, sexual stuff of any kind, the heat, cussing
hobbies : none

fears/phobia : too many
activity status : secondary

music : slowish songs
food : private
color : Violet

movie : idk
show : stranger things
animal : ferrets

notes : I like drama of any sort and always willing to help people go through their stuff
history : I think a fusion of Vex, Cleo

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Pub: 25 Aug 2022 06:08 UTC
Edit: 25 Aug 2022 06:19 UTC
Views: 371