hi okay so if you're someone whos not camden (hi cam) aha then uhhh hello :] u should totallyyyyyy check out her rentry here!! (this is a love letter) ... my main rentry is here btw! if u wanna know who i am or anything .............. :3

if u aren't her and stumbled here by mistake / got linked here then um BYE!!! im jk ^_^ u can stay just uh. beware i'm gonna b very cringy and ramble and you're probably gonna wonder "woah what is this gal on" lolz ... but if u don't care about love letters / ure nosy then go ahead nd read idc lolz

moving on! to camden my amazing perfect girl i lov u smmm

camden! cam! hi camdennn hi camdy cane hi cotten camdyyy!!!!!1 falls to knees. camcam camcat camcake cammie!! (ok im osrry for this lmao) camden my camden!!! <3333 i love yiu so much!! i love ranting about things i love (you know that better than anyone) and i love a lot things!! but ykw what i love most of all?!?!?!? YOU!!!!!!!!!! you're so perfetc mwah mwah mwah. i appreciate you and yap ab u wveryday (ask anyone on tspace and tumblr) i even have a tag on tumblr thats uust #tora girlfriend ..... i even ACT different around u. i can relally be myself around you. i am literally having a brainrot and i'm act super deranged ab you km sorry i love you im glad youve bared with me through me being a bit too silly. even when i'm having an episode or accusing u of lying, u haven't ever gotten mad....! god i will never get over nor enough of yiu everyday thinking of u just brightens my mood IMMEDIATely like its crazy how fast m emotions will change from super duper upset or mad to happy. like ill b so sad and then ill remmeber "hey camden said this once" and i'm happy again. i'm so so so glad ur in my life!! you make everything better!! im so glad to have you as my gf , your lovely your gorgeous your sweet your caring you have all the traits the perfect girl could have .. even if u dont believe it thats ok! cuz i believe it 4 u

ytour the sweetest most gentle person i know i love u so much. you're my cam 4ever and ever!! okay ^_^? pleas dont ever ever EVER doubt yourself or EVER think uour unloved because i'll always be here for you i love you so much darling. i'll do anything for u!! anything possible i promise i'll do it i promise i promise i promise i promise... and ik sometimes i get possessive and anxious... (dating me must b a pain in the ass) i cant even explain how much i love you i cant express this with words. i'll never get tired of saying it, i love you, i love you, i love you. hehehhee,, your the best of the best the silliest ever. i'm so glad uve helped me!! you've helped me so many times when i wanted to take my own life, i'm literally in love please understand when i say i love youuuuuuuuuuuu<3 i dont even deserve you idk how you think i deserve to be treated like this from such a sweet and caring girl im like nothing compared to u wahh i dojt get itttt .. and darling? i know that soemtimes life is bitchy and you have bad days and you feel helpless and worthless and pathetic. and i'm not much but i believe in you, i really do, i promise we'll get through it together. you don't have to b a mistake, because it's not a mistake in my eyes, it's a work of art, something admirable. i can listen, i can take it, i promise. and if you only have 1 person in the world who trusts you then its 100% me! always. and one day we'll live together and share your dog and we'll have a cat named princess and we'll name the cat's baby jippi!! (ill tell u why later) stop pls im literalky in love with you .. ur all i have hehehe

ill never get tired of saying it ahahaha .. ily ily i love you!! id take all the pain if i could just for you. even getting a message from u makes me smile!! and ur voice ahhh your voice is so cute!! its so mwah mwah i just wanna kiss youuu (only if ur comfortable with that ofc) listen to meeee i love you!! i love you and getting attention from u and eveyrjting about you i'm literally brainrotting!! i love you .. i could probably go on for hours hahaha serious when i say ill never stop yapping .. thank u for putting up with my rambling and talkativeness and silliness and awkwardness and oh my god my silly silly pretty pretty princess ahhh thank u for being patient! i know i'm not the best person but u stayed with me .. so thank u sm and ill always try and b my best for you!

even if you have nothing to talk about, thats okay too, because i love sittin in silence with you, i love the "awkward" moments, i love when you spam me mizuki stickers, i love our playful chats and when u call me a cat (even tho am not....) i love you! i want you to feel as loved as i do whenever i'm around u. do u feel loved? i hope you do .. thank u for everything ahhh

i'm so lucky to have you. im glad ive met you, so so glad. i love you so so much, darling, camden, camdy cane, and all other aliases... please remember that, okay?

ー yours truly , tora !!! ♡
Pub: 26 Jan 2024 03:43 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2024 18:55 UTC
Views: 316