"Okau i know u probablt have me in request s bt sometimes i get uncomfortable when i see your posts because youre alwats talkign about rithrr 1) wanting to kys 2) going back to yr exes or contradictingyourself or advice someone gives you and3) overall u complaina. lot and thats fine i dont take any of this personally i just find it draining to look at every day. i know u ar elike mentally unwell but its not the kind of attitude i can tolerate daily. its starting toget like reallu unbearable and ithink its judt better that i dothis before it getsany worse. thank ufor being cool tho finnie i hope u can onefay escape this spiral that youare in."

Pub: 24 Mar 2023 21:08 UTC
Edit: 12 Sep 2023 16:33 UTC
Views: 1689