Bombastichype Bambi Dance GIF


I am 1 a monogamous lesbian (Taken) 2 a minor (15 turning 16 soon) 3 mentally ill (bpd + more unlisted) 4 white 5 Autistic ADHDer with a Dave and Bambi special interest 6 atheist 7 otherkin (cat)Black Cat Running GIF

DNI 1 Omori/Omocat supporters 2 Proshippers 3 dnbnsfw artists 4 mspecles and their supporters

BYF 1 I talk A LOT !!!! I post art at a 1:100 ratio basically 2 I am not aware of a lot of things !! If I follow someone / share something bad tell me in dms please ! I never mean to 3 I can be very defensive

Small Cat Love Letter GIFMY WIFE !!Small Cat Love Letter GIF
I am happily taken by my lovely partner in crime , Mai !! We've been together for two years , and I wouldn't ever trade her for anybody else . She's the center of my universe ,, I love you so much hun !!!!Cats Holding Hands GIF

Pub: 05 Jul 2022 22:10 UTC
Edit: 30 Jul 2022 05:05 UTC
Views: 1873