hey! i think dni lists are completely fucking pointless, since nothing is actually stopping those you disagree with from interacting with you, so instead of having one of those, i'm making a list of stuff i hate. this is, of course, incomplete, because the giant mass of self-righteousness that i call my hatelist will never stop growing. but here's a small sample. layout inspired by infern0's hatelist.

1) METAL ELITISTS! "omg no you can't call generic band 28428045 death metal they're obviously avant-garde thrash metal with blackened goregrind elements" guess what? no one fucking cares! they are air vibrations going through your eardrum, it doesn't fucking matter what name you give it!

2) ANDREW GOD DAMN HUSSIE! don't get me wrong, i'm as big of a homestuck nerd as anyone, but even with all its flaws, the worst thing about homestuck is its fucking author. he never got a fan consensus on the retcon before making it, and then was confused when everyone fucking HATED IT, myself included! no one knows what happened to the kickstarter money either, he probably just took it and ran for all we know!


4) INTROVERTS! specifically, those who make being introverted their whole personality. like, shut the fuck up. we get it, you hate talking to people or public speaking and you'd rather be at home. you don't have to mention it in every single sentence! ESPECIALLY when they make fun of extroverts. "eughhh how can you stand being around people all the time XD" BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU, I ACTUALLY HAVE A FUCKING LIFE! people with social anxiety don't count under this, because if they did i would be ableist or whatever.

5) PEOPLE WHO HATE SEX FOR NO REASON! trust me, it's not as taboo as you think. i mostly see asexuals getting mad when people talk about having sex, being horny, etc. and while that's understandable, just let people live their lives! if it doesn't directly affect you, and whatever they're fantasizing about is in good faith, then just leave them be. just because you find it gross or unappealing doesn't mean you can be angry at those who don't.

6) PEOPLE WHO CALL EVERYTHING SILLY! sure, it might all be ironic, but it got annoying very quickly. the word "silly" now has been devoid of all meaning, only to be used by terminally online teenagers who have neither social skills nor a decent sized vocabulary. the internet ruined an entire fucking word. let that sink in.

7) WHEN I LIKE A BAND AND FIND OUT THEY'RE HORRIBLE BIGOTS! mostly in the metal scene. most metal bands consist of racists, sexists, homophobes, whatever, and it's rare to find one that isn't! this doesn't stop me from listening to their music, since i know how to separate the art from the artist, but god, does it feel weird.

8) PEOPLE WHO BLAST THEIR MUSIC OUT OF THEIR CARS! yeah, i'm sure you love your shitty spanish rap soooo much, but it doesn't need to be so loud that the sidewalk vibrates with the bassline!

Pub: 14 Sep 2023 21:44 UTC
Views: 27