• ;; @eatinghimalive (ig)
    reason : suspected cheating on me , v distant and forced me into sexual things , got with someone new a week after we broke up , openly sexted someone in front of me while we were dating , overall a freak and s/h romanticizer
  • ;; @_aiygiwgwy7 (ig)
    reason : pedophile
  • ;; @uppercrustiii (disc)
    reason : sent me sexual things while we were dating without me consenting to it , v weird
  • ;; @vince (dont know actual user due to many acc changes)
    reason : has done unexplainable things to my boyfriend , baited me into a relationship while we were friends , did not care when i was struggling , uses and manipulates people , overall a piece of shit
  • ;; @minatotoujou (ig) + any friends
    reason : tirf + exclusionist
  • ;; @galpin.edits (ig) + any friends
    reason : racist pedophile who thinks harassing minors is a peak revenge tactic also has my personal info + overrall a lousy freak who needs to get a job
Pub: 26 Jan 2024 18:54 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2024 20:23 UTC
Views: 1325