I have trouble expressing emotions correctly and find tone indicators hard to use due to memory problems so please be patient with me.

What is my name and system role?

My name is Anakin Skywalker but you can just use my first name. I'm a symptom holder like, my son, Luke.

How old am I?

Just like Luke, My age slides but I tend to slide between 19-22 rather than a more inconsistent range.

Do I have any interests?

Of course, They aren't that interesting but I enjoy studying rocketry and astronomy. I am also a fan of sci-fi comics.

what are my boundaries?

I ask that you don't discuss Darth Vader or order 66 around me unless I say it is okay, I don't enjoy discussing it with strangers. I also would like if you refrain from teasing me or joking with me unless you make it obvious it is teasing or joking.

If you believe I am ignoring you I can assure you it's not on purpose. I have selective mutism and find it hard to talk to people even through text.

Art I've made.

obi wanmaster and me

Addons luke wanted me to put.

light sabercoolpadme and meobi vibelight saber

Pub: 15 Jul 2022 13:32 UTC
Edit: 13 Nov 2022 23:06 UTC
Views: 45