daria's url hoard !!!

bold = up for trade / easiest to get
normal = iffy / attached but tradeable
italics = keeping!!!
strikethrough = traded

if you want any of these, come here !!! even if they are marked as keeping, sometimes a deal can still be made :]
also we make templates!! see here ^^

current sys theme !

tatteredgears . undeadrevolution . rottingbrainz . ethernetexpired . expiredethernet . carnalretribution . retributionbycarnage . retribution-by-carnage . -brainrxt . bra1nr0tz . zombierobot . rotbot . rottingrobot . innrworld . brainrzt . brain_rxt

old sys theme !

elysiumofthedamned . velvetsanctum . divineheist . diviheist . elysianevocations . thecantina . b1rdcage_ . bird-cage

edgy / undead !

literallyvampiric . gutsandglory . gutzandglory . zombieszn . rezurrected . armyofthedead . de4db1te . sixfeetundr . weepingheartz . infectedbyu . gorewh0re . i-dont-bite . blood-4-blood . lesbianvampires . cataclysmal . vampireseatgarlic . bra1neater . bloodinmyveins . bloodinmyvein . end-of-the-world . dirtandgrime . apocalypticruins . blxxdy . _biohazard . intruderalert- . ant1chr1st . drawing-blood . -goth-gf . cardiac_arrest . abyzmal . mybrutallife . cataclyzmal . _crucified_ . rottenluvr . zombiebxby . night_crawler . spilled-gutz . demonx . -slaughter-house . blood-hungry . blood_flow . bl00dfl0w . blxxdflxw . bl00dymary . blxxdymary . xcarnage . nighthowler . graver0bber . poltergeiist . pxltergeist . rig0rm0rtis

edgy / cyber !

corrupt-ion . unencrypted . cyphergutz . cyberbeasts . xyberbullying . tech-deck . irlcrimew . maia-arson-crimew . cyberl1fe . irlmarkus . exposedwiring . rebooted_ . wiires

music !

ragingonasunday . spillmygutzout . septemberfirst1989 . angel-of-small-death . redhotchilipepper . the-masochismtango . horns-on-my-head . hellfreezesover . blood-in-the-water . schizophrenic-serial-killer-clown . liberationbroadcast . standingontherooftops . stupidmf- . blah-blah-blah . iworshipu . yourloveisgod . _meant2beyours . -notallowed- . wehaveitall . nillilimambo . pimstones . funkycoldmedina . you_will_be_my_girl . steam-powered-giraffes . steam_powered_giraffes . masterofpuppets- . -masterofpuppets . youburntmyhalo . reality-is-lemons . freshscarsandopenwounds . butterscotchandbubblegumdrops . body_partz . whenthepartysover . angel_in_disguise . thenidfuckingghostyou . want_a_break_from_the_ads . didthedogeatyourhomeworkagain . selfrighteoussuicide . self-righteous-suicide . experimentonme . prettylikeacarcrash . slice_of_heaven . f-r-i-e-n-d-s . tears-4-fears . itsverbatim . thenearestfailure . average_ . yallwannasinglesayfuckthat . yourfavoritelyricist . are_you_bored_yet . kill_shot . hitmewithyourkillshot . itsnotpretend . my-dragula . who-wants-to-live-forever . happier-than-ever . oh_ana . earthtodarkie . whatgoesaroundcomesaround . wheelofkarma . ananimalcannibal . roaring20s . tourniquette . allpurposehuntingblade . divinorum

space !

starexplorers . spacexplorer . spacexplorers . constellationcollector . cosmosbrownie . cosmicdustbunnie . dreeamscape . starfleshh . milky-way-galaxy

mass effect !

curethegenophage . masseffect2 . irlgarrusvakarian . irltalizorah . irljack . irlthanekrios . commandershepherd . iamomega . subjectzero . normandySR-2 . activatethekeystone . splashone . cerberusoperatives . illusiveman . thereapers . reaprs . prothean . protheans . ymirmech . massrelay . suicidemission . bioware . ssvnormandy . breakmybonesatthem . thelazarusproject . the-afterlife . paragon- . renegade- . paragon_renegade . renegade_paragon

matching !

ificanthaveyou . noonecan . prepare-for-trouble . and-make-it-double .
. gothbf- . gothgf- . -goth-bf- . -goth-gf- . goth_bf . goth_gf . mira-en-mi-mundo . los-gatitos . ieatpaper . ieatrock . ieatscissors . whenindarkness- . -lookforthelight . we_fell_in_love_in_october . thats_why_i_love_fall . mylovetoomuch . yourlovenotenough . mylove-toomuch . yourlove-notenough . mylove_toomuch . yourlove_notenough . thereisonlyonerule . leavethelightson . yallwannasingle . sayfuckthat . ownerofalonelyheart . ownerofabrokenheart . xangel . xdevil . byeguys . hiladies

cutesy !

madeofkandi . pizzeriadelgatito . www_meow . www-meow . cinnabunn . romantic-lvr . _hello_kitty_ . rollerskaters . ang-elic . lothcat . ice-cream-sundae . vanilla-sundae . chocolate-sundae . strawberry-sundae . pistachiosundae . dablooncollector . dabloondebtcollector . dabloonthief . chai_tea . cat-astrophic . glittrglue . crazyforu . crazy4lovingyou . applekitty . puddingpawz . almoondtea . mxtchaboba . doeeyez . unavailableluv . ilovemanboobs . sillytimez . marshquerade . morethanlifeitself . loverscollection . muddypawz . lovebunniez

silly !

mentally-ill-rizz . hallucinationrizz . trans-rizz . rizzedupautism . rizzedupadhd . rizzeduposdd . rizzeduppsychosis . rizzedupdyslexia . rentryrizz . immaculaterizz . fivegayfrogs . fivefrogsfriday . fff_ . unodostres

other fandoms !

mycelia . hellocadets . o-mega-mart . hatsunemikuwouldbeproud . rollforinitiative . girl_from_nowhere . prison-break . black_canary . gumball-and-darwin . sapphic-starfire . sapphic_starfire . it_was_never_meant_to_be . octo-brr . irlmochimiles . irl_jinx . ratwyfe . bullet_train . hello_chat . hichat . areyouhappychat . afellowdeadgirl . abasketcase . i_Zombie . iheartpedropascal

miscellaneous !

synopsys . catharsys . apocryphals . psychotic-break . thefanatics . griffonsunleashed . temptationcalls . bitchboys . masquerade-ball . _karma_ . k4rm4_ . ladykarma . karmasabitch . luciiddreams . luciidity . lucidreaming . livinglucid . mirage_ . bitchbxy . your-worst-nightmare . mystical_ . mysticall . mysticoll . mythical_ . mythicoll . -y2kz . malach1te . telepathetic . hypn0tic . meditationcraft . eclecticwitch . adrenal1ne . agoraphobix . allophile . apathyy . at0mpunk . bullet_proof . catalystt . crxssroads . collectiive . deathheadsmoth . deliriumdosage . drugstore_perfume . d0gtag . fire_drill . friendlyfiire . habituall . hazardsalive . highwater . hollowpoint . hypnohymn . infern0 . kaleiidoscope . lemonlimelithium . lemonadelottery . magiceightball . mourningdew . nuanced . nuances . pain_killer . 0xytocin . paramoure . poacherspriide . point_blank . p0rcelain . psychiic . rabiies . rabiid . rhaps0dy . r0ulette . runawayy . saacred . self_sabotage . sharkbaiit . ship_wreck . ship_wrecked . smokinggun . sicken-ing . snakebiite . spiiderbiite . tiltedtombstones . vvintage . crystallvr . industries . sierra-mist . s1erram1st . amaryllium

Pub: 10 Jun 2024 20:53 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2024 20:54 UTC
Views: 808